The First Glee Project

Glee Club


"Now as you all may know, we are Seoul High's new OFFICIAL glee club!"  Mr. Jung said clapping as there was a weak applause from everyone except the geeks.

"And for the celebration.  I've been thinking we could start on our VERY first project!"

"Ooohhh!  Are we going to do Kelly Clarkson??  She is ABSOLUTELY amazing!"  Jessica said.

"What a loser.."  Hyorin muttered as she was sitting close to Jay.

"YES!  In fact We are going to be doing... wait for it.... AMERICAN IDOL STARS!!!!!"  Once the last words left his lips everyone clapped and cheered.

"Omygoodnes.. AMAZING!  I'm definitely going to be doing Kelly Clarkson!"  Jessica yelled in delight.

"That is AWESOME!"  Luna said smiling, 

"American idol stars are the best." IU said shyly.

"If we're talking about american idol.. Its for SURE david archuleta!"  Wooyoung said.

"More like David cook."  Jonghyun battled.

"I've always loved kris allen's covers.  They were amazing."  Daesung in.

"Alright alright.  I see you all have your own favorite american idol stars.  Come back after school and we'll see what all of you have for us today.  And you may also get in pairs or even if you'd like."  Then the bell rang signalling the end of lunch and everyone left the room to get to their next class.

"Hey wait!  Jessica right?"  Luna yelled running after Jessica with IU.

"Yea.  You're luna right?"  Jessica asked.

"Yea.  I was just thinking maybe we should do a ??  I mean.  It would be cool and we could make it our very OWN cover.  And also, i LOVE kelly clarkson."  Luna said without IU nodding her head .

"Alright... I like the sound of it.... And i've got the PERFECT idea for the song."  Jessica said smiling as they walked together excitedly.



"Soo... What do you think you're gonna do for the american idol star song thing?"  Junhyung asked.

"Im not sure... i honestly dont really care..."  Jay said.

"We should do something together.  I can rap or do something else and you can.. you know.. sing."  Junhyung suggested.  Jay just looked at him then looked up at the front again.


"What are you going to be doing for the song cover HYorin?"  Tiffany asked, "I was thinking that i'd do maybe Jordin Sparks or... maybe not.. i dont know"

"I dont know.. Maybe a little of kelly clarkson?"  Hyorin said.

"Really?  But didnt you hear that Jessica girl was gonna do a kelly clarkson song?"   Sekyung asked.  Hyorin looked at her, "All the more reason to do it."

"Ahh.. I see where this is getting at."  Tiffany said, "You're still jealous about that look that Jay gave her when she was singing yesterday."

"Thats not it!  Jay would NEVER like a loser like her!"  Hyorin yelled.  

"Then i guess you wont mind that 'loser' is going over to talk to him right now."  Tiffany gestured to Jay.

"That !"  Hyorin said with wide open.

"Well... Not really.. At least she covers up unlike most s."  Sekyung said.  As Tiffany and Hyorin looked at her.

"Besides.. At lease she doesnt cheat on her boyfriend over the winter break."  Tiffany jabbed.

"Excuse me?"  Hyorin asked.

"Oh come on.. Dont act like you dont know what im talking about."

"You promised you wouldnt tell."

"And i wont.. But he's gnna find out.. Jay's not that dumb."  Tiffany finished.  Hyorin looked away with slight worry and anger.


Jay slammed his locker door shut but jumped once he saw Jessica, "You gotta stop doing that."

"Sorry.. I just... wanted to talk."  Jessica said.

"What is it?"

"WHat are you going to be doing for the american idol cover stuff?"  Jessica asked clutching her binder.

"Not really sure... ANd dont really care."  Jay said leaning against his locker.

"I thought so... So i came on over to tell you.. Maybe you should do a david cook cover.  The man is a genius and.. I think your voice would suit his type of songs very well." 

"David cook?  Dont really know him that well though."  

"All the more reason to do it..  That way you wont feel the artist's STYLING of their song.. But FEEL the song itself."  Jessica said.  

"Are you usually this deep?"  Jay asked.  She giggled a bit, "Only when it concerns something this important."

"Important?... You barely even know me.. Why are you helping me with my choice of song?"  He asked.

"Cause... I understand you.. And it might be a little creepy that im saying this to you but.. I know you understand me... We both LOVE to sing even thoughtyou'd want to deny it.. You love it.."  Jessica said.

"Well... i've asked my friends and my girlfriend.. But they all said i should just stick to breakdancing.  And i sorta agree with them.  I mean breakdancing is cool but singing-"  Jessica cut him off.

"Why are you with a girl who doesnt even acknowledge your talent like i do?"  Jessica asked.  Jay was caught off guard and couldnt respond.

"See?  You cant even answer that question..  Hyorin only cares for her popularity.  Not for you."

"Hyorin's my girlfriend... She cares about me and i care about her."  Jay said  which made Jessica silent as they looked at each other in the eyes.  

"Did i hear my name?"  Hyorin came over with a smile as she went up to kiss Jay.  Jessica looked away and felt uncomfortable as they were full on making out.  Jay was the first to pull away since he noticed this was strange behavior even for Hyorin.

Hyorin turned to Jessica with a smile, "Mind going away?  I wanna hang out with my boyfriend."  

"Sure..." Jessica started walking away but stopped as she looked at Jay, "Bye, Jay."

Jay gave a slight smile as she walked off.  Hyorin watched her.

"Whats with you?"  Jay asked.

"What are you talking about?"  Hoyrin asked.

"The making out?  You never go that extreme from the start."

"I just love my boyfriend A LOT."  Hyorin then went in for another kiss but Jay looked away which made Hyorin look worry.

"I'd like it if you'd warn me first... And.. Stop being so mean towards Jessica."  

"What?"  Hyorin laughed a little out of disbelief, "You never cared about her before.."

"Well things change Hyorin."  Jay said as he walked away.

Hyorin scoffed as she watched him walk off.


"Alright class.  It's 4:00 and time for your covers.  Who'd like to come up first?"  Mr. Jung asked.

"We will Mr. jung!"  Wooyoung raised his hand for him, Daesung, and Jonghyun.

"Alright.  What would you be singing for us today you guys?"

"Crush by David Archuleta."  Daesung said.

As they started off Daesung sang the first few lines, then Wooyoung came in and Jonghyun came on the bridge as they sang together during the chorus.  Everyone was mesmerized by their voices and they applaused once they were done.

"That was awesome you guys!"  Mr. Jung applaused, "Anyone next?"

"We'll be singing Kelly Clarkson."  Hyorin said as she went up with Tiffany and Sekyung.

Jessica's smile faded as she heard that.  Hyorin smiled at her then looked away.  The music started and it was soon revealed that they were singing Behind these hazel eyes

Jessica was uncomfortable as they were singing.  Hyorin sang most of the lines as the cheerleaders were basically back up.  Everyone thought this was weird but clapped anyways.  Anyways it was obvious she was only singing it to rub it in Jessica's face, as she was not only singing a kelly clarkson, Jessicas idol, song but also getting all over Jay who was shifting in his chair uncomfortably.

Hyorin sat on his lap as she was hitting the high note.  Then she got up and looked at Jessica for a split second and kept singing with the cheerleaders.  

Once they were done everyone clapped.

"That was... something.  Wasnt it everyone?"  Mr. Jung asked as Hyorin was standing there looking proud. 

"Maybe next time though, you should focus on singing to everyone, not only just one person."  Mr. Jung said obviously pointing at Jay who was still sitting there uncomfortably.

"Dont worry Mr. Jung... I wasnt JUST singing to Jay.."  Hyorin said slyly looking at Jessica who was a bit angry.

"Alright... Jay?  You wanna go?"  Mr. Jung asked.

"Yea.. Uh.. Im gonna be doing something with Junhyung on the guitar."  Jay said as they stood up and went to the front.   Jay then started to sing the time of my life by david cook

Everyone was immersed in his singing and Junhyung's guitar skills as they were performing. Through the second verse Jessica was smiling slightly as she was looking at Jay dreamily.  He was closing his eyes and feeling the song as Jessica told him to do and when he opened them, surprisingly he wasnt looking at Hyorin but at Jessica for a little while until he looked away and kept singing.

Hyorin noticed this whole interaction and grew angry inside.

As Jay was nearing the end of his song he looked at Jessica one last time and finished.  Everyone then applaused as he kept looking at Jessica and Jessica looking back smiling and clapping.

"That was beautiful Jay and Junhyung... Really.. It was amazing."  Mr. Jung said as they finished applausing.  Jay and Junhyung then sat down.

"Alright.  Jessica?"  Mr. Jung asked.

"I'm gonna be singing My life would without you by Kelly Clarkson with Luna and IU."  Then the music came on as they were still in their seats.  

*Guess this means you're sorryYou're standing at my doorGuess this means you take backWhat you said before* Jessica sang as she slowly started walking down the steps to the front.

*Like how much you wanted anyone but meSaid you'd never come backBut here you are again*  Luna sang as she linked arms with IU and walking down the steps as well.  Then they all ran to the front and sang the chorus together jumping up and down.

*Cause we belong together now, yeahForever united here somehow, yeahYou got a piece of me and honestlyMy life would without you*  Everyone was getting energized and clapped some even jumped along with them.

*Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbyeMaybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight*  IU sang as she came closer to Wooyoung and smiling and singing at the same time with Wooyoung smiling and clapping.

*I know that I've got issuesBut you're pretty messed up tooEither way I found out I'm nothing without you*  Jessica started to sing as she came to Jay who sang those few lines with her too.  Hyoring noticed and grew even more angry but she sat still not doing anything.

*'Cause we belong together now, yeahForever united here somehow, yeahYou got a piece of me and honestlyMy life would without you*  They started singing the chorus again and jumped up and down encouraging the others to do the same.  Everyone was rocking out except for Hyorin who sat there pouting.

*Being with you is so dysfunctionalI really shouldn't miss youBut I can't let you goOh yeah*  Jessica sang.  Then during the lalala part everyone sang along.  clapping in rhythmic motion.

*'Cause we belong together now, yeah yeahForever united here somehow, yeahYou got a piece of me and honestlyMy life would without you
'Cause we belong together now, yeahForever united here somehow, yeahYou got a piece of me and honestlyMy life would without you*  Everyone started jumping and dancing around again while Jessica took care of the adlibs.  

Once they were finished with the song.  Everyone cheered and clapped.

"WoW!  You guys  that was INCREDIBLE!!  Great way to end the day!"  Mr. Jung praised them as they smiled happily.  

After the Glee Club  everyone was leaving the room.

"Hey Jessica."  Jay said stopping her. "You were amazing today."

She smiled warmly at him, "Thank you.  I thought your david cook cover was incredible."

"Thanks... Its all because of you though.  You gave me the idea."  He said smiling.  Jessica smiled and blushed abit as Hyorin passed by bumping her shoulder a bit.

"hyorin!"  Jay yelled, "Sorry about that."  He told Jessica.  Jessica just shook her head, "Its fine.. You should go after her."

Jay smiled a bit then left.  Jessica sighed slightly sad.



"Hey dude!  We were awesome!"  Junhyung said stopping Jay.

"Hey yea thanks for playing guitar."  Jay said fast looking at Hyorin's retreating figure.

"Wats wrong?"  Junhyung looked around, "Something the matter between you guys?"

"Just.."  Jay sighed, "She's being soo.... ugh.."

"Oohh.. Did you find out?"  Junhyung asked having pity on his face.

"What?"  Jay asked.

"Its alright dude i got your back... Sometimes girls just.... decide to cheat.. we cant really do anything about it though.. although... its kinda sad that Hyorin decided to cheat on you with our rival football team's quarterback, Seungho."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"  Jay asked enraged.

"Wait.. You didnt know?... uhh... crap.... this is embarrassing..."  Junhyung said scratching the back of his head.  Jay ran after hyorin.

"Jay!"  Junhyung yelled, "I messed things up reall bad...."




"HYORIN!"  Jay yelled as Hyorin stopped and turned around to face him.

"Dont you have to be with your new loser friend?"  Hyorin asked in a bratty way referring to Jessica.

"You got a lot of nerve getting mad at me."  Jay said getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

"What?!  OF COURSE i'd be MAD AT YOU!  You're basically CHEATING ON ME WITH A LOSER!!  ANd getting mad at me for being mean towards her?!  She's a loser!!!  Of course she'd be made fun of!"

"Cheating??!!  Accusing ME of cheating??!!  Coming from the one who cheated on me with Seungho... quarterback from J. Tune high."  

Hyorin was shocked and just stared at Jay.

"What??  Thought you could keep it a secret?"

"Jay.. i-"

"Get away from me!  Jessica was right about you..."  Jay started walking away.

"SO what are you gonna do now?!  Go out with that loser?!"  Hyorin yelled.  He turned around, "I trusted you Hyorin... i CARED about you... but it turned out that Jessica, a quote on quote loser, cares more about me than you ever did."  Jay then walked away leaving Hyorin to cry.





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Jello. cx ily.
wonderkris #2
cute!! my cousin said its a bit fun
_nonsensical #3
I love Glee! Really anticipating this story! I liked Rachel and Finn! I hope WooU can be like them!
Ohh I lovew this story wahoo I love, I mean adore glee!!! I can't wait 4 the update!! Oh I hope u add in some Woou (milky couple) moments hehe I totally adore them as we'll hehe ^-^
xxKidLeaderxx #5
Loved the update can't wait for next chapter Fighting!!!!<br />
xxKidLeaderxx #6
I love it definatly subscribing
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p.s i love watching Glee!! hehe..