Ch. Forty Five

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Bomi come out from bathroom and find Kyung outside the door.

“Thank God you’re really here.” Kyung said and smiled.

“Why? Something happened?”

“No. Come on, Bom.”

“Hmm? Where?”

“We have a date, remember?”

“Ah.. Right..” Bomi tried her best to smiling, “Everyone’s ready?”

“No, change of plan. We’re going alone.”

“Oh? Really? Let me say goodbye to everyone then.”

“No.” Kyung hold her back, “No need to do that. I already tell them anyway. Come on, let’s go.” Kyung hurriedly take Bomi outside.


Sehun, Chen and Baekhyun walking to Chorong and others place after talking with people at the front row.

“Wow, I know that SM trainee is gonna be talented, but you guys still amazed me nonetheless.” Chorong gave them thumbs up.

“Thank you nuna.”

“Your last performance was really good, makes me regret that I missed your solo performance.” Hoya said.

“Thanks for come here to watch us.” Chen said.

“Well, it’s not my first intention, but I have fun watching you.”

“Ah, you come for a date. Nuna, want to hang out with us since they’ll leave you behind for a date?”

“Yah, why do you make it sound so bad.” Eunji said.

“He’s just jealous.” Sehun said.

“Where do you guys want to take me?” Chorong asked.

“Hmm, playing games in our room? Hehe..” Chen scratching his head and Chorong just laugh.

Baekhyun didn’t say anything and just wonder his vision left and right searching for something, oh well, scratch that, someone. And we all know who he was looking for.

“I’ll consider it when I got boring in my room later.” Chorong said.

“Okay, nuna. So you guys will leaving now?”

“If you really finished with today’s work.” Hayoung answered.

“Finish or not, we’re leaving.” Sehun put his arm around Hayoung waist and Hayoung blushed.

“Let’s go then. We can’t stay until night here, so we gotta go.” Hoya said.

“Careful everyone. Enjoy your date.” Chorong smiled.

“Bomi?” Baekhyun finally speak before Eunji, Hayoung and their couple leaves.

“She’s with Kyung, and she’s already left for their date.” Eunji answered with frown waiting for Baekhyun asking more but he doesn’t.

There’s sad expression in Baekhyun face when he heard it. He just nodded as he didn’t know what to say. Then Seung Hwan calling Chen and Baekhyun to the backstage so they leave for a moment.

“Eonni, we will comeback here before going back to Gyeonggi-do.” Hayoung said.

“Okay, just take your time.” Chorong said and waved at them as they were leaving.

Her eyes stay on the couple until they were out of her vision. “Jealous much?” Someone talk from her behind.

“That startled me.” Chorong turn around, “Yah..” She cooed but then realized that she shouldn’t have talk like that.

She cleared , “No, I’m not.”

Suho chuckled, “We can do the same though..” He referred to the date.

“Ha, Ha, Ha.. Just go practice on your skill.. The new members are better than you, you’ll lose fans to them at this rate.”

“You worried about me? How sweet.” Suho jokes and makes Chorong laughed a little.

“You’re unbelievable, really.”

“What are you gonna do after this?”

“No need to know.” Chorong then turn and walk ahead.

She heard footsteps behind her and she just felt quite happy to know that Suho is not giving up on her yet. But she knows better that she needs to stop this. Chorong going up to her room using stairs like she always prefer and that way she can makes Suho retreat because he didn’t like wasting energy using stairs. But Chorong still heard footsteps behind her, after reach 2nd floor Chorong walk faster while the footsteps behind her become slower than before.

“Yah..” Suho breathe heavily, “Walk slowly will you.”

Chorong stop and turn, “Why did you take the stairs then?”

“You know why.”

“No I don’t, old man.” Chorong turn and start walking again holding her laughter.

Suho then running until he was one stair ahead and blocking Chorong way.

“Yah, get away. You’re too close.”

“Not really, we’ve been closer than this.”

“Ha, Ha, Ha.. If you were angry I called you old man then I’m apologizing for that. Now, move.”

“Did I say that? I just want to admire your beautiful face from this distance.”

Chorong sigh, “I’m tired talking to you in this matter.”

“That makes two of us.” Suho then pull her closer and kiss her and felt really happy to know that she finally respond to his kiss.

Suho broke the kiss and saw Chorong flustered, “Okay that was –”

“Incredible.” Suho cut her off before she can finish her word, probably saying that was a mistake.

“Junmyeon-ah..” Suho put her finger in front of her lips to make her stop talking.

“You still love me, now I’m sure of that.”

“What a delusional.”

“Really?” Suho put out a book from his bag and show it to Chorong and makes her shriek because it was her diary. She lost it yesterday and since Suho was sure that she still love him that means he already read her diary. Not a chance she’s going to say the otherwise.

“So… Let’s not put another silly thought and just let our heart win this time. I’m gonna be alright, we, we are gonna be alright Chorong-ah. Trust me.”

“How do you know that? And what if this is gonna be nightmare for your career?”

“How about this, we start our relationship without any single of our friend knew about it. If we can “fool” them, then promise me you’re gonna stay with me even when I’m gonna debut soon.”

“What are you talking about? Is that makes sense?”

“It makes sense rather than broke up when we still love each other.” Suho grab her hands, “I love you, Chorong-ah.”

Chorong look at his eyes and couldn’t help but to admit defeat, “Me too.” Chorong pull out her hands just to put it aroud his neck and hug him tight.

“Finally. I thought Bomi will be my savior, but turns out I’m my own hero.”

Chorong broke the hug, “What do you mean?”

“Since you close to her, I thought maybe she can help me to trap you to meet me.” Suho laughed, “But that kid forgets about her mission.”

Chorong smiled, “Of course, her love life is complicated right now, let her be.”

“Is there something between Bomi and Baekhyun?”

“More than something, anyway, are we gonna stay and have a chat here?”

“Good question, for now, let’s heading to your room. The others gonna take their time on their date right?”


“Let’s go then. We can decide our dating place that safe from everyone for next time.”

Two of them walk together after make sure no one saw them.


Sehun and Hayoung Date


Sehun and Hayoung walk while holding each other hands until they arrived at café near the market.

“What do you want to order, Hayoungie?” Sehun asked as soon as they enter the café.

“What’s good here, Oppa?” Hayoung start calling him ‘Oppa’ long ago only when they’re alone, but that still makes Sehun smile.

“Bubble tea is good. You want it?”


“2 Choco buble tea.” Sehun told the cashier but Hayoung suggest ordering different flavor, “That way we can share our drink.”

Sehun just smiled, “Okay. Let’s sit now, Hayoungie.”

“How was your practice so far, Oppa?”

“It was hard, but I’ve so much fun too. How’s school?”

“The schedule is hectic, so it’s kinda hard to adapt from high school schedule. Ah, but I join dance club and that the place than can make me breathe easy for a while in the middle of the hecticness.”

“That’s suit you.”

“What? The hecticness?” Hayoung jokes.

Sehun laughed and pinch her cheeks, “Cute.”

Waitress brings their drink and look at Sehun with bright smile, “Enjoy your drink.”

“Ne, thank you.” Sehun smiling back to her and Hayoung saw how happy she is when Sehun do that.

“Oppa, you must be a regular here.”

“Yes, sort of I guess. I like bubble tea so much so…” Sehun didn’t continue as he saw Hayoung not really listening to him and just sipping her drink while looking at the outside, “Are there something interesting outside?”

“No.” Hayoung answer shortly.

“You want to try mine?” Sehun give her his choco bubble tea.


“Why? Earlier you said you want to share our drink.”

“Share it with the waitress, she must be dying from happiness if you do that.”

“Huh? Why I need to share it with her?” Sehun laughed think that Hayoung must be joking again.

“Oppa, you’re such a clueless man.” Hayoung sip her drink faster.

“Yah, slow down, you’ll choke.”

Hayoung ignore him and the waitress goes back to him and asked, “Want to try our recommended cake for today?”

“Oh, what is it?” Sehun answered with excitement in his voice.

The waitress gives him a flyer with a cake photo in it, “For today’s recommended menu –”

“I’m not getting any of that?” Hayoung cut of her talk and look at her with serious face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll bring one more.”

“No need. Here.” Sehun place the flyer in the middle, “You want to try this Hayoungie?”

Hayoung sigh and tried her best for not being more irritated, “If you want it, Oppa.” Hayoung kinda emphasis on ‘Oppa’ word in front of the waitress and she’s happy to know that it kinda work on her.

“Okay, we’ll try this one. Thanks.” Sehun smiled and the waitress just bows her head, “We’ll serve it in a moment.”

Hayoung was smiling to see the waitress back with some uncertain expression.

“What’s with that sudden smile? Oh, and I’m happy you call me Oppa in front of other people just now.”

Hayoung shake her head in disbelief because Sehun still didn’t get about what happened, “Oppa, how often do you come here?”

“I think I always come here if I have morning practice. But most of time I just take away the drink, except if the other trainees come with me, we usually drink here.”

“And each time you come here, are you always meet the waitress? The one that serve us today.”

“Mostly she’s the one who serve me if I come here.”

“And that didn’t tell you something?”

“What? Like she’s work on day shift?”

“Oppa..” Hayoung frustration makes Sehun frown, “Why? Do I need to know something more?”

“Oppa, that waitress like you. Can’t you see she’s trying to catch your attention this whole time?”

Sehun laughed, “What are you talking about? You just met her, Hayoungie.”

“Oppa, I’m serious. If you look at how she was looking at you, how she was giving you flirtatious smile, you’ll agree with me.”

Sehun ruffled hayoung hair, “Okay, okay, that’s enough. So what about it, it’s not like it matters anyway. I – ”

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)