A Cold Cabin Night

A Cold Cabin Night

Come with us they said. It'll be fun they said. You'll get to choose who you bunk with they said. Sitting on the couch under a giant pile of pillows, Baekhyun glared at the dorm's living room wall. A pillow in his arms, he began thinking if he should just fling it across the room and scream in anger. Instead, he choked the pillow and scowled.

"You know, if you keep doing that, your face will stay that way," said Suho. Baekhyun scoffed. That was Suho's way of indirectly cheering people up. The sound of wheels clacking against the floor echoed through the dorm. Setting the giant coolers next to the door, Suho turned to face Baekhyun after he heard a string of low mutters.

"Yah, Baekhyun," said Suho. He wanted to keep his cool but it was hard when there was someone in the dorm slacking.

"Pfft." Baekhyun continued glaring at the wall, refusing to look at Suho.

Just as Suho was about to scold Baekhyun for being a little diva who won't do a thing, Kyungsoo comes in as he dragged four bags crammed with snacks and goodies. As Kyungsoo sets the things next to the coolers also full of food, he plops himself beside Baekhyun and pats his shoulder.

"You could at least help, lazy." Kyungsoo definently knew what this was all about. He and Suho were going to hear a nice long whine.

Right on cue, Baekhyun gave a childish moan as he flopped under the pile of pillows. "Guys, I really would..."

"But?" asked Suho. There was no weapon to stop Baekhyun's whining sessions. He turned back to the kitchen to get another bag, also full of food.

"But... It's just not fair," whined Baekhyun as he began swaying from side to side. "I had no input on where we're going and I didn' even get to choose who I'd bunk with!"

"Sure you did," said Kyungsoo, keeping a perfect poker face. It took a lot of effort not to laugh as he remembered New Years night. "You were just slightly drunk last time."

Baekhyun let out a long groan as his thoughts returned to the night of the choosing. It was New Years celebration and everyone knew a celebration at that age was never complete without beer, especially that day/night. Everyone carelessly chugged down cans of beer and threw multicolored streamers around the dorm and in people's faces, not worrying about who'd pick up the mess the next morning. After the countdown, Suho said that their group is allowed vacation. Obviously everyone agreed. You'd be dumb to refuse a well needed vacation. The group had already decided in advance where they were going. The cool mountains. (Although, Lay still said he wanted to visit Baekhyun's grandmother's house). At this time, the leader refused every beer. He had a plan in mind. Being the only sober one in the dorm, Suho decided now was an amazing time to choose bunks. Obviously it wasn't hence the whiny Baekhyun (and the italics). Suho watched in pleasure as the members paired up. The very drunk Jongin slung an arm around the slightly drunk Kyungsoo and hooted as he waved his other arm in the air. Jongdae accidently tackled Yixing in an attempt for a hug. You would know what to expect happened to the rest of the members. Baekhyun faintly remembered lacing his hand with Chanyeol's and hugging. But that was that. Suho said the decision was final.

The rest of the members didn't mind a single bit. It was only Baekhyun who was still having trouble wrapping his mind around the fact he was bunked with Chanyeol.

"It's not fair though," said Baekhyun, "I was drunk at the time!"

"Is there a reason why you don't want to bunk with Chanyeol. When I saw it, you and him looked pretty happy about it," said Suho, smiling "innocently".

"N-No," stuttered Baekhyun. "Well, m-maybe there is."

"Well either way, the choice was final," said Suho, ending Baekhyun's useless whining (though he knew it will always come back). "You're bunking with him and that's that."

Before Baekhyun could come up with another reason to argue, Kyungsoo threw a pillow at his face and said, "Get packing. We're leaving next morning."

Baekhyun stayed on the couch, daring to throw the pillow back at Kyungsoo. As his arms pulled it back, he was about to put all his effort into it...he was interrupted by Suho.

"Oh yeah, Baekhyun, I-"

"Oh whatever, Suho. I get it. I'll act older and I'll go pack.


"I don't want to hear another rant about me," said Baekhyun before retreating to his room.

As Baekhyun walked into his room, he shut the door loudly for extra measure. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure why he was just so angry about this. He didn't understand himself nor his feelings... about anything. Grumbling, he yanked out a suitcase from his closet and started throwing clothes at random. With every article of clothing entering his suitcase, he realized how everything seemed to have a connection with Chanyeol. His red checkered shirt was what he wore the first time Chanyeol hugged him. A blazer was what he wore the first time Chanyeol carried him on his back. Blue denim jeans was what he wore the day Chanyeol held his hand. The black t-shirt was the day Chanyeol back hugged Baekhyun. As Baekhyun was about to chuck in a plain, white, cotton jacket, his arm froze and brought it down. As he unwrinkled the old thing, he held it close to his chest or his heart more like. The plain jacket had everything but a plain history. 

On a cold winter night in the dorm, the jacket was worn on Chanyeol. But was soon put in his care when Chanyeol mumbled, "Y-You looked cold. Take this." Since that day, Baekhyun never mentioned what he did with the jacket nor wore it in front of the members. The jacket was a memory to Baekhyun, he just wasn't sure if it was good or bad. But every night, he would push away negative feelings and take the jacket from its confines within the closet and hold it. He'd hold it close, snuggling it like a blankie. He'd keep the moment fresh in his mind until he drifted off to sleep. But every morning, the white jacket would go back to its hiding. Alone but not forgotten.

Baekhyun couldn't imagine not taking the white jacket with him. It was like his safety blanket... but as a jacket. Instead of chucking his treasure into his suitcase, he folded it and slipped it into the corner of his suitcase, out of sight.

As he zipped the suitcase closed, his feelings were a giant jumble. "C-Chanyeol... Help... What's wrong with me."

Baekhyun let out a small sob as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I don't understand."

Suddenly, his door opened violently, the handle hitting the wall. There at the door stood a towering giant.

"C-Chan... Yeol?" asked Baekhyun, trying to get himself together. He tried to speak but his voice came out as incoherent mumbles.

"Baekhyun-ah, what's wrong. I heard my name. Why are you crying?" Chanyeol kneeled beside Baekhyun and placed a hand on his back.

"N-Nothing. I'm fine. J-Just... I'm fine," said Baekhyun, quickly wiping his eyes. He shouldn't have said anything. "J-Just... H-Hug me and go."

Baekhyun should have slapped himself for saying that. Confused, Chanyeol awkwardly hugged Baekhyun and walked out the room. Once the door closed, Baekhyun threw himself on the bed and began to mentally scold himself before fell asleep.


"And we're here!" shouted Suho as he pushed the cabin doors open and revealed the luxurious interior. The other members didn't care. All they wanted was sleep. Everyone flooded inside, tired from the long flight to the mountains. 

The member's luggage clacked melodiously against the rustic wood floors. As Baekhyun step foot inside, his nose exploded in rich smells. Pine, candles, wood, a merry fire. Speaking of candles, it somewhat reminded Baekhyun of his birthday... when Chanyeol gave him vanilla scented candles that he hand-carved. 'Darn it, Baekhyun. Quit thinking about Chanyeol. What if someone sees you?' Baekhyun thought as he scolded himself.

"Uh, hey. Baekhyun." Kyungsoo walked out of his bunk room and began waving a hand over Baekhyun's glazed eyes. "You know, the rest of the members are going to sleep now. Jongin and I are too. So should you."

"Don't worry. I won't stay up late," Baekhyun said, nodding slightly. "Just a bit jittery I guess."

"Okay... Good night then." Kyungsoo patted his shoulder before being pulled away by Jongin who slipped a sneaky arm around the shorter's waist.

As Baekhyun watched the two walk back to their room, he couldn't help but wonder if he could end up like that too. One day, some day, he and Chanyeol could get close like that. To walk hand in hand. But quickly, Baekhyun's face hardened and returned back to its zombie-like state. He couldn't have Chanyeol. There was absolutely no way.

Baekhyun began wandering around the cabin, looking at the fine details of the cabin. But his mind wasn't on the details, they went back and forth between yesterday and now. He knew he couldn't sleep just yet and have to face Chanyeol. He just couldn't. Heck, yesterday night he nearly confessed but it came out like knots. As he grew more embarrassed about his failed confession, he heard footsteps behind him.

"H-Hey," said a deep voice that reminded Baekhyun of a forbidden forest. Jumping, Baekhyun turned to see Chanyeol towering over him and inclosing him between a kitchen counter and his lanky body.

"Hey!" squeaked Baekhyun, face flushing bright pink.

"A-Are you going to sleep yet?" said Chanyeol, a small blush starting to form. He wasn't normally this awkward with Baekhyun. He blamed it all on the close proximity.

"Uhh, are you?" Baekhyun congratulated himself on how stupid he sounded.

"Yeah, I just needed to check on you first." Baekhyun noticed how Chanyeol carefully chose his words. Especially needed. 

"Oh! Yeah! I'll just... I mean I'll come with you. You know, to the bedroom and all that."


As Chanyeol turned around, Baekhyun pinched his cheek hard. 'Idiot, what were you doing!? You're so awkward!' Baekhyun thought as he followed after Chanyeol. As he kept ruffling his hair on the way to the room, he didn't notice until soon after that there was only one bed in the center of the room.

"Oh." Baekhyun gulped at the sight. He had to spend the night, sleeping right next to Chanyeol.

"It's okay. Come on the bed, I know you're tired." Chanyeol laid himself down on the bed with a soft plop.

Baekhyun nodded silently before walking to his suitcase. As it ped, Baekhyun stuck his hand inside and pulled out the white jacket. He held it close to his chest as he walked to the bed. 'I'm not going to let this jacket remind me of how... Chanyeol means  so much to- Whatever.' Baekhyun stopped his thoughts. He sometimes wished his mind wasn't complicated and cluttered. 

Baekhyun settled into the bed and laid flat on his back, ignoring the fact that a spot on his arm was pressed against Chanyeol's. They stared at the ceiling in silence as the night grew darker. A sudden chill engulfed the room, causing Baekhyun to shiver. Wearing a thin t-shirt, Baekhyun's chatters were loud enough for Chanyeol to notice.

"Hey, Baek... Are you okay?" asked Chanyeol, concern growing.

"F-Fine. J-Just cold." Baekhyun began rubbing his bare arms furiously. He just needed to get some feeling to his fingertips.

"Didn't you bring a blanket of a jacket?" Chanyeol held up the fleece blanket he was using.


"Didn't Suho tell you? The heater barely heats the cabin."

Baekhyun facepalmed himself when he remembered. "Yes - No - Yes actually. I mean. H-He said it but I cut him off."

"Don't you have something?"

"I have t-this," Baekhyun said shyly as he held up the white jacket.

"You still have this," whispered Chanyeol as his hand reached out to touch the precious fabric. "I-I can't believe it."


"It was plain... I thought you wouldn't like it. No, actually- I thought you didn't like it since I never saw it since that day," Chanyeol said, eyes softening as he looked at Baekhyun. Before Baekhyun could reply, Chanyeol pulled the jacket out of his grasp and swung it over the smaller's shoulders. "Wear it, at least. Don't just hold it."

"I-I like it. I hold it at night," Baekhyun confessed. "I c-can't sleep without it."

"Oh, I see," chuckled Chanyeol, hugging Baekhyun close. They swayed in silence, Baekhyun enjoying the arms around him. Just as he decided he should move before it got too awkward, Chanyeol suddenly yanked him into his lap causing Baekhyun to yelp in surprise.

Chanyeol took his yelp the wrong way. As he cradled Baekhyun, he asked, "I-I'm so sorry, did I hurt you anywhere?"

"F-Fine," mumbled Baekhyun, feeling his cheeks grow redder by the second. "A-Aren't you cold?"

Baekhyun let his hand run across Chanyeol's bare arms. He was also wearing a t-shirt. Under his touch, Chanyeol flinched from the unusual feeling. "N-No! I'm not cold at all. You're cold."

Chanyeol proceded to hold Baekhyun's small hands in his and hug him tighter. Just as Baekhyun was beginning to melt from all of this, he felt low, flustered, warm breaths against his neck. "J-Just- Body heat."

Baekhyun held down a chuckle. He always wanted Chanyeol's arms to hold him close. Taking his chance, Baekhyun twists his body and cups his small hands around Chanyeol's face. "A-Are you sure it's just for body heat?"

Baekhyun enjoyed how Chanyeol's cheeks reddened before stuttering, "W-What? B-Baek?"

"Oh, you know... Are there other reasons for this?" Baekhyun gestured to their position. Baekhyun gave a coy smile as he milked the moment.

"B-Baekhyun!" Chanyeol yelped as he felt Baekhyun's figure lean into his chest. "Wha-"

Before the giant could ask anymore ridiculous questions, Baekhyun went straight to the point and shushed him with a kiss to the forehead. His lips pressed against the skin. He held it for a few seconds before pulling away. Feeling bolder, Baekhyun moved down to peck a shy kiss to Chanyeol's lips.

"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol bit his lip to contain his anxiousness. He had just been kissed... by and band mate... who he kind of sort of likes.

"Hm?" Baekhyun was about to press another kiss before he was startled by Chanyeol who closed the gap between their lips and pulled away.

"I've always wanted to do that."

"Me too... and now you can," said Baekhyun smiling as their warm breathes mingled. "I've meen meaning to say... I like you."

"Me too," said Chanyeol as he rubbed his nose against Baekhyun's causing him to catch his breath. "I like you too."

Baekhyun was no longer cold anymore. Maybe this vacation wouldn't be so bad after all.


Yay! It's finished!

Shout out to those who subscribed even though there wasn't a story posted yet. It took a while because my first draft was complete utter crap and I rewrote the whole entire thing D: but it ended up for the better lol. I'm sorry for the typos... I just partially scanned through it. I'm bound to miss something haha.

Hope y'all enjoyed it! <3

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Chapter 1: Haha~ that was cute~ ^^
Chapter 1: So cute! I like it :)