Maybe More Than Just A Coincidence
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Ferociously banging on the door and his voice echoing through the corridors, I slowly rose up from my warm, comfortable bed, blankly staring at the door. Dreading and thinking. It's the first day of college and he's already being this rowdy. I sighed and got ready for school before my brother of mine gets even crazier by dumping icy, cold water on my bed. And that is not something you want to clean up early in the morning.

Stepping out of my room feeling fresh and hungry, I bumped my forehead onto something hard, realising it was Baekhyun standing right in front of my door with his arms crossed and tapping his feet, Ooopsieeee.

"What took you so long, missy? Now let's go before we're late!"

"It's only 7am, class only starts at 9, oppa" Blowing a raspberry and rolling my eyes as he grabbed onto my tiny wrists tightly and dragged me out of the house and to the nearby bus stop which was a few stops away from our house. Screaming at him to let go of my wrist and doing some of my rare aegyo, this fella here was definitely thinking about something because he was obviously oblivious to his surroundings.  

I took out my earpiece and started blasting Love Myself by Hailee Steinfield, a song that gets my day started right everyday and the bus to school came minutes after. Halting to a stop, I looked in and observed. Hmm, it's crowded... Feeling rather uncomfortable, I dragged my feet to board the bus and stood at the corner, not knowing where my brother went. Probably got a seat for himself, aishhh..

The bus to school wasn't so bad, just that the driver was speeding through bumps for god knows why, casuing people around me to keep bumping into me. Vexed, I started to frown into my resting face as I tried to tolerate the urge to scream at the driver and the people around me. Just when I was about to snap, the bus came to an abrupt stop, causing me to launch forward.

Squeezing my eyes shut tight as I anticipated the impact, I felt a pair of strong arms around my shoulders and immediately looked up. 

"Seems like you fell for me, huh?" The person supporting me chuckled as he made an extremely bad joke and helped me up. He had really thick and shiny hair, and he was wearing the eaxct same uniform as I am. "Gwenchana?" He looked right into my eyes and I slowly nodded. He smiled meekly and said, "Sorry for the bad joke, I had to." Riiiiightt...

"Erm.. Thanks." I shyly bowed and went back to my position, but now holding onto the supporting pole tightly and trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone, especially that dude. As the bus ride continued, I realised that the guy who helped me was getting closer and closer to me, and soon he was in front of me. Brushing

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Chapter 4: Wow this story is GOLD! Update soon author nim ^^ Fighting!! Ur story is AMAZING