*~.....Wat da R u....~*

*~a ShOrT sToRy~*

"g doochen....... wake up.."

"wat da u want pot"

"som1 at the door :("

"den y da dont u get it"

"im scare"

"fine dam let me get dis dor"


g doochen gets out of bed & answrs the door...........



"wat da r u"

"iam tea ying plase let me stay"

"te animal sheLTER is down tha block"

"let me stay



"pls let stay.. they gonna kill me plase"


sengai comes home from work.......


"who da dis is"

"sum animal"

"my nam is tea ying pls let me stay they r gong tO KILL ME"

"ok i adapt u"

"wat da sengai"

"yay thank :')"



"now pls c-"


"pls come i-"




" i wus sayin, da in itz cold az "


"were da pot at"

"te pot is in te closet undr te shoe box"

"wat da sengai not tat pot why did u hav to say that infront of the animal"

"our kid hes not a animal"

"he a nasty animal im not help u raise that tHING"

"iam divrcing you "



"iam goid to kil l mySELF"

"no dont m sorry"

"r we merrid agin?"





hope u liked my chapter 1 :* pls comment & subscribe thank <3

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