A Fresh Start

Glee Club


*SIGH*  "This is it."  Jessica said to herself as she left the bus with her cute back-from-winter-break outfit:http://www.collegefashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/usa-world-cup-outfit-2.jpg

She gave a big smile to boost her already-confident self and walked up to the entrance of Seoul High.  Once she entered the hallway she walked straight to her locker (everyone knew she didnt have any friends who were waiting for her, but that still didnt bring her down).  Jessica was still smiling as she entered her lock combination.  Once she opened the door, though, a rocket of red paint flew straight at her. Everyone stared and some laughed as she stood their shocked with wide open.  Nearby, there were a few cheerleaders giggling: Hyorin, Sekyung and Tiffany. 

"Wow.  Quite a surprise after winter break isnt it?"  Hyorin said with a sly smile as she walked up to the red-paint-soaked Jessica.  Jessica just stood there looking at her bewildered.

"Dont worry the paint will wash off.  Its your ugly face thats gonna be hard to get rid of."  Tiffany jabbed as she walked up behind Hyorin, giggling.

Sekyung just stood there smiling.  Jessica wiped off as much paint as she could with her red hands and looked up at them with anger in her eyes, "You know what?  One of these days all your wrongdoings will catch up to you.  And thats a promise."

"Sure.  But its not going to be today, geek."  Hyorin said as she stalked off with Sekyung and Tiffany.

Jessica shut her locker and went to the bathroom so that she could wash off her stained shirt and face.


"Hey dude!!"  Junhyung yelled as he ran on over to Jay.

"Wats up?"  Jay said as he fist bumped Junhyung.

"Nothing much.  Just was grounded for those whole freaking two weeks.  Freaking horrible dude.  Wat about you?  Had some quality time with Hyorin?"  Junhyung asked with a sly smile.

"Shut up dude."  Jay said as he blushed a pushed Junhyung.

Junhyung laughed then looked up ahead, "Speaking of the devil."  Hyorin was walking up to them with a smile and then she suddenly kissed Jay without warning.

"Guess ill back off and give you guys some time."  Junhyung said as they were still kissing and ignoring him.

They broke it off and smiled at each other.

"Hey babe, how was winter break?"  Jay asked smiling.  

"You should know.  You were with me the whole time."  Hyorin said as she still had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I love you."  Jay said as he bent down for another kiss.

"Ugh.  get a room."  Luna muttered as she passed them by along with IU.  

"Shhh.. They might hear you."  IU whispered loudly.

"They'd probably hear YOU, with you whispering so loudly."  Luna said. "Ugh... These populars.  Thinking they could do WHATEVER they want.  so stupid."  

"Oww!"  Luna accidentally bumped into someone and looked up as she saw Jonghyun, Wooyoung, and Daesung.  

"Sorry."  Jonghyun said smiling.  

"Its fine."  She said, then they walked away.  "And then there's the geek squad."  Luna muttered as she and IU watched them walk and get pushed by some football players along with Jay and Junhyung.

"Lets go IU."  Luna said as she walked away with IU hurrying after her when the bell rang.


"Alright class!  Hope everyone did their assignment over winter break."  Mr. Jung said in korean.

Everyone looked around not knowing a single word of what he just said, except for a few like Jay who didnt even CARE what he just said.

"Of course not."  Mr. Jung muttered in english.  "Well then.  Lets get started.  Now you see the sheet of paper in front of you?  We're going to read it one by one.  Starting froomm-"  He looked around and laid his eyes on Jay who was playing with his pencil and not noticing.

"Jay!"  Jay looked up once his name was called and slightly looked around, "What?"

"Please start reading for us."  Mr. Jung asked.  Jay took the paper and looked at it carefully.  Then he started reading VERY slowly and HORRIBLY.  

"Gonna be a while..."  Mr. Jung muttered in  korean and sighed.


*RIINNGGGG!!!!*  The bell rang signalling the time for lunch and for clubs.

Mr. Jung left to his office and once he entered it he saw red, blue, etc.  an array of colors all over his room (Spraypaint).  He sighed.


"JAY PARK.  PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE. JAY PARK."  The loud speaker said as everyone kept ignoring it and walked to their clubs, the field, and other places where they were allowed to eat lunch.

"What is it?"  Jay asked as he entered the office.

"Jay.  Please take a seat."  The principal said as Jay lazily sat down on the chair.

"It has come to my attention that you and a couple of other delinquents vandalized some school property during winter break."  

"What??"  Jay feigned surprise


"YEAHHHH!!!!"  Jay yelled as he and some of his football buddies vandalized Mr. Jung's office.

" IT!!"  One yelled.



Jay shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Now.  Im sure you dont want to be the only one punished for your actions since you had some help..  So.. Are you going to tell me who those others are?"

Jay looked down and hesitated but then looked up at the principal, "Suspension?  Expulsion?  Cause ill take it."  

The principal sighed, "No.  im sure Mr. Jung would like to deal with you himself.  Please go ahed to his office."

Jay left the chair and the room and headed for Mr. Jung's office.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in."  Mr. Jung said as he was still looking at the mess and on how to clean it up.  He looked behind him and saw that it was Jay, "Jay.  I would ask you to sit down but... you really cant."  He said half sarcastically.

"Right... Im really sorry about that Mr. Jung."  Jay said

"Its fine.  Students always have grudges against specific teachers.  Trust me i had one too. "  

"Riiighttt.. Look.. Im just here to take whatever punishment sooo uhh.."  Jay said.

"Listen  Jay.  I would love to give you your punishment right now and get it over with... but i dont have one... I'll keep you updated alright?  Come by my office again after school."

Jay slightly rolled his eyes as he left the office.


*When your world crashes down, shattering to the ground.  You!  You feel all alone~*  Jessica sat there singing Gift of a friend by demi lovato quietly to herself on the bleachers, watching the cheerleaders practicing during lunch.

Mr. Jung happened to pass by and heard her voice.  He then went up to the bleachers and watched her as she finished singing the song.  He clapped and smiled as he appeared before her.  

Jessica looked startled, "Mr. Jung-"

"That was extremely beautiful Jessica!"  Mr. Jung said, "Wow.. Not only are you my best student (Period 2)  But you have an amazing voice!"

Jessica kinda smiled a bit, "At least someone thinks so."

"Whats wrong?"  Mr. jung asked as he sat beside her.

"Its just... I feel so out of place here.. Like... a true geek.."  Jessica said, sullen.

"You're not a geek.  You're amazing Jessica."  Mr. Jung said trying to cheer her up.

"I just.. I just realllyy want to find my caling in life.. And i know im only fifteen but.. It feels like time is ticking for me."  Jesica said.

Mr. Jung thought for a bit then an idea lit up in his head, "Wait a second... I have an idea.."  He left as Jessica sat there confused


"A glee club???"  The Principal asked.

"It would be PERFECT for those students who need to express themselves as singers or even dancers."  Mr. Jung said trying to persuade him.

"I dont know... We have many clubs here."

"Come on.. You'd be saving MANY students here who feel like they dont belong in any sports or athletic type of things..."

The principal thought very carefully, "alright... I'll let you make a glee club."

"Thank you so much-"

"On one condition... WITH your group of glee students... i would like it if you could make it to at LEAST regionals."

Mr. Jung nodded, "most definitely."


"Glee club?!"  Jessica said to herself a little too loudly, after school, RIGHT when Mr. Jung put up a simple sign up sheet (lined paper with the words "Glee Club sign up")

"Thats right."  Mr. Jung said proudly. 

"4:00 PM in the old music room."  She read.  Then she looked up at him, "I'll be there."  Then Jessica walked off extremely fast because of her excitement.

Other students like Luna, IU, wooyoung, jonghyun, daesung, etc.  also looked at the paper with slight interest.

"Are you gonna go luna?"  IU asked.

"I dont know.. Maybe worth a small chance."  Luna said.


"Mr. Jung?  I came."  Jay said.

"Oh Jay.  Right."  Mr. Jung said.

"Did you figure out something for me?"

"Actually yes i did.  I would liek you to join our newest Glee club for at least a month."  Mr.Jung said.

"We have a glee club?"  Jay asked.

"Well NEW.  You see we're trying to give a chance to those who havent found their place in this school yet."

"Oh you mean the losers."  Jay said.  Mr. jung gave him a face, "Just join for a whole month and after that you can leave, if you choose to."

"But... Thats social suicide."  Jay said, "I'd rather take suspension."

"This will be good for you.. You get to acknowledge others with musical talents.  Just like how others acknowledge your dancing skills."

Jay gave up as he sighed with a could care less expression on his face.


"Alright.  Thank you everyone for coming."  Mr. Jung said to all the audition applicants for the glee club:  Daesung, Wooyoung, Jonghyun, luna, IU, Jessica, Jay and surprisingly Junhyung, Hyorin, TIffany, and Sekyung.

"Why are we here again?"  Tiffany whispered to Hyorin.

"Cause.. Who knows what'll happen to Jay if we leave him alone with these geeks... he might get geekified.."

"Geekified?"  Sekyung asked, clueless, as Tiffany and Hyorin rolled their eyes.

"Dude you didnt have to come."  Jay whispered to Junhyung.

"Its cool dude.  I got your back."  Junhyung said smiling.

"Your afraid to go back to your mom arent you?"  Jay asked.

Junhyung laughed a small bit, "You know me so well."

"Alright.  Now does anyone want to go ahead and sing first?  We even have our personal three-men band.  They're here for ALL of glee club to help with instrumentals"  Mr. Jung said as he gestured to the band and everyone clapped.

"Whoa wait singing??"  Jay asked, "You never said anything about that."

"Well of course it's implied.  Its GLEE club."  Jessica said, snotty.

"Back off geek."  Hyorin told her.

"No YOU back off.  IF you guys are here just cause you wanna make fun of us or you just think you might as well waste your time here.  Then LEAVE.  All of us are here cause we love to sing."  Jessica said which made Hyorin give her a dirty look.

"Alright alright... well then Jessica, since you seem like you're confident enough, why dont you start it off for us?"  Mr. Jung said.  Jessica smiled then stood up and walked to the front as everyone clapped except for the cheerleaders and Jay.

"Im going to be singing 'The Only Exception'."   The music started and Jessica started to sing:http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&list=WL44D4EABFC61EF9D0&feature=endscreen&v=mWEQ49c_x1g

Right when she started the first few lines everyone was captivated by her voice (though the cheerleaders tried to deny it).  Jay slowly started gaining interest in her as she kept singing.  He saw her in a different light..  And when he kept staring at her he saw this strange glow coming from her.. as if she was shining.  One she was finished he was completely captivated but snapped out of it when Mr. Jung started speaking.

"Wow.  That was amazing Jessica!"  Mr. Jung said as he kept clapping along with all the others.

"Thank you."  Jessica said with a big smile.  Then she sat back down.

"ALright.... Jay?  Would you like to go next?"  Mr. Jung asked after the clapping.

"No.. I dont sing.. .Just dance."  Jay said as he sat comfortably in his chair.

"Well.. Its Glee.. Just give it a chance."  

Jay looked slightly around.  "Just get it over with babe.  I'll be cheering for you."  Hyorin said with a smile.  Jay then stood up and walked over to the front after a few seconds.  There was a weak applause.

"I guess i'll uhh... sing 'Billionaire'"  He then started singing:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-PPV8Qx3xw.   And as he finished the first few lines Jessica looked at him just as he looked at her as she sang.  She couldnt deny to herself taht he was good and that.. There was something inside of him that she knew was waiting to come out.  something good.. something bright.  Once he finished his singing/rapping  everyone clapped.

"Awesome!"  Mr. Jung said smiling, "Anyone next?"  Junhyung raised his hand, "I'll go!  But i kinda.. well.. rap only."

"Sure go for it."  Mr. jung said.  Junhyung went up then started rappinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBFOjFjsp3I

After his 13 seconds of rapping everyone widened their eyes especially Jay.

"Incredible.. did you make that up yourself?"  Mr. Jung asked.

"Yea kinda.."  Junhyung said shyly.

"Thats cool.. Awesome dude."  Mr. Jung said.  Junhyung smiled then ran back to his seat.

"Dude.. I didnt know you could rap."  Jay whispered.

"Well.. kinda kept it a secret."  Junhyung said still kinda smiling.

IU then was up next as she sang:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_-eanF50y4&feature=related  Everyone clapped especially Luna when she was done as she smiled sweetly.

And so the auditions went by super fast and everyone made it.  Even the cheerleaders who didnt want to join it but did it for Jay.


"Alright dude ill see you later."  Jay said to Junhyung.

"I'll see you later too."  Hyorin said as she walked up to him and kissed him on the lips.

"See you babe."  He said smiling.  Once he turned around he almost jumped when he saw Jessica right behind him.

"I just came over here to tell you... You were pretty good."  She said.

"Uhh thanks...."  Jay said kinda awkwardly.

"I know we've never talked before but... I think there's something in you.. You're.. good.."  Jessica said then she started to walk away.

"Wait... What are you talking about?"  

"I'm just saying.. You're a good singer.. Why dont you ever sing?"

"Well.. cause.. it's not that cool ya know?"  Jay said thinking on it.

"Whatever you LOVE to do.. Doesnt have to be cool..  Everyone has their own shine... Trust me... Yours is Definitely singing AND dancing.."  Jessica smiled a bit as she left.

Jay stood there as he thought over her words.  Then he walked away as well.


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Jello. cx ily.
wonderkris #2
cute!! my cousin said its a bit fun
_nonsensical #3
I love Glee! Really anticipating this story! I liked Rachel and Finn! I hope WooU can be like them!
Ohh I lovew this story wahoo I love, I mean adore glee!!! I can't wait 4 the update!! Oh I hope u add in some Woou (milky couple) moments hehe I totally adore them as we'll hehe ^-^
xxKidLeaderxx #5
Loved the update can't wait for next chapter Fighting!!!!<br />
xxKidLeaderxx #6
I love it definatly subscribing
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p.s i love watching Glee!! hehe..