

 "I'll miss you guys!" Hayoung confessed to her parents with a heavy sigh. She opened her arms wide as a sign for them to hug her goodbye.

        "We'll miss you too!" both of her parents went into her arms and hugged her tightly. They were letting go of their one and only child far away from home; Japan to be exact. It was only a few days trip but to them it felt like years.

        "Please don't ever lose your passport or you might end up living in the streets there," her mom jokingly said to brighten up the atmosphere and gave her a motherly smile. 

        "Ok boss!" Hayoung replied while giving her a salute.

        The three of them laughed together before Hayoung finally stepped her feet into the boarding hall with a heavy heart.


Hayoung sat cross-legged on one of the chairs provided. It has no cushion whatsoever so she kept on moving to hit the sweet comfortable spot. She fiddled with her earphones which were tangled because she was too lazy to wrap it properly.

        A tall figure was seen at the corner of Hayoung's eyes; slowly walking toward her area. She took a quick glance at the personas humans are highly attracted to movementsbefore focusing back on her earphones business.

        The person sighed heavily before landing himself on the cold metal surface of the chair; at the opposite of Hayoung. He could be described as a tall, rather masculine guy who has a great fashion sense; donning a simple white t-shirt, a loose ed flannel shirt outside it and a ripped black jeans for his skinny yet somehow muscular legs. 

        "What's up with this guy?" Hayoung whispered to herself, wondering why in the world did he sit right in front of her when there were clearly dozens of empty seats around them. She couldn't be bothered as she was too busy with her earphones. At last, it was untangled after a few minutes of pure determination and sweat forming on the surface of her palms.

        The guy was smiling all along looking at  how cute Hayoung was trying to untangle the earphones with her tongue sticking out like a puppy.

        "It was hard, huh?" the guy suddenly opened his mouth. The words came out spontaneously from him.

        "Um yeah kinda," Hayoung replied nonchalantly as she plugged in the earphone jack into the hole located at the bottom of her phone. She absolutely didn't care about the fact that a stranger just talked to her unexpectedly.

        The guy was about to ask her something when he was interrupted by the sound of chimes that is usually played before an announcement.

        "Attention. May I have your attention  please. Flight KE901 has touched down. Passengers may now line up and get your boarding pass and passports checked before boarding the plane. Thank you."

        Hayoung got up from her seat and slung her backpack over her shoulders. The guy did the same; except that his backpack was way more packed with his stuffs and made him look like a hunchback. 

        They both lined up in front of the flight attendant that was in charged of checking the passenger's boarding pass and passports.

        Hayoung was swept away in her own fantasy while listening to the songs in her playlist. The line moved surprisingly quick and it was her at the front now. She handed her boarding pass and passport to the person in charge while bopping her head to the song she was listening to. The flight attendant gave them back to her and put on a sweet smile on her face. "Have a good journey!"

        The guy also got his checked and both of them proceeded into the long tunnel that is connected to the front opening of the airplane which felt like years to arrive. 

        They were warmly welcomed by the cabin crews standing in front to greet the passengers. Hayoung made her way down the aisle; passing the rows of seats until she finally reached her designated seat. She tiptoed to put her backpack in the overhead bin but struggled as she still couldn't reach it even with added height.

        The tall guy whom she met just now was standing beside her; helping her store her backpack with ease. His height was definitely an advantage in this case. 

        "Thank you," Hayoung thanked him and was a bit flustered.

        "Don't mention it."

        Hayoung sat on the soft, padded cushion of the chair right beside the small window opening that was facing the wing of the airplane.  

        After arranging his backpack in the overhead bin, he settled himself onto the seat beside Hayoung. She was absolutely unaware of her surroundings as her eyes were fixed at the view outside the window. He cleared his throat to gain her attention. "Hey, we meet again."

         Hayoung snapped to reality. "Wow, what a coincidence," she replied nonchalantly as she saw the sight of the guy who kept on appearing everywhere she goes. She wasn't in the mood to start a conversation whatsoever as she was quite tired, but that didn't stop her to open up a novel to read to kill time.

        After a few minutes of take off, he decided to go to sleep as it was 7:15AM KSTwhich is the time that he's still sleeping during the weekends. He needed his beauty sleep as he was about to face a twelve hours nonstop flight.

        A few hours later

        The guy slowly lifted his heavy eyelids but squinted his eyes after that; trying to adjust the amount of light entering his retinas. The first thing he noticed was the cabin crews who seemed busy pushing the food trolleys. Moving his face closer to his wrist, he stared at the hour and minute hand of his watch: 9:36AM. Side eyeing to his right, he saw Hayoung who was still engrossed with the novel that she was reading from the beginning. "Wow, how can she not sleep or get airsickness from that?" he wondered.

        One of the stewardesses slowly approached him with a food trolley that was packed with a variety of food and drinks. She carefully placed a breakfast meal set onto each of their tray tables; which consisted of baked beans, scrambled eggs, mixed vegetables, a bun and a small packet of strawberry jam. "Would any of you want any side orders?" she asked politely.

        Hayoung opened first before he could. "One banana milk please."

        "I'll have one, too," he replied right after her.

        The stewardess moved on after serving both of them.

        Hayoung rolled up her sleeves so it won't get splattered with food. The guy scanned his surroundings when his eyes laid onto something that caught his attention; the bracelet that she was wearing on her wrist. He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at the bracelet that he was wearinga black, braided leather braceletthat was crazy similar as hers. 

        "Nice bracelet you've got there. Where did you get it from?" he asked curiously as his eyes widened.

        "Oh thanks. This is a friendship bracelet. My friend has one too," she replied, shoving a spoonful of baked beans into .

        "Ah, really? That's cute." Dejavu. It got him. "Friendship bracelet? Mine's also a friendship bracelet that was given by a friend. Coincidentally, mine's the same as hers. Could it be?" he thought to himself, wondering if her friend isin facthim.

        He opened up a conversation about her bracelet to get details about it for confirmation." I know this is weird and sudden of me to ask you this but, can you tell me the story about this friend of yours? If you don't mind," he bravely asked, hoping not to get ignored.

         "Well... He was a caring boy who was always by my side and I loved him for that. I had to move to another state so I decided to give him a matching friendship bracelet and I made him promise to always wear it where ever he goes and not break it. I hope he's still wearing it now. Until now, I've lost contact with him. If only we owned a phone back then so we could exchange numbers or something. Haha."

         "This story sounds waaay too similar as mine," he thought. "Where do you think he is now?"

         "I have no idea. He could be in korea or studying overseas, no one knows."

         "Oh," he murmured. He was still skeptical, whether or not she is his childhood friend but he didn't want to jump into conclusions. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

         Suddenly, it was just awkward silence. He didn't know how to continue the conversation. 


"Ladies and gentlemen. We are about to touchdown. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened and your gadgets are turned off. Thank you."

         Hours have passed and it is finally time for touchdown. The twelve hour fight didn't feel that long to Hayoung as she kept herself busy doing this and that. As for the guy beside her, well, he was sleeping. "Should I wake him up?"

         She mustered up her courage and poked his shoulder a few times to wake him up.

         "Huh? What time is it?" the guy rose from his deep slumber, slightly confused of his surroundings.

         "Um well, it's 7:03PM and the flight is landing already."

         "Ah really? Thanks for waking me up."

         The guy blinked his eyes rapidly. He fiddled with his fingers, feeling slightly anxious. It's like there's this force that is not allowing him to leave.

         Without realizing, the airplane's landing gear already hit the airport runway. It was just time for the sun to set. Hayoung looked outside the window and saw the sky painted in a pretty colour palette consisting of shades of blue, pink and orange. She had her full attention on it. She really loves nature, afterall.

         "Don't you just love the-," Hayoung moved her head towards the guy. She stopped abruptly, blushing. She wasn't expecting the guy to stare at her as she thought his attention was to something else. 

         "Love what?" he asked, slightly confused. Even he wasn't aware of him gazing at her all this while. 

         "The s-sky?" she stuttered.

         "Of course. Who doesn't? It's definitely real life art." he replied.

         Hayoung quickly averted her eyes away from him. She couldn't make eye contact for too long.

         The airplane safely landed at Haneda Airport. The guy stood up from his seat and took both of their backpacks. "Here, since you can't reach it," he handed the backpack to her as he plastered a smile on his face.

         "T-thank you, once again. It was nice meeting you."

         "Nice meeting you too."         

The guy wanted to grab some coffee so he strolled around for awhile to find a cafe that catches his attention. At the end, he ended up stopping by at Starbucks which is his all time favourite coffee shop. He ordered a tall iced caramel macchiato topped with whipped cream and settled down on one of the chairs provided. He scanned his surroundings. There she was. The girl he met beforesitting at the other side of her roomsipping her coffee and minding her own business.

         They first met at the airport in Seoul. Then, they were destined to seat beside each other in the airplane. And now, here they are. It's like there's something that is connecting them both together.

         He just scratched his head and stared at her from afar, though he felt like a creep but there's just something about her that made him feel something.

         Hayoung slung her bacpack over her shoulders got up from her seat. Not being conscious enough, she dropped her passport on the floor and left without knowing anything. What appears to be a joke from her mom turned to reality.

         Luckily, there was someone who witnessed the incident. "Hey miss!" he tried to alert her a few times, but she couldn't hear as she had her earphones on. The guy quickly finished his coffee, threw it in the trash, grabbed her passport and guiltily took a peek inside. Was he allowed to do that? All he wanted to know was her name.

         There in her passport, written in bold: OH HAYOUNG.

         He stood therefrozen—with his eyes almost popping out. "The Oh Hayoung that I know? The childhood friend that I miss? The childhood friend who I cherish the most? How did I not recognize your face all this while," he shed a single tear down his cheek. 

         "Crap, I'm wasting my time," he looked around and she was nowhere to be found. He couldn't spot her among the crowd of people. After a minute of searching, he finally spotted her outside the entrance. Worried she might leave, he ran as fast as he could towards her.

         Hayoung was patiently waiting for a taxi. She looked at her watch and it was 7:55PM. Out of the blue, she heard someone panting behind her. Curious, she turned around.

         "Y-yah..." the guy said, trying to catch his breath. "We've grown up but you're still making me chase you."

         Hayoung was slightly confused for awhile. The moment he handed over her passport, something caught her attention.

         The bracelet on his wrist. 

         It was that exact moment that hit her deep through her heart.


        "Yah! I'm gonna catch you!" a boy who was running stopped abruptly and caught his breath before fastening her pace.

        "I'm too fast for you!"       

        "I'm still gonna catch you!" the boy ran full speed before dragging her by the shoulder to stop her. "Hah, gotcha!"

        "Okay, okay, you win this time," she finally surrendered. They both plopped themselves onto the ground to cool down while panting after all that running.

        "Hayoung-ah... Why must you move?"

        "I don't know. I have to follow my dad but I don't want to."

         He sighed in despair. His best friend was about to move to the hustle and bustle of Seoul; away from their peaceful hometown - Busan. It's so near, yet so far away. 

        The girl was rummaging in her pocket. "Here," she said; holding out her fist to the boy with something in her hands. 

        "What is it?" the boy asked in confusion. 

        "A bracelet. A friendship bracelet, to be exact. This bracelet represents our friendship; if you lose it or break it then it means that you're also breaking our friendship. I want you to wear this wherever you go; even in the shower or until you die. I have a matching one and I'm already wearing it."

        The boy gently accepted the bracelet and slid it onto his left wrist. "Thank you, Hayoung-ah."

        "Promise me to always wear it and never lose it," the girl held out her pinky finger as a symbol of agreement.

        "Promise," the boy responded and his pinky finger hooked with hers. 



         "Yes it's me, Hayoung-ah."

         Sehun pulled her into an embrace. "You're still as clumsy as ever."         


sorry for that cliffhanger ending i like it that way ;-) lol this was in my drafts for months. the pov keeps changing im sorry sldkjsd. this story is kinda rushed idk especially the part in the airplane lol. it was sO satisfying when hayoung finally said sehun's name lmaoo i had to use 'the guy' for a thousand times. anyway i dont have motivation to continue my other fanfic rn :'-) edit: i put it in my drafts bc i just realized how cringy it is lmaoooo

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Ainur19 #1
Chapter 1: make a sequel
Chapter 1: OMG ITS SO SWEET ㅠㅠ thanks for this tho ♡
Chapter 1: ♡ I like it ♡
rina0807 #4
Chapter 1: uwaaaah... that was so.. great authornim. glad you're making this story. I really need this one cause it's so rare to find an exopink story now. Kkk
Thank you authornim. Hope you'll find your motivation to continue another story of yours or may be I could help?

rina0807 #5
Chapter 1: uwaaaah... that was so.. great authornim. glad you're making this story. I really need this one cause it's so rare to find an exopink story now. Kkk
Thank you authornim. Hope you'll find your motivation to continue another story of yours or may be I could help?
