chapter 6

of youtube and infatuations



Damn it, I knew this is going to happen.


Seungcheol groaned in his mind, as Jeonghan stormed towards him with a dark aura surrounding the long-haired boy.


Thank you for letting me live for the past eighteen years of my life, even though I would never be able to chase after the love of my life anymore, I –


A hand grasped his uniform’s collar and Seungcheol finds himself face to face with a fuming Jeonghan.


“H-hi J-Jeonghan – “


“How dare you tell Joshua about my fan account?”


Jeonghan whispered as he shook Seungcheol harshly around.


Seungcheol raised his eyebrows in confusion, why is Jeonghan whispering and not shouting at him?


He looked around and his mouth formed an ‘o’.


Everyone around them was staring at the two with slight fear in their eyes. That’s right, Jeonghan may be pretty, but when he gets angry, everyone should fear for their lives.


Oh, and did you know? Jeonghan is quite a celebrity himself, having the most followers for a Joshua-dedicated fan account, though no one (except Seungcheol) knows about that.


“I didn’t mean to – “


“Yeah sure, you didn’t mean to.”


Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the pathetic excuse coming out of Seungcheol’s mouth.


“F-fine, I may or may not have slipped your username after – “




Jeonghan screamed at the shaking Seungcheol, whose face is starting to become deathly pale at how his life is on the edge right now.


The shaking boy opened and closed his mouth (comically) a few times, trying to get some words out from his mouth, but to no avail.


Someone save me please, Seungcheol pleads in his mind as he could feel his life counter decreasing at an alarming rate. 





A honey-like voice filled the hallway. Jeonghan froze and turned his head to face a confused Joshua standing in the hallway.


Oh .


Joshua walked towards the two with a smile on his face, oblivious to the tensed atmosphere. He walked up to the frozen (and blushing) Jeonghan and caressed Jeonghan’s nose.


“I’m so glad you are back in school! That means that you are feeling better right? Is your nose alright though? Your nosebleed was quite serious yesterday.”


“Y-yeah, I-I’m feeling b-better now…”


“That’s good! I’m sorry for causing that nosebleed though, so for forgiveness, I made you some chocolate chip cookies!”


Joshua took out a box of cookies and placed it in Jeonghan’s hands.


“I got to go now, I’ll see you next week! Again, sorry for what happened yesterday!”


Joshua waved goodbye to Jeonghan and the still pale Seungcheol (who collapsed onto the ground after Joshua gently removed him from Jeonghan’s deathly grip), and left in the direction of his next class.


Jeonghan could finally act out the cliché scene of watching Joshua’s silhouette disappearing from his sight with no interruptions as he held onto the box of cookies with dear life.


Did Joshua just made time to bake chocolate chip cookies for him? For him, Yoon Jeonghan?


Oh my god. Oh my ing god –


Calm down Jeonghan. You got to chill.


Jeonghan took a deep breath, and turned to face the slowly recovering Seungcheol with his killer glaze.


“You are off the hook this time, Choi Seungcheol, but next time, next time I will make sure to rearrange your face so that your Jihoonie baby would not even bare to look at you for one second, you hear me?”


Seungcheol timidly nodded, before he watches in slight fear (and amusement) at Jeonghan skipping away with light footsteps, acting as if nothing (except Joshua) had happened.


Thank you lord, for sending Joshua to save me.


Now I can go and find my Jihoonie baby and spend the rest of my time with him before school starts –




Damn it.


Author's note:

Hello again~ hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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See you all in the next chapter~

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BLoved_97 #1
Chapter 7: thank you for this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I want more
I can relate to Jeonghan xD
Chapter 7: Omg i love this so much ugh my top2 otp is here wow and the story is interesting!!
Chapter 7: Asdfghjkl I really really like your story! Hahaha Jeonghan's such a fool, so cute. Jihan really makes me squeal XD Poor cheol, but not really haha
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #5
Chapter 7: Jicheol side story?! YAS PLEASE!! I've been so JiCheol deprived lately so I need more JiCheol like seriously. Anyway, this was ADORABLE!!! I cant wait for the side story and the next chapters after it! I'll be looking forward to the next chapters so update soon :D
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #6
Chapter 7: This story filled with fluffy good romance juicy goodness has now made my boringly sick life officially ing nice.
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #7
Chapter 7: IM SO ING HAPPY NOW! OH MY ING TY HECK! my life is officially over~ *faints on the ground with red hearts flying all over her*