*~a ShOrT sToRy~*

g doocheon n sengai go 2 pots room.......


"open da door pot"


"i got a gun"

"ok ill open"

"where da tea ying at"

"ova there eatin sum plant"

"dam dam dam y are u letting him eat the plant u pot and daesang"

"im so hungry......"

"well da on let me take u 2 mc donalds"


ok tey ate mc doandls go home sleep and next day... WEDDIN


"sengai wake up.. its weddin day"



"whos comin"

"tea ying & daesang"

"wat bout pot"

"he afraid of weddins"

"wat a "

"i no"


meanwhile.. aT DA WeDDiN.~*


"hi we hav every1 gathured heer 2day 2 witnis smth big in histury.."

"wat da i thot u was scared of weddins"

"pls dont mentin it :'("

"sry yo"

"lol dis dum as "

"im hungry"

"please shut up tea ying"

"as i wuz SaYiN...

we iz gathured heer 2day witnessin sumthin big in histury..

da weddin of g doocheon & sengai...

if u gotta ubject dis.. pls say now.."

"well, i-"

"i will kill ur entire family daesang"

"sry pls continue"


do u, mister g doocheon, tak miss sengai as ur lawfilly weddin waifu"



"lol dis gay as "

"an do u miss sengai take mista g doocheon as ya husbind"


"ok kiss da bride"


dey kiss & is married... now da feest begin


"gad dam dis food gud"


"were da pot"

"he afraid of dinner tables"



dey eat dinner n sleep...........


sry 4 da short chap. :'( pls comment & subscribe thank

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