You make me Happy

You are my Sunshine
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Busan, South Korea

October 27th, 2002.

The day Jimin returns.


Jungkook doesn’t ever really like trucks as Jimin had hoped. Jungkook prefers drawing and at a beautiful six years of age he can already tell that Jimin is his muse. Jungkook is constantly watching the older with concentration, taking note of every movement, every word. He hopes that one day he will be as tall as Jimin or even lucky enough to be half as smart. In the boy’s play room is a drawer full of pictures of the two going on adventures and braving the world’s monsters together. When he’s big he vows to go on real adventures with his Hyung-whether a Princess is involved or not (he always hopes for the latter). Who knows, maybe he’ll be the one doing the saving this time. Since Jimin always likes his ideas he doesn’t ponder on the subject for too long; the older boy tends to scold him when he worries too much. He doesn’t know how Jimin manages to remain his favorite Hyung after all this but Jungkook never bothers to question it.

The fondness between the two is mutual. Jimin never forgets to include Jungkook in his nonsense, the little one tagging along happily every time Jimin asks him to, despite what the older kids think. Of course, sometimes it’s too much for Jungkook and he ends up riding piggy-back home on Jimin after scraping his knees. Jungkook doesn’t cry as much as a kid his age normally would; Jimin would credit himself for this, saying that his kisses and hugs are magic, just like his Mommy’s. He likes his role as Hyung because taking care of Jungkook is fun! (Uh, well… Most of the time).

Jungkook is still too little to do a lot of stuff. So, when Jimin goes away for camp, Jungkook is left with nothing but his imagination to keep him company for the next three weeks. His mind was running a million miles an hour as Jimin’s mother drove him home and when they arrived at Jungkook’s house, he went up to his room and cried over Jimin for the first time. Jungkook can’t define a lot of things but he knows he can tell you this is what heartbreak feels like.

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It’s the day Jimin gets home and he is too busy being happy to notice his Mother standing in the doorway. “If we’re going to pick Jimin up we have to

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Thanushiya #1
Chapter 2: Soo adorable
SoshiFan313 #2
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwweew