Meeting with you again!

I Will Always Love You

A/N: Hey everyone, How are you? Hope your doing well :D so here is my second chapter of the story hope you all enjoy reading it. Would appreciate if you could please leave a comment below and maybe give me some suggestion on either what I should do next or what should I improve on that would be great :D Thank you and enjoy reading :D

Next Day.....
Your POV:

I arrived at SM building at 7 A.M. which is quite early as other people would usually come to work at 9 A.M. or so. I went straight to practise room and as soon as I entered I saw someone sleeping on the couch while his back is facing me. I went up close to the guy to see who it was however my intention to go up close to him was cut shortly when I saw who it was…

I felt my heart beating real fast at the time. I turn back around and was going to leave the room until I felt something was holding my hand tightly.

“Oh God!! What do I do now!” she murmured to herself

How did you end up here?

It was his voice!





It was…...


I tried to pull my hand away but failed and eventually I got pulled harder and fell onto him! I was in shocked that I didn’t even realized that he was staring at me and we were so near to each other that my nose is touching his nose. I reminded myself again and again of what has happened, my hand was shaking, I quickly stood up and bow to him “ mianhae sunbae- nim” I stuttered. I got my bags and were ready to leave the practise room until that voice appears again…


“You left you sweater” said Sehun

I quickly went to him and grab the sweater from his hand

“You still kept that sweater? Is it still warm like it was before? ” said Sehun smirking 




My face turned really red and my heart was thumping like CRAZY!

“I guess we’ll be seeing more often after this.. You can use this room I’m leaving first” said Sehun

Ten minutes has passed since he walked out the door.  My two hand was still trembling because of what has just happened. I sat down on the couch and the painful memories I had with SEHUN before this is coming back to me! HE WAS THE GUY WHO BROKE MY HEART! HE WAS THE GUY WHO BROKE HIS PROMISES! THE GUY WHO LEFT ME BROKEN HEARTED UP UNTIL NOW!!

Sehun is back in my life once again?! WHY?! I asked myself.

I cried silently…..

Sehun POV:
Sehun smirks while leaving the practise room. I knew that I had made her upset. But that’s the only way that I can get her to look at me. I did it on purpose just to see on how she’ll react to it.
It’s been a long time since I have seen her…
"I truly miss her! But I must endure this! I MUST! At least I can see her often now rather than before" he murmured to himself.....
A/N: Why exactly is Sehun doing this?! What is he planning? Is he going to break her heart again? can you tell the storyline already? kekeke... Stay tuned for the next chapter okay :D If you have anysuggestion on either what I should do next or what I should improve on please leave a comment below :D Thank you for reading!
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