Time and Fireworks


The story about how he fought with the time, fireworks, and himself.


Kim Jongin and time, wasn't a good match. He hated the ticking sound of the clock; asked him to run. He tried to run, run, run, and run, but in the end every cell of him gave up; begged the time to slowed down. He was tired, he needed to rest. But the time, wouldn't listen.

Kim Jongin and fireworks, wasn't a good match either. He liked fireworks; they could brighten up the dark sky and enliven the quiet night. But he hated how it could easily disappear so he begged the new year fireworks for not extinguished. They rejected him.

He kept begging without realized that they wouldn't listen to every favor he would ask.  






Hi there! I'm so sorry for the bad english, i'll try to fix it soon ^^ 


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