Chapter 6

Overcome [A NU'EST Fanfic]

Ren spent the time in his dream world sitting with Kris, who was in his dragon form, talking about his life. Kris wanted to know how his life was up to Ren choosing him as his god. Ren felt closer to Kris now than ever before, since he felt the bond between them get deeper. He smiled sadly when the dreamworld started to fade, so he stood. Kris nuzzled him before everything around Ren became black.

Ren jolted awake, sitting up. He looked towards where he left Baekho and found the sleeping bag empty. "Morning sleepy head," said a familiar voice as Ren turned his head towards the fire. "You're alive," mumbled Ren, as he cracked a smile. "Hey there," said Baekho, who smiled. Baekhyun whined and went over to Ren. "Hey Baekhyun," said Ren as he laughs, petting him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save Aron," mumbled Baekho. Ren looked sad. "It's alright, he doesn't blame you," he said. "Trust me when I say that," he said. Baekho nodded.


Out of the 5 of them that had made it to become the queen's guard, Ren was closest to Aron. Ren and Aron practically grew up together, since Chanyeol had taken Aron in when he found Aron after Aron had been basically left for dead in an alley. Aron was, of course, friends with Minhyun and JR who had joined the same year he did to start training to become a part of the queen's guard, so Ren got to know Minhyun and JR pretty well during their training days.

Ren got to know Baekho from the time he spent with Chanyeol, who spent time with Jongin and Yixing. They were newly acquainted guards by then. Chanyeol, Jongin, Yixing, Luhan, and Kyungsoo had made it, each with their own skills and talents put in to work well with each other. Jongin helped Baekho shift between his forms, while Yixing and Chanyeol helped Ren train. He had yet to actually pick his god at the time, but he wanted something like fire or frost, like Luhan's god Xiumin.

It was Jongin's death that rocked the guard like no other, it hitting both Yixing and Ren hard because they both felt it was their fault. It was the first death in 10 guard replacements, and Ren had indirectly caused it, while Yixing had failed to save him.

"Don't blame yourself Ren," Chanyeol had said. "Yixing you better not blame yourself either," he grumbled, sighing. "It's my fault that I decided to work with ice that day!" Said Ren. "I didn't know that it'd shoot through his body like that!" He had shouted. "Calm down Ren," said Chanyeol as he tried to calm his nephew down. "It's not your fault, Jongin would never blame you for it, he offered to be the test dummy," he said. "I just hope that when I do get my orb, I don't choose ice," mumbled Ren. "Fire is destructive too," said Chanyeol. "More out of control than ice, I'm just as bad at lightening, but I'm getting there," he said.

The next death had been Chanyeol's, and Ren had completely broke when he heard the news. Some negotiating had gone wrong and Chanyeol died saving the rest of the guard.

Ren sat at Chanyeol's grave for hours after the funeral, just completely unresponsive to anyone and everyone. He had just gotten his orb, and today was supposed to be when he chose his god. "You were supposed to be there," he said sobbing. "I wanted you to see who I would choose," he said, hugging the headstone.

The orb floated in front of him, and Ren blinked, looking at it and wiping his tears. He turned around when he heard a voice. "I have come because I saw your grief, Chanyeol himself asked if I could be your god someday, or at least, be a part of you," said the man that stood before him. Ren looked in awe. "My name is Kris, the embodiment of fire, and I am a dragon who is at your service, if you so wish," said Kris. Ren didn't hesitate. "I accept," he said, bowing before Kris. Kris smiled and touched Ren on the shoulder, a bright light surrounding the two before it faded and Ren found himself alone with his orb.

"I guess this was your last present to me huh?" Asked Ren as he turned back to Chanyeol's grave. "Thanks uncle," he mumbled and just sat there, now at peace with himself.

Aron found him later, still at the grave. "Done grieving?" He asked Ren as he put a hand on his shoulder. Ren turned to look at his best friend, and managed to smile a little. "Yeah, I got one last present from him," he said. Aron smiled softly. "That's good, come on, Luhan wanted to continue training you," he said. Ren nodded and stood, walking back with Aron.

Ren continued his training with Luhan and Kyungsoo, Yixing pitching in to help Ren learn the basics in the medical field. He took everything in stride after his uncle's death, wanting to fill his shoes.

The next death had been Yixing, who after teaching Ren whatever he could, committed suicide. No one saw how badly he was handling Jongin's death until this happened. It brought back old memories for Ren. He was brought back to when he first used ice. He kept a brave face on, but Aron was there for him. "None of this was your fault," Aron had said. Ren nodded. "I know," he mumbled. "I wish I saw the pain he was in though," he said.

Luhan and Kyungsoo were left as the queen's guard by the time Ren and company were ready to take the final tests to become official. Luhan threw in everything he knew to Ren, as Kyungsoo took charge to train Aron, Minhyun, Baekho, and JR. Of course, they switched every now and again to keep things fresh.

The ceremony came, and out of a group of 30 people the queen herself came forward to choose 5 people. JR was first, chosen for his leadership skills, and his bravery to face anything and everything. Aron was next, chosen for his skill with the bow, and his amazing ability to train animals, proven by the years Aron spent training Baekhyun who stood proudly by his side. Minhyun was next, chosen for his tactical skill set and his perfect use in a sword. He was chosen more for his tactical mindset, since he could come up with strategies on the fly that would work.

Out of the class of 30, Baekho was the only shapeshifter. No one thought it'd be him that would be chosen, since he still had some trouble shifting between forms. But when the queen chose him Luhan and Kyungsoo cheered. Baekho was chosen for his strength and his skill with knives. It never mattered that he had trouble shifting between forms. The queen never chose someone over another simply because of abilities. She chose them because of their skills and personality.

When it came time to choose the last person, Ren sat with anticipation and nervousness. He was not going to be mad if the queen didn't choose him. There were other people that had better training than he had. Aron gave him a reassuring smile when they met eyes, so Ren sat with more dignity in his posture. He anticipated, and when the queen stepped before him and presented him as the newly appointed guard Aron, Luhan, and Kyungsoo jumped in joy. Aron had to quickly compose himself as Ren stood, bowing before the queen and going to join the rest of his friends.

Luhan and Kyungsoo watched proudly as one by one the new guards stepped forward to receive the pocket watch that the queen gave to every new guard. Aron was first, then JR, then Minhyun, then Baekho, then Ren. They served the queen with pride, and continued to do so even today.


Ren was brought out of his thoughts when Baekho said something. "I'm sorry, what?" Asked Ren. "I asked if we could move on today," said Baekho. "I've been resting here a while, and Baekhyun brings me food every now and again," he said. "I do need to see if there's any towns nearby," mumbled Ren. "Did you bring a map?" He asked. Baekho shook his head. "Damn it," mumbled Ren. "How well do you know the area?" He asked. Baekho thought about it. "There is a town a few miles from here, if I remember correctly," he said. "Dunno how we'll be able to find the right path with everything covered in snow but we'll try," he said. Ren nodded. "We'll leave in a bit, let's eat something first," he said. Baekho nodded.

Ren shared whatever food he had left between the 3 of them before packing up. He packed up his sleeping bag and Aron's bedroll before turning to Baekho. "Where's your pack?" He asked. "I lost it while getting away from the wolves," Baekho said, scratching the back of his head. "That's alright, we can go get another one from this town," said Ren. Baekho nodded.

They soon left, going in the direction of the town Baekho had mentioned. Baekhyun stayed beside Ren as they walked, not wanting to leave Ren's side.

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Story is finished guys :D may do a spin off from the first guard's pov then do it in the next guard's pov. updates soon


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When a story contains NU'EST and EXO, I can't help but subscribe. I'm not really a fan of NU'EST, but I do like Ren a lot. And EXO is my 9th bias group, so heeeyyy
Chapter 21: My heart. why did you do this to me? Thank u
Chapter 20: Oh honey no you dont, dont do what i think youre gonna do
Chapter 19: Nuuuu, it cant be overrrr
Chapter 18: The castle, oh not a castle, thats like the place for plot
Chapter 17: Baekho, you litterally have bae in your name so dont you dare die.
Chapter 16: The flashback deaths hurt me, but I still love it
Chapter 15: Kris why, why must you be like this?!
Chapter 14: No dont sleep my spidey sense is tingling