Pleasant Surprise

Who Would've Known
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Chapter 2

Pleasant Surprise

Chaeyeon gaped at the boy, wondering if he had been talking to her.

“Are you talking to me?” Chaeyeon furrowed her eyebrows.

He smirked. “What are you? Stupid? Don’t you see that there isn’t anyone else around?” he said in a disgusted yet mocking manner.

Chaeyeon’s blood started to boil because he just belittled her in such a mocking way, but she kept a calm exterior.  “Look, I don’t want to start any beef with you, so why don’t we just handle this in a professional manner and get along with our lives?” Chaeyeon faked a smile.

He simply ignored her. “Apologize.”

Her patience was running low. For some reason, she felt like she couldn’t hold in her anger any longer.

Chaeyeon was generally a patient person, but she had zero tolerance for disrespectful people. Normally, had it been a nice person, she would’ve been the humble person she is, apologize, and call it a day, but for some reason, her gut was telling her to retaliate. “Who’s the one turning this little situation into a big deal? Certainly not me,” Chaeyeon scoffed, trying her best not to burst out at him. “Plus, you bumped into me as much as I did to you, so why don’t we just both apologize to each other,” she was trying to be as humble as she could without backing down. No way in hell would she surrender after hearing how ill mannered he was.

“What did you ing say?” he said through gritted teeth. He was now clutching on to a part of her hoodie, slightly puling it up. He looked down on her short figure. His brown orbs stared burned through her skin and stared straight into the core of her soul.

Chaeyeon menacingly returned the burning stare and said nothing more. Neither of them were intimidated by each other.

Chaeyeon really wanted to punch this douche in the face. She knew when to be kind, but she knew now was not the time.

Chaeyeon and the boy continued staring at each other in silence, with more and more tension filling the air by the second. They have been staring at each other for literally a few seconds, but it felt like hours and hours have passed by. In those few seconds, however, Chaeyeon was able to analyze the boy.

Despite his ugly personality, his appearance would say otherwise. He was quite the eye candy, in fact. He had a muscular physique- Chaeyeon could practically hear his thighs screaming to be free from his tight jeans. His hair was parted into two different directions, the parting line leaning more on one side than the other. She took notice of the bunny teeth, which were still clenched together, that lay below the nonexistent upper lip. He was simply wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of Timberlands, yet why did he look like the ideal “hot bad boy” like in the stories she has read?

The boy started to grow impatient. Her expression told him that she wasn’t going to back down, so he decided to resort to another method to get her to apologize.

“I guess I’ll have to find another way to get you to talk,” the boy said as he broke Chaeyeon’s train of thought. “Let’s go around the corner and in to the alleyway so I can teach you a-” he started to say before he was interrupted.

“Kookie-ah! There you are! Where have you been all this…” the approaching figure stopped mid sentence. He didn’t quite catch on what was happening until he got closer to the two. Once he sensed the tension, his eyes widened while his face flushed with curiosity. “Kookie, what in the hell are you doing?”

“Hyung, it’s none of your business,” the boy, who was supposedly called Kookie, said. He took a glance at Chaeyeon and tightened his hold on her hoodie.

“It’s all of my business. Do you know how long I’ve been searching for you today? You just ran off and disappeared!”

Kookie muttered, his voice filled with anger, “I’m just teaching someone not to mess with me.”

“Kookie, drop it. Take your anger on other things. Like, inanimate things or something. I don’t know. Leave her alone,” he said.

Kookie scoffed, then forcefully let go of Chaeyeon’s hoodie, making her stumble back a little. He couldn’t go against his hyung. “You better hope I don’t run into you again,” he started walking away, roughly brushing past her shoulder, the very action that caused this whole ruckus in the first place.

“Sorry about that punk. He’s just blowing off some steam. There’s…a lot going on right now,” the one who Kookie was talking to earlier spoke.

Chaeyeon let a sigh of relief. She could finally relax and loosen up now that Kookie was gone. The one who was supposedly Kookie’s friend seemed friendly. “It’s cool. At least you were thoughtful enough to apologize on his behalf. I’m sorry, too. Not for bumping into Bunny Teeth, but for you being associated with him. He must be a handful,” Chaeyeon casually said.

He let out a small chuckle, one that reached his eyes, making his eyes form crescents. Bunny teeth? “You know, you were the first one ever to stand up

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