chapter 1

of youtube and infatuations

Sometimes, Seungcheol wishes that he isn’t friends with a certain Yoon Jeonghan.


Apparently, that sometimes is right now.


He has been listening to Jeonghan being all smitten over his senpai since 6.30 am this morning, and worse still, it’s a Monday morning. A Monday morning.


“– and did you know? He recently moved to Seoul! And do you know what that means?!”


Jeonghan gasped, shaking Seungcheol’s lifeless body aggressively.


“That means that I have a higher chance of meeting him along the streets! Can you believe that?! Can you even imagine seeing Joshua on the streets?! Oh my god I so can!”


Jeonghan squealed, excitement flowing through his body. Seungcheol sighs, and nodded along, hoping the bell would ring soon (not that he likes going to class, but if he were to choose going to class or hearing Jeonghan fanboying over his senpai, then he would gladly go to class).


“…yeah…I can imagine …”


He responds with a monotone voice, hoping that Jeonghan would get the hint that he wants some peace and quiet. (Jeonghan didn’t).


“I know right?! I think I would faint the moment I see him on the streets! What if we were to make eye contact? I think I would die! And like –”


Someone please save me, Seungcheol pleads silently.



It felt like an eternity before the school bell finally rang, and Seungcheol never felt so relieved to see the teacher walking into the class. The whole class (including Jeonghan) quietened down at the sight of the teacher standing in front of the class.


“Good morning class, today we have a new student from America who will be joining us, so I hope you will treat him like one of your classmates, alright?”




The class chorused. Ms. Kim rolled her eyes at their monotone response, before turning to the class door and gesturing to something, or someone, to enter the class.


Jeonghan felt his heart stopped at the sight of the new transfer student.


Joshua Hong – his senpai, crush, obsession, love of his life, soulmate is standing right before his very own eyes.


It seems surreal, unbelievable, and Jeonghan may or may not have check out (and drooled over) Joshua’s body as Joshua introduced himself with that oh so melodious, honey-like voice of his –


“I know the new student may be good-looking, but I hope you would at least have the decency to be subtle about it, Jeonghan-sshi.”


The whole class turned and look at Jeonghan, whose face and neck flushed red in embarrassment at the attention Joshua the class is giving him and grinned sheepishly, blatantly ignoring the teasing gestures Seungcheol thrown at him.


“Nice try Jeonghan-sshi, but I think the first step to saving yourself from further embarrassment is by wiping off the drool from your mouth.”


Oh how Jeonghan wishes he could just jump off the window right now.


But before that, he needs to murder Seungcheol (and the teacher) first.


Author's note:


So here is the first chapter! I know that it's kind of short, but I assure you guys that the chapters ahead will be longer :)


And I also apologise for the failed humour in this chapter (and the following chapters ahead). I tried.


Anyways, hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^




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BLoved_97 #1
Chapter 7: thank you for this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I want more
I can relate to Jeonghan xD
Chapter 7: Omg i love this so much ugh my top2 otp is here wow and the story is interesting!!
Chapter 7: Asdfghjkl I really really like your story! Hahaha Jeonghan's such a fool, so cute. Jihan really makes me squeal XD Poor cheol, but not really haha
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #5
Chapter 7: Jicheol side story?! YAS PLEASE!! I've been so JiCheol deprived lately so I need more JiCheol like seriously. Anyway, this was ADORABLE!!! I cant wait for the side story and the next chapters after it! I'll be looking forward to the next chapters so update soon :D
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #6
Chapter 7: This story filled with fluffy good romance juicy goodness has now made my boringly sick life officially ing nice.
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #7
Chapter 7: IM SO ING HAPPY NOW! OH MY ING TY HECK! my life is officially over~ *faints on the ground with red hearts flying all over her*