Was it just a Nightmare?

Project X: The Failed Experiment
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Everything came to him slowly.

First, he was aware of the sound. The beeping. It sounded distant at first, but slowly it became clearer, and louder. It started to speed up. 

Baekhyun got annoyed by it real quick. It was non-stop, and it didn't have a regular pattern, escalating at times and then going very slow at others. 

The sound got louder as his brain focused. It became loud and piercing to his sensitive ears.

Why was it there? Wasn't he sleeping before? That wasn't the sound of his alarm clock. 

More and more thoughts flooded his head making him fully conscious.

Blearily he opened his eyes. Annoyed by the constant beeping, he turned first to his right, to locate the source of this annoying sound. He wanted to sleep, and whatever this stupid thing was ruined his beauty sleep. 

He was expecting this to be a cruel joke from one of his foster brothers, so he was genuinly surprised to see an odd looking machine beside him. 

His first assumption was that it was a bomb ready to detonate whip cream but that thought quickly vanished from his head when he noticed the room he was in. 

He stared at the blank white walls, took in the extremely small, claustrophobic area. 

Where the hell was he?

Suddenly, a memory of his nightmare flashed through his head. His heart pounded in his chest, making the machine go crazy. He glanced around, mostly to reassure himself that there was no shadow beast. Sighing, he closed his eyes, relieved.

His senses, slow to wake up, made him realize that he was in fact, very uncomfortable. There was tickling in his nose, and some sticky stiff thing on his face, his arm felt numb and his chest was extremely itchy. Not to mention the fact that all his muscles were stiff from lying in one position for who knows how long. 

Groaning, he moved his stiff arms to get rid of whatever was bugging his nose. Or tried to. Squirming, he discovered that there were restrains around his wrists and ankles and one across his chest. No matter how much he struggled out of it, he was stuck.

Raising his head, he glanced down at himself, hoping to find a way out. He realized with a shock, that he was wearing some odd jumpsuit that covered his whole body. It was completely white and was that plastic covering him?

Wires from the annoying machine s under the sleeves of his new jumpsuit and stuck somewhere on his body. There was also an IV tube stuck to his hand.

He struggled again, to free himself, but his attempt was pathetic. His body seemed weak and clumsy, his muscles slow to respond. The annoying beeping sped up as he struggled. 

His chest tightened as he struggled continuously. Suddenly, he was having trouble breathing, dispite the tickling in his nose - which he was nearly positive it was from a breathing tube - and the walls were threatening on closing in on him. 

Then, the door opened. 

He whipped his head around, startled by the sound. 


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new reader! :))
parkbaekhyun2705 #2
Chapter 29: I love this story so much!! Please continue
the story!! I'm so excited!!
Chapter 4: Noooo! Suho don't drown!
Also, Suho ur an idiot... if an animal tries to attack you, just grab a tall stick and lift it high above your head, making yourself look taller and intimidating in the animal's eyes, and then they'll back off on their own.
Chapter 3: Omo, this is an interesting story! :3 Me like
parkn20 #5
Chapter 23: Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 23: They're finally meeting!! :D I love this story.
Chapter 18: This is cool! Lately I've been reading a lot of EXO Monster fanfics. But every single one of them is different and I can't help myself but to read them! Yours the first one that starts in the Lucky One lab tho...its awesome!!!!
ChristmasLight #8
Love this story!
erica05 #9
Chapter 7: I dont get it is he just killing them off, is that the whom story