*~A ViSiTOR??????????????~*

*~a ShOrT sToRy~*

itz a month aftur da weddin....... a knock on daesangs door....

"who da hell iz it"

"open up nigga"




"iz ya boi caborri fly"

"oh u da nigga who sell da old spice samples down at da walmart"

"ya sum strait hoodrag ya dig"


"now let ya nigga in iz cold as out here"

"ok come in"

"nigga you got some food 2 feed a nigga"

"naw man we got some across the street tho follow me"


they appear in da dorm..


"gad dam daesang im tired of u poppin up outta nowhere"

"this young man is hungry"

"ayo wat it is its yo boy caborri fly"

"theres a mcdonalds down the block"

"naw man we sick of that fast food "

"wat da daesang didnt u cook 4 da weddin"


"ayo wat it d-"



"escuse me yung my name is g doocheon not douche"


"get da out"

"homie i need some bus fair tho.."



"lend this nigga some bus fare"

"how much"

"2 g"

"nigga we is in korea"


"iz 300 won enuff"

"hell ya nigga cya"


caborri fly walks off itnto the sssunset..... 

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