
The Return of Superman: The Jeon Family Joins!

Jungkook was lying on the couch watching the twins play. When he saw that Jungyoon stood up he closed his eyes and pretended to stop breathing.


“Hey dad, can we-?” Jungyoon dropped his car and looked at Jungkook, he noticed that he stopped breathing. He placed his hands on Jungkook’s heart and pushed while he was crying.


“NO DAD DON’T LEAVE ME, YOOJU, AND MOM!” Jungkook was trying hard not to laugh, it was too funny for him. Yooju noticed what was happening and walked to her crying brother’s side. Yooju sniffled and placed her hands on Jungkook’s heart too and started pushing.


“DAD DON’T LEAVE US WE’RE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE YOU NOT BY OUR SIDE!” The staff was silently laughing at the scene that was happening. Yooju stood up and walked over to the balcony door.


“JUNGYOON HELP ME OPEN THIS AND UNCLE CAMERA’S CALL 119!” Jungyoon helped his sister open the balcony door while the staff silently laughed and pretended to call/talk to emergency services.


“HELP OUR DAD’S DEAD!” Jungyoon yelled, Jungkook watched the twins cry out for help.


“GET HELP FOR US PLEASE!” Yooju screamed, Jungkook was thankful that no one could hear them since their voices weren’t that loud.




“Why did you act dead?”

“I wanted to see how they would react in a situation like this. Plus if they didn’t know what to do it would’ve been a great opportunity for me to teach them what to do incase something like this happens.”


“Did you think that their reactions were good?” Jungkook nodded at this and smiled.


“I think their reactions were perfect, I don’t really know how they were able to do that but I was definitely surprised. I think it might be from some tv shows that they watched. I’ll have to ask Yoongi about what shows they watch since I want to have them watch educational stuff.”




The twins were in the ar sulking while Jungkook was driving. The family, without Yoongi though, was headed to a dance studio.


“Jungyoon Yooju.” The twins hummed in response which made Jungkook smile softly.


“We’re going to meet someone very special today.”


“Who is it?” Yooju asked and looked at Jungkook.




“Me and Yooju are too lazy to guess dad.” Jungkook grimaced at this and was thankful for the fact that they were already there.


“Well you guys don’t have to guess anymore because we’re already here.” Jungkook got out of the car and opened the door from Yooju’s side and unbuckled Yooju from her carseat and got Jungyoon out after her. The twin’s held Jungkook’s hands and walked into Bighit entertainment.


“What are we doing at your workplace daddy?” Jungyoon asked, the twin’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.


“Well, we’re going to learn stuff and do stuff.”




The twins hid behind their dad when Jungkook opened the door to the dance studio that had loud hip hop music. The twins could feel the thumping bass under their feet which scared them. The twins lifted their heads up when they heard someone familiar say hi to them.


“Hi Jungyoon hi Yooju!” Hoseok was waving to them while he walked over to the computer to stop the music. The excited twins ran over to Hoseok and hugged each one of his legs.


“Hi Uncle Seok!” The two exclaimed while looking at him with bright smiles.


“I feel lonely.” Jungkook said with a grimace while he walked over to them.


“Well, I am the sunshine of our group, which makes everyone love me.” Jungkook rolled his eyes but smiled softly after.


“Well, what style are we going to do today hyung?”




“Ok so now you do this with your feet.” Hoseok was trying to teach the three of them house dance, they were almost done but the twins were impatient. Yooju huffed and crossed her arms, she smiled mischievously when she came up with an idea.


“Tag you’re it!” Yooju quickly ran away from her brother while he chased her. Jungkook sighed but smiled at how the two were laughing they chased each other around the studio.


“Lets review the steps now.” Jungkook started to review the steps with Hoseok before he was disturbed.


“Tag, you’re it dad.” Jungyoon said smiling before he ran away, Jungkook then tapped Hoseok’s shoulder.


“Well, I guess you’re it hyung.” The two adults were smiling while they played numerous games with the twins. The two of them didn’t mind the fact that they probably forgot the steps.




“You guys are dance prodigies!” Hoseok exclaimed at the twins that were calmly drinking their juice.


“I know right, but they get tired of doing stuff easily because of Yoongi’s tired trait.” Jungkook was lying on the shiny white floor panting. He was glad that they weren’t in their other dance studio that had concrete flooring instead. That would’ve been uncomfortable for him to lie down on.


“House dance is too tiring and complicated dad.” Yooju said with a frown on her face. She was upset by the fact that she was drenched with sweat. Jungyoon didn’t care though, he enjoyed dancing.


“Well, I guess I’ll have to enroll you in ballet or something.” Yooju smiled widely when Jungkook said this.


“What about you Jungyoon, what style of dancing do you like?” Jungyoon thought for awhile when Hoseok asked him the question.


“Hmm, I don’t know any other dances so I guess I like house dance right now.” Hoseok gave the boy a thumbs up which made Jungyoon smile.




“So, how do you guys feel about going to school soon.” Jungkook asked the twins while they all sat outside a convenience store eating their ice cream.


“We’re still three.” Yooju said with a pout.


“I know but you guys are going to eventually go soon.”

“I think me and Yooju are just going to play by ourselves when we go to school.”


“You really think so?” The twins nodded at this while Jungkook sighed and stared into the distance.




“When they actually go to school what do you think will actually happen?”


“I think they’re gonna be in their own little world for awhile, after a few days they’ll open up.” Jungkook nodded his head slightly after answering the question.




“Jungyoon Yooju help me out with breakfast!” The twins ran to the kitchen where their dad was cooking.


“Dad don’t tell me you’re going to cook?” Jungyoon asked with wide eyes while Yooju had an excited face.


“I want ramen!”


“And that’s exactly what we’re going to make Yooju, ramen!” Jungkook exclaimed with a smile.

“Oh thank god.” Jungyoon said with a hand over his heart.

“Jungyoon, where did you learn to do that?”


“Mom, he does it a lot.” Jungkook nodded at what he said before going on with the talk about ramen.


“So all we’re going to do is drop the ramen in right now and wait for it.”


“I’m pretty sure you didn’t need our help for this.”


“It’s called learning something new Yooju now hurry up and break the ramen apart if you want to go to the park.” the twins started to quickly break apart the ramen block after Jungkook said that.




Jungkook was at the bathroom while the twins ate their breakfast.


“Jungyoon.” Yooju had her face scrunched up while her brother was eating the ramen.




“Don’t you think something’s wrong with the ramen?”


“Yeah but I want to go to the park so I’m just eating it.”


“Don’t die on me Jungyoon.”


“I won’t die.”


“Just don’t die o-”


“Whose dying?” The twins flinched at Jungkook’s sudden appearance.


“We are.”


“Why are you dying?” Jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised.


“Because this is terrible.”


“Hey be thankful like your brother!” Jungkook felt offended by what his daughter said.


“He’s only eating it because he wants to go to the park!”

“Is that true Jungyoon?” Jungyoon nodded his head while he slurped his noodles.


“You guys are hurting my feels.” Jungkook started to fake cry.


“I’m sorry dad but you’re really bad at cooking.” Jungyoon said while fake crying, Yooju laughed at her brother while Jungkook snickered at him.


“You ungrateful child.” Jungyoon made a heart with his arms which made Jungkook snicker again.




“And here we are at the park!” The twins quickly ran to the playground, no one was around except for some people who were taking early walks. Jungkook yawned while he walked closer to the playground. He hated waking up early but since he had two surprises today so he had to wake up early.


“Jungyoon Yooju!”

“Yes!” The twins voices echoed from a slide they were hiding in.


“I need to talk with the landlord so stay here ok?” The twins got out of the slide hand in hand with frowns on their faces.


“But we have no one, isn’t that bad and scary for me and Yooju?”

“The staff are over in that black car ok? So if you need something just go there.” The twins nodded weakly and walked back to the playground after Jungkook ruffled their hair.


Jungkook quickly walked to a staff’s car, actually he was trying to see what the twins would do just in case a stranger would approach them.




“You keep on testing their knowledge recently, why is that?” Jungkook smiled and leaned back in his chair with crossed arms.


“They’re too quiet about stuff like this because they don’t like serious talks. So this really helps me know more about what they know.” Yoongi walked in the interview and sat on Jungkook’s lap and covered the younger’s face on purpose.


“I’m very sorry if our segment of the show is too educational and boring. I think that if you had to name our parts it would have to be, ‘The more you know with Jeon Jungkook.’ Since Jungkook’s practically clueless about the twins.” Yoongi bowed his head and left while the staff laughed at Jungkook. Jungkook grimaced and rolled his eyes at Yoongi.


“Are there anymore questions you possibly have for me?” Jungkook gritted through his teeth while he fake smiled.




Yooju and Jungyoon were playing at the twing set, Yooju was smiling while Jungyoon was pushing her.


“Yooju can I go now?” Jungyoon stopped pushing her and watched her from the side.


“No, can you push me more the swing stopped moving.” Jungyoon sighed and was about to push her again before some people approached them.


“Hi Yooju hi Jungyoon.” A lady and a man waved at the two frozen twins, Yooju started to grip the swing tightly.


“Can you help us, my girlfriend has a project to do and she thinks you guys are going to look good in it.” Yooju stayed the same while Jungyoon shook his head no.


“We have ice cream at our house, you guys can have ice cream while I do my project with you guys.”

“No, we don’t want to.”

“Come on.” The man took Yooju’s hand but she took it out of his grip. Yooju started to cry but Jungyoon quickly took her hand and ran away to the staff’s car. Jungyoon hugged his sister in his arms while he knocked on the staff’s door. The staff opened the door.


“There’s strangers that want to get us in the playground.”


“Ok, I’ll keep you guys company until your dad comes back.” The male staff came out and held Jungyoon’s hand while Yooju clung onto her brother.




“Wow, Jungyoon’s really responsible.” Jungkook said in astonishment.


“Jungyoon did the right thing, I think you need to teach Yooju because she really leans on her brother for support.” Jungkook nodded at what the lady said to him before he opened the door to leave.


“Ok, thank you so much for helping me kinda teach them about strangers.”


“No problem, have a good day Jungkook.” The lady said with a smile and waved at him.

“You too.” Jungkook smiled back and waved at her before he closed the door.



Jungkook sighed, “I’m really surprised and proud of what Jungyoon did, really. I think, Yooju just needs to be taught about situations like this more. The fact that Yooju doesn’t really know about how to act in situations like these scares me because a lot of children go missing each year.”




Jungkook waved at the male staff member who watched them before he walked up to the twins that were sitting in the slide.


“Oh what’s this, why are you guys sad?”

“There were strangers earlier that wanted to take us away.” Yooju was silent while her brother talked.


“Oh really, then what did you do Jungyoon?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I took Yooju’s hand and ran to the staff’s car.” Jungkook nodded at this and took Yooju’s hands in his.


“Yooju, when someone scary come up to you again don’t just stay frozen. What if Jungyoon wasn’t there, would you stay in the same spot?”

“No.” Yooju mumbled while she shook her head.


“When someone comes up to you and starts being weird you have to run and start screaming. You have to go to someone you know and tell them okay?” Yooju nodded while Jungkook hugged her and rubbed her back. Jungkook put an arm around Jungyoon and forced him into the hug. Jungyoon sighed and started to pat his sister's back too, Jungkook smiled at the sight that was happening in front of him.


“Stop crying now because we’re gonna go and eat some cake now okay?” the two twins nodded at what Jungkook said while Jungkook smiled at them.




“So, what do you guys want because I know what I’m getting.” Jungkook said with his eyes on the ice cream cake.


“I want the chocolate cake!” Jungkook looked at the chocolate cake Jungyoon wanted. His eyes widened at the cake with kitkats and m&ms.


“I want the pink and purple one!” Jungkook’s mouth opened at the fondant cake Yooju widened. If Yoongi found out about this he’d kill him because of the amount of sugar that was going to go into the twin’s small bodies.


“Ok um, choose one for mom.”


“I think mom should have the one that’s in front of Jungyoon.”


“Hm which one?” Jungyoon asked with a frown on his face.


“The one with strawberries!”

“Wow it looks tasty!” Jungyoon’s said with wide eyes and a smile.


“Go find a table to sit at while I order here.” The twins nodded and held hands while they walked over to a table next to the window.






“Do you think mom’s going to find out about the cake we eat?”

“Hm I don’t think so, we’re really secretive remember?” Yooju nodded at what her brother said and looked at the cars passing by the bakery.


“Here you go.” The two cakes were placed in front of the twins while Jungkook placed his cake and the box, which Yoongi’s cake was in, aside.


“I’ll go get our drinks okay?” The twins nodded and started to eat their cake. Jungkook came back and set the water down in front of them and took a spoonful of his cake too.


“You guys shouldn’t tell mom about this ok?”


“Well Jungyoon, lets just say that I almost died in the wrath of your mom.”


“What do we get for not telling him?” Yooju asked with an eyebrow raised, Jungkook grimaced but spoke up again.


“Well, we could go to a water park.” Jungyoon and Yooju immediately made a pinky promise. Jungkook smiled at this and started to go back to eating his ice cream cake again.




Sadly though, Yoongi eventually found out about the cake they ate.


“Jeon Jungyoon Jeon Yooju come here!” The twins immediately ran towards Yoongi who was chopping vegetables in the kitchen.


“You two have been lying to me about sweets, why?” Jungyoon gulped while Yooju spoke up.


“W-well you see, d-dad said that he has to face your wrath. And he u-uh kinda dies when that happens so yeah.”


“Okay, don’t lie to me again though, you know why?” The twins nodded.


“Why?” Yoongi stopped cutting the vegetables and looked at the twins.


“Lying is bad.” The twins said in sync.


“And what happens if you lie?”


“No sweets for a month.” Yoongi nodded proudly at this and went back to cutting vegetables.


“Good job, go sit down while you two wait for the food.” The twins turned around and sighed in relief before they walked back to the living room.




Jungkook had an eyebrow raised at the silence at the table. Since normally everyone would be talking.


“Why is everyone so quiet?”


“Because you fed them something bad.” Yoongi said while he scooped some more rice for Jungyoon. Jungkook though, froze at the answer, he really didn’t know how Yoongi figured out about the cake.


“Hm, what do you mean?” Yoongi glared at him.


“Don’t act dumb with me Jeon Jungkook.” Yoongi said while grabbing a handful of Jungkook’s hair and tugging on it. Jungkook’s hands gripped the armrests of the chair while his face was scrunched up. Yoongi scoffed at the sight while the twins watched them and tried not to laugh at the situation their dad was in.


“How did you find out, ow can you stop please?” Yoongi rolled his eyes at him.


“No, and I watched the episode if you forgot.” Jungkook winced, his hair was probably going to fall out if Yoongi didn’t stop.


“O-ow I know about the cake ok? J- just let me go holy .” Yoongi stopped tugging on his hair, Jungkook sighed and took a spoonful of rice before Yoongi grabbed a handful of his hair again and tugged harder this time.


“OW!” Jungkook yelled with rice falling out of his mouth.





A/N: I haven’t updated in like, years, holy crap. Sorry if this was short btw.


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lilyrasy #1
Chapter 2: Hahaha omg Mama yoongi so cute and blushing when Kookie being sweet with him >\\\<
Love their moment at the photoshoot especially when Papa Kookie carried Yoongi bridal-styled after kissing him haaaaa I love this...
Chapter 5: Such a wonderful update. :))
kazekitsune #3
Chapter 4: Long time no see TT_____TT
kazekitsune #4
Chapter 2: Can't believe in my eyes when I saw chapter 2 TvT thank you for keeping writing this story :'(
But there is a point that the twins is only 2 years old right? I watch the Song triplets, when they joined tje show, they were 27 months old, and can't speak long sentence, and mispronounced so I think that the twins talk with very short sentence will be more suitable. It's just my own opinion :D
Evelyn12_34 #5
Chapter 2: My hearteu can't handleave this tooth rotting fluff....i'm g-gonna die.....
Evelyn12_34 #6
Chapter 1: I wanna read more! I've always wanted to read this concept in terms of sugakookie with yoongi being the bottom and I can't get enough of your fic.....it's so cute and I just wanna read more TT^TT
Anyways, it was a really good read and I loved it to the max! Hope you can write similar concepts in the future since I have a weak heart for sugakookie family au..
Loved your fic author-nim <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: ah just one chapter? i want moreeee
kazekitsune #8
Chapter 1: Awww this is very very adorable >w< i dont wanna it finished :'( it's too lovely and sweet :3
bittercoffe #9
Update soon pleasee e.e