Butterflies Pt. 6

The Tales of the Royalty


Where was she? Tiffany had sent massive amounts of texts, and called the girl a least twenty times. Although somewhat calm and composed on the outside, Tiffany was jumping up and down in frustration on the inide. “Aish…this girl. Where could she be?” She was really worried for her friend. She saw the look on Taeyeon’s face as she witnessed the scene. It replayed over and over again in her head like a broken movie slide.


“Okay…you’re not in my house and not in yours…where could you b-No…” Tiffany picked up her keys and drove off, towards an abandoned bridge on the other side of town.


Once she got there, she saw a small figure lying down on the ground, not moving. It couldn’t be…


“T-T-Taeyeon? Tae Tae? TAEYEON!!!!” What started out as a soft whisper turned into her a loud cry as Tiffany ran over to the body. “No. No. No.” She held the bleeding girl in her arms, not caring when the blood seeped into her shirt when she cradled the fallen girl’s head on her lap. She brushed the bangs off of the other girl’s face as she stared at her bloodied face. “Taeyeon…”


She felt the other girl stir. A sigh of relief escaped her pursed lips. The other girl opened her eyes. “T-Tippani?”


Tiffany’s tears finally fell as she let out a giant sigh of relief. “Taeyeon-ah..you pabo! You dummy! Do you know how worried I was because of you? You didn't answer my calls or return my texts! I was scared to death because of you! I almost got a heart attack because of you! You dork! You-“


“S-Sorry…I didn’t mean to…hurt you…Don't cry, Tippani…don’t cry because of me….I’m fine…”But a lone tear betrayed Taeyeon’s words as it made it's way down her bloodied cheek. Tiffany was there to catch the tear, to wipe it away. “Taeyeon-ah…don’t act anymore, please. It hurts for me to see you act happy.”


Taeyeon tried smiling, but the pain in her head was just too overwhelming. “Who said I was acting? I am happy, Tippan-“


“You’re clearly not. Which happy person goes around bleeding and screaming? Speaking of blee-Omo! Taeyeon! Your hands!” Tiffany reached over to grab Taeyeon’s bleeding hands, but she moved them away. “It’s nothing, Fany-ah. I’m fine. See-?” She wasn’t even done speaking when she started getting really dizzy and fell back down.


“Kim Taeyeon! Stop acting so macho and let me take care of you for once!” Once again, Tiffany cradled Taeyeon’s head in her lap. Taeyeon jerked her head back and forth, trying to resist Tiffany’s touch. She was slowly growing weaker whenever the taller girl touched her.


“Stop squirming!”


“I’m fine, really…”


“No, you’re clearly not! I’m going to get you to the hospital. Your bleeding hasn’t stopped yet.”


“There’s no need-“


“Sooyoung’s a doctor at the hospital, so we don’t even have to wait.” Tiffany was oblivious to the sour expression on the other girl’s face as she whipped her phone out and typed in a number. “Yeoboseyo? Soo? It’s Tiffany. I’m coming to the hospital. Not me. Taeyeon. See ya.”


Taeyeon closed her eyes again and let out a sigh, one that held all of her remorse, her pain and her suffering in it.


It was the last sigh she would ever let out.


“Tae. Tae Tae…? TAEYEON!!!!!












Kekeke this update's a bit longer! For those impatient leetle readers... :P

But your comments are awesome!



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Chapter 49: please update soon
mioaio #2
Chapter 49: Author!! update this faster!! I want to know what happens next! ughhhh!!!
Chapter 49: Gaaah, when will you update this one, author-ssi?
It was already over a year and i'm still craving for this continuation!! DX
omoo~ update soon~
i guess the girl was yuri ._.
fany loves her too~ ^^ how cute~ , i envy u D: i have to wait until february for SNSD to go here in the philippines D:
glad to know Fany feels the same way :)

but hey, author ssi. You reminded me of the concert aisssh , i really want to go there >.<
who is that girl? she got magic or what huh?
omo what's with the girl who took Tiffany?? @.@