Im Starting To Fall For You, Unknowingly...

House Of Love


BAM! Your frail body was being pushed against a wall by both of his hands. It was such a sudden blow and you were taken aback for a moment. You tried pushing him away but your weak arms were no match against the strong, masculine body of his. 
"Get away from me before i scream at you," You warned him.
You thought that this would make he feel threatened and back off. However, he gave you a cheeky smile and was leaning closer towards you. *He was obviously ignoring you, idiot* As his face was getting closer, you could clearly see those sharp nose, smooth lips, dazzling eyes and nice soft-looking hair of his. *The close-up look of a super star... amazing* You were slowly drifting away, admiring and envying his looks, unconsciously losing yourself. 
Suddenly, you felt that something was pressing against your ear and you managed to snapped back to yourself. It was Myung Soo's lips. He softly placed  it next to your right ear and whispered, "Kim... Myung... Soo..." The sound of his breath made you feel uneasy of him. 
"Remember that, araso?" He continued as he carassed your cheeks. Goosebumps were beginning to appear all over your body. You were so disgusted and annoyed.
"Why that does it!" With all your might, you poked his eyes and kicked him hard and stormed off, leaving him a warning of not to harass you again. 
"Ouch! Of all places you kicked that part! Do you really want me to be impotent?" He whined. You stopped while hearing his blabbering. You turned around and started laughing away at his pain. (Such a sadist, HAHAHHA) Feeling satisfied, you skipped away.
He looked at you, amazed. Never has he seen such a girl in his entire life. *Such an interesting girl. I must indeed know her name* He was beginning to calm down. Boldly, he shouted to you across the lobby."YAHHH YEOJAR! Whats your name?"  
"Kwon ______~" You cooly replied him and continued walking towards the cafe.
He smiled at you and headed to room 501, on the fifth floor, where he was staying at. He jumped onto the springy bed and laid down. He started removing his clothes while enjoying the cool wind coming out from the air-con.
*What a day...*  He swung up and walked into the toilet. He stood infront of his mirror and started shaving his beard. Within the mirror there lies a reflected view of his nice, y, chocolate abs. Gorgeous, charasmatic and a nice body, definitely a dream guy that every girl wants. 
As he was shampooing his hair, he thought of her. "So unique... So charming..." He mumbled to himself. *Why am i feeling so hot suddenly... It must be the hot water*  
After a nice hot bath, his eyes were all droopy and he kept yawning away. He dragged himself onto the bed and in a split second, he was snoring away, like all those piggies out there. There he lies on the bed, unknowingly thinking of her in his dreams...
*Kwon _____ ssi.... I'll definitely remember you*
AHCHU! *sniffsniff* "Someone must have been mentioning my name, again." You thought. 
/Back With Chap 2, I hope its nice. The ending was suppose to be hilarious. But i guess it was a fail. HUHUHU/
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Hello YEOJARR ^^
deulliechan #2
ni hao~ :D