Useless Info (yay!)

Peaches and Petals
  • I should probably explain the title, shouldn’t I? To start off on a good note, I’d like to say that I came up with the title like 5 minutes ago. I sat and thought for a minute and I was like “oh peaches and petals doesn’t sound too bad.”

  • I chose peaches because I listened to IU’s Peach on replay and that helped me get through writing the second half. That song is my current favorite. It’s so soft and calming; you should give it a listen!

  • I chose petals because cherry blossom is my favorite flower. Since I included cherry blossom trees in the story, I decided to include it in the title too.

  • The title is so insignificant ;’-(

  • I felt like I should’ve taken the scene where you had an anxiety attack out because it was kind of random. Considering how the situation wasn’t that big, the way you felt seemed over-exaggerated. However, that’s how I feel whenever I have an anxiety attack so even though it’s too much, at least it’s somewhat realistic, right?

  • I also wanted to take out the scene where you got mad at Minghao and Wonwoo because again, your reaction seemed too extra. But then again, that’s how I would feel. If I sat next to a stranger who laughed at me and my best friend joined him, damn I would be pissed.

  • To put things in simple words, the way you reacted and felt was written out as the way I would react and feel if I were put in the scenes.

  • I like to write after 12am so almost everything was written between 2-5am.

  • 2 fun (kinda…) facts about the ice cream scene: 1) Minghao actually can’t eat cold food well; he gets a stomach ache if he does. 2) I actually don’t like artificial strawberry.

  • You know how in the first half, Minghao would say something is nice and then refer the niceness to you? I wanted to add a scene where Minghao goes “I like it. I like you.” but hOLD UP that’s a big jump from where you and him stand so I was like “yeah let’s not…”

  • Minghao’s image on the night of their debut showcase left such a huge impression on me I decided to picture him in that outfit and hair for this oneshot. He looked so fine (like always) I had to do it.
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Chapter 3: Minghao is a ball of fluff omg hes so sweet ! Thanks for the sweet storyline ! But i hope there was a confession from minghao tho ^^
Chapter 3: I wanted to read it but the story is not there :(
Chapter 3: Where is the story??
dalgijam #4
Chapter 3: Hmm? Can't seem to find where the exact story is.