15th Step ~ Final

Until you can run away from me

"Life is like a huge lottery in which only the winning tickets are visible."

The Orange Girl, Jostein Gaarder


 ♦ Jinki 


“It’s amazing how three years ago you were pushing a wheelchair and now...it’s a stroller” Jinki said beside Ha Yun that was pushing the stroller with their baby son while they walked in the park.

“Yes! Thank God someone made you come around and start doing physiotherapy!”

Her comment made him smile “I would still have got you pregnant even if I wasn’t able to walk.”

“You would have never married me if you didn’t!”

He pondered on her words “I would! I would eventually!” There was no way he would let her run away from him.

After the marriage he took her to Jeju Island, they tried hallabongs together and a few months later they made that beautiful toddler that was their son.

“Yes, maybe you would have got me pregnant…” she insisted “But I would be very bored by now! I prefer when you stay on top!”

Her comment made him laugh and he circled her waist with his arms raising his eyebrows.

“Should we do it here?” She asked and he knew what she meant.

He nodded and Ha Yun stopped the stroller and released their son giving him to Jinki.

He carefully placed the boy on the ground and grabbed both his hands.

It was the time to do it, to keep her promise and Jinki smiled at Ha Yun.

“Don’t push yourself. Small steps!” She said to the two special men of her life.

“I’ll be careful!” Jinki said while the toddler pulled at his hand wanting to walk ”Will you watch?”

“Always!  I’ll stay here waiting for you to come back, watching every step.”

Jinki nodded his head like a kid and turned his back to her, slowly walking with his son.

That day he wasn’t walking alone. He was taking his son for a walk. He was not the perfect father but he was doing his best; and as Ha Yun promised him one day a long time ago, he was going to help his son give the first steps. That was what he was doing, patiently supervising those small steps that were so important to that small human being. In a way it was pretty similar to what Ha Yun did with him and he looked back at her blinking one eye.

She waved at him and he was sure she was as emotional as he was while watching it.

He had the best wife ever, his best friend, and the best lover, the one who could scream at him when it was necessary and the same one that could hug him when he needed. She was perfect and even gave him a son.

It was good to be alive!

Life was truly like a lottery and he was the lucky bastard who got a second chance and a winning ticket.




 ♦ Ha Yun 


Ha Yun watched Jinki and their son walk slowly away from her but she wasn’t worried. They would come back eventually. It was their first walk together and she could barely hold the tears because it had a very special meaning to their family.

When she looked back at everything that happened she saw the whole thing like a blessing. Yes Jinki and her suffered a lot but the outcome of all of it was that beautiful baby and their love.

Jinki was also her hallabong. He was all along and she was glad that somehow she was his too. Isn’t that the biggest miracle ever?! To love and be loved in return?!

Jinki stopped a few meters away picking up their son on his arms. He was probably tired since he was barely over one year, and Jinki looked at her waving, calling her to him.

“It’s not complete if you are not here! You need to hold his hand too!” He yelled to her and it made total sense.

They were in it together ever since the beginning, ever since she promised him that there was no way he would get rid of her, only once he could run away. He never ran away, even though he could now. Instead he stayed by her side, he cherished her and loved her everyday of their life together, promising to do it until the day they died. Jinki even gave her a son.

It was good to be alive!

Ha Yun stepped forward pushing the empty stroller with her in the direction of her family.

She was one of the lucky ones. She got a winning ticket in that lottery called life.

A.N: Thank you for reading my short story. You can now check the one shot if you like since you can read some of the scenes in this story from Ha Yun's point of view and check my other stories too. I hope you enjoyed it!


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thatgranitegirl #1
I came across this story on AO3 and followed you here to finish it :) I absolutely loved this story, the depth of it was just amazing and I haven't read any other like it. I'm glad things went well for them in the end ❤️
iamsiti #2
Chapter 16: This updated author note really help me in finding this story now.. I am happy that I come across this story today and just finish reading it in one time..
This story is so beautiful.. Ha Yun and Jinki had suffered a lot in their life before. They deserves these happy ending together..

Thank you for writing such a good story here. This story is so great!
abcd20 #3
Chapter 15: Amazing... I love every single chap!! All that emotional rollercoaster. Well done
jjpa168 #4
Chapter 15: Just finished reading this fic. Beautiful story yet again by you, author-nim. Loved it!
Midoriii #5
Chapter 15: It has been almost 10 years that i’m a kpopper but I’ve never read any fanfic! Strange right? XD well i dunno.. i couldn’t get attracted to fake stories about my real idols maybe..
But atlast, I’ve decided to try one few days ago.. and this was my first ever fanfic that I’ve read!
That was really sweet! You made me emotional ... i got tears and laugh in different parts..
I’m really glad that your story is the first fanfic ever that I’ve read. Now i’m more motivated to read fanfics haha xD
Thank you so much for putting effort and time in it.. you are awesome !!! ^__^
aurorabby #6
Chapter 15: Yayyy sweetest story everrr~~ So much feelings.. GAHHHHH no im not crying no *dreamy sigh*
Chapter 15: Ah, this was nice. One of your friends recommended your stories. This one caught my attention because I too am working on a story where Jinki becomes disabled, though yours is definitely more cheerful than mine lol. I haven't posted on AFF yet, but when I do, I'd love for you to check it out. Nice job.
dubuya #8
Chapter 15: what a beautiful story :) thankyou author-nim!