Family Supports One Another

What Am I to You?


At the Bae Coporation

"Who is our visitor at 4pm Josh?" Mr. Bae asks. 

"Sir your next visit---"

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" man shouts as he walks in disgreading the rules presented by those at the front desk. 

"Sir I am Josh Mr. Bae's secretary if you have an appointment with him you need to go back outside and set one up with the front desk." 


Mr. Bae sighs "Josh please leave us" 

"But Mr. Bae this man didn't follow protocol" 

"Then allow me to introduce my childhood friend Mr. Kang one of the men who can barge into my office without suffering consequences" 

"Oh forgive for my negligence for I don't know any friends of Mr. Bae" Josh says bowing. 

"You're forgiven no please go before I lose my cool again" 

Hearing the irritation in his voice Josh runs out of the room without looking back and before he closes the door turns to his boss "I assume I need to cancel your schedule for the day?" he says half knowing what the answer is.

Mr. Bae nods "yes this is important." 

Mr. Kang sits himself down on the chair in front of Mr. Bae's desk 


"I know Ricky your daughter got shot by Joy. My daughter came in earlier and told me what happened before delievering a solid right hand punch to my face" Mr. Bae laughs bitterly. 

"So that's why you have a bruise on your left cheek" Ricky says nodding. "What did she say?"


4 hours earlier 

"Oi Ahjussi!!" 

"Irene-ah what are you doing here? I thought you were a----"

*Irene delievers a punch from her right hand*

"ouch what on earth was...." Mr. Bae stood up but to his own dismay stopped himself when he looked into Irene's eyes 

betrayal, hope, love, confusion, sadness, happiness, confidence and faith all of which were showing from the fire he saw in her eyes

"Why are you here Joohyun-ah?" Mr. Bae ask softly.

Irene immediately pulled her dad into a big hug as she cried into his chest not saying or breathing a word 

For once in her life she wanted to feel her father's warmth the one thing she lacked growing up. 

Daniel recognizing his daughter's weakness felt ashamed and wanted to shove her off and tell her 'Be strong, crying is for the weak.'

But then he considers all the emotions she has inside her waiting to explode. This was that moment to him to drop his "Mr. Bae head of the Bae Coporation" act and just be Daniel Bae Irene's only blood related family.

"Joohyun..." Daniel paused. 

Irene slowly looks up to him with tears in her eyes

"Please tell me what happened at school today" he says wiping her tears away. 

"Joy......Joy ummmmm" 

Daniel notices his daughter's hesitance. His look turned soft realizing that he had sounded harsh towards his only blood child. 

Seeing his face experession Irene wiped the remaining tears off her face and striaghted herself out

"Joy shot Seulgi ahjussi" Irene stated. 

Silence filled the air between them. Meanwhile Daniel was filling with anger, he knew this might happen if Seulgi broke her contract. He knew Seulgi wouldnt be dead but he wasnt sure if she was in need of surgery or any treatment. 

"I feared this was going to happen but fears always come true don't they?" Daniel asks. 

*Irene tilted her head a little in confusion* "Is that a question pointed at me ahjussi? Irene asks. 

"No but there is remedy to the statement I said because......" he paused. He doesn't want to ask but he's certain that something bigger has occured, more important than Seulgi getting shot by Joy. 

"What's wrong ahjussi is there something you're afriad of?" Irene asks hesitantly.

"Yes there is Joohyun-ah" Daniel says looking at his daughter with a soft expression. "I know that Seulgi and Joy will be able to mend the past, get along and become friends in the future. I have no doubt about that however I do have question for you that's the topic of my fear." Daniel states. 

"Ask away then I'll do my best to answer it then" Irene saids with smile that radiates confidence and understanding. 

"Then here I go" Daniel takes a breath. "Do you lo-------"

"Yes I am in love with Kang Seulgi" Irene interupts him immediately. 

Daniel smiles seeing the confidence his own daughter has as she smiles. 

"Well then I guess its time for you to transfer schools then" Daniel says. 

"Why would I be transfering?" Irene asks hesitantly. She knows Seulgi could be put in more danger if she said something wrong just now. 

"You will be attending the rest of high school in states with her" Irene smiles because she is in disbelief that her own father isn't sending her away or punishing her for what she did to him earlier. 

"You and Seulgi will be spending the rest of high school in New York City at Columbia University with private instructors that will help you finish the needed credits to graduate." 

Daniel hears his phone buzz. He picks it up and checks who the text is from. He smiles when he sees its from Seulgi.

"I have arrived in New York and I'll be staying where?" 

Daniel laughs because he knows that Seulgi has no family in New York and he forgot about that entirely when they signed the contract about Irene's memories. 

Irene looks at her father smiling at his phone wondering what is going on. Her curiousity gets the better and she blurts out "who sent you that text?" Irene covers with her hand immediately knowing that she had been rude interupting her father. 

"Its Seulgi who sent me the message" 

Irene eyes widen "when did you get her number? AHJUSSI! you promised not to get any of my friends' number?!" 

Daniel smiles "well when we signed the contract about your memories I had to get it to keep in touch with her about your progess."

Irene just nods as she understood her father had no choice but to break the promise. 

"Also I'm sending Joy with you as well since you and Seulgi will be living in a 5 bed apartment in the city." 

"This way the past between those two can be mended and they can start to get along hopefully." 

"Plus Joy has changed ever since she became a soldier under us Joohyun-ah, she needs help from all of you to show her the bright side of things" 

"Alright thats a good i--- wait you just said all of us?" Irene said with face having confusion written all over it.

"I'm also sending the Son sisters Yeri and Wendy with you guys as well" Mr. Bae says smiling. 

"If I may ask why are you doing this?" Irene says.

"I am doing this because I want my daughter to be happy and I can see in your eyes that being with Seulgi makes you happy. The time you've spent with her and the others you've been smiling all the time. I've always enjoyed seeing you smile and even if you don't smile at me a lot I'm happy knowing that you have people who make you happy."

Mr. Bae takes this time to text Seulgi who is still at the airport

"Wait at the airport a special family member of mine is going to pick you up and take you to your new home for the rest of high school" 

"Also just to let you know I approve of you :)" Mr. Bae pressed the send button but cringes upon realizing that he sent an emoji. 

Seulgi picks up her phone in hopes of getting out of the airport but to her dismay she sighs as she reads Mr. Bae's first text. But upon hearing the buzz sound again she checks her phone not knowing what to expect from the head of the Bae Corporation. 

Her face slow lights up with a radiant smile as she reads the second message and laughs at the emoji he sent with it. Her faith and hope were rewarded with the one person she cared for more than her own well being Bae Joohyun.

"well I am going to get packing for the states then I will get going then" Irene says she waves goodbye to her father. 

"Also Joohyun-ah" Daniel clears his throat as Irene turns to face him. He smiles "You're leaving today so don't keep her waiting" 

Irene runs over and hugs her father and mutters "I love you dad" loud enough so that only he heard it. 

Despite being taken by surprise of the hug, Daniel hugs her back and says "I love you too." She pulls away from the hug first and starts running for the door and says a line that will forever stay in her dad's heart "I'll contact you once I am with Seulgi." The door remains open as Mr. Bae sits down on his chair smiling at the cieling and tear drop falls down his face "I feel a lot closer to our daughter sweetheart and I hope you feel a lot more closure."



"Ricky" Daniel says. 

Ricky looks at his best friend smiling with confidence as he is about to speak but he interupts him 

"Let me go first Daniel" 

Daniel nods

"I approve of what you are going to propose if our daughters express the desire to marry one another then I am on board as well" Ricky says smiling. 

Sadly all this earned him was a laugh and a soft punch on the shoulder from Daniel. 

"Can you stop finishing my ideas for me?"

"Then we wouldnt be what we call best friends" Ricky teased. 

"Glad we're on the same page then" Daniel says as him and Ricky agree upon doing a fist bump. 




Hey guys sorry for missing the Monday deadline I posted previously and I'll be hiding all of the poll chapters once they yield a decent result (at best 4-5 votes since there arent many of you which is fine I'm just happy knowing that some of you vote) 

So when I had said that Joohyun's adventure to recover her memories was gonna start within 3 chapters its actually gonna start the chapter after the next update since the chapter above is super short version of what would of been 3 chapters initially but then I realized that it would take too long for the adventure to start and I've probably already lost some of you guys already. So this is to make up for lost time and I'll be on hiatus for a week because I have family coming to live with me and writing while entertaining cousins my age is gonna be annoying at least I can spam red velvet and they'll dance along with me. Aside from visitors my life has been going decently nothing bad or great happening im just here and there. Let me know how you guys are doing down below and dont forget to upvote, comment or subscribe. Of course you dont have to but its to hear from you guys and what you guys think of the story so far. Stay happy and healthy!

Kura out~


"Hey guys Joohyun here! 

I've decided to say hi to you guys since its been awhile and the author is fast asleep. He sleeps like a bear. Anyway I am on the plane heading to the states to see Seulgi whose probably sleeping or eating right now. Seems like the author just made some corrections to his grammar since he types too fast for his own good. 

It may seemed rush the relationship that Seulgi and I have but honestly being with her is enough to last me a lifetime. *chuckles* Its funny how that one kiss from her was enough to make me forget about my relationship to Seolhyun. I've tried talking to the author but its pretty hard because well I'm in a story and he is on the computer so I can really reach out of the computer and smack him for taking my memories away. I wonder who our teachers will be at Columbia. Since I am here with you guys I might as well say it. 

I have no intentions of breaking up with Seulgi. Seolhyun is probably some other business man's daughter but I never felt anything when I looked at her. I know staring at her in person, eye to eye is different from a picture but I don't have the slightest clue what I liked about her. You know what........

"Excuse madam is there reception or wifi on the plane?"

"Yes there is the name of the network is that of the airline and the password is your seat number and ticket number" the lady replied.

Irene smiles and slightly bows "Thank you very much"

"Let me open my laptop and check something here" 

 "ALRIGHT she is online" she shouted quietly.

"time to call Choa, single forever"

*meanwhile in Choa's room*


*groans* "I'll grab it this time sweetie"

"oh its a video call from Irene I wonder what she wants"

"Hey Irene"


"Sorry I was---"

"Doing the nasty" Irene says

*gasps* "I-I--um I wasn't doing what you think I was" she says blushing 

"Where's Oh My Girl when u need them because you are really bad at lying I can see your face blushing" Irene states.

"Whose the lucky girl?" Irene asks. 


Irene smiles "Well you were peaking on my sister and Momo making out so its pretty obvious you are into girls"

"Oh yeah forgot about that" Choa smiles while rubbing the back of her neck

two groans sounds can be heard in the background as two ppl stir from their sleep and places their heads on Choa's shoulder one by one

"Baby whose calling at this time?" Hyejeong rubs her eyes.

Choa looks at her "It's ummm... my class mate from school" Choa says cautiously. 

As Choa turns her head toward to screen to look back at Irene, the other places her head on Choa's open shoulder. 

"Choa comeback to bed I miss your hugs" Seolhyun in a sleepish aegyo. 

"Holy trinity" a voice speaks out.

Seolhyun turns towards the computer screen to find Irene looking at them

Seolhyun looks at Irene for a moment, blinks twice and then gasps "oh crap Irene I ummmmmmmmm"

Irene smiles then coughs at the screen of seeing her supposed fiance whose in shock and waitng for some sort of sentence to come out. 

Irene smiles brightly"Well I am glad to see that you're happy with them. As you know I have no memory of you nor do I know how we became engaged so first things first our 'future marriage' is off because I have no feelings for you. Furthermore, if you did have feelings for me at the time of accident its clear as day that you moved on. Don't worry about explaining how this happened. All you need to do is find sometime and visit New York. There you can tell me what happened to you that put you in bed next to these two angels. As of now lets not talk about this and we will do so later when you come to New York. Message me when you want to talk and also bring the other two with you because I don't want you lying to us. For now bye" Irene waved her hand and ended call once Choa waved her hand. 

"Man that was rough wasn't it guys I bet yall werent expecting much from this 'small' editing from me. Looks like New York is the place to be and the place where this story will stay for awhile I hope at least. To be honest I dont want to go to LA primarily because I've been there before so author if you are hearing me well you're gonna read this so yeah don't put me in LA thanks. As for you guys stay happy, healthy and for those of you going through obstacles in life good luck we'll always be cheering for you! Bye for now and see you guys in New York with the rest of RV. 

Bunny Baechu out peaces~


P.S. of P.S.

I managed to type this bit up yesterday so ill post it right now to give yall a little something to look forward to when the gang is in New York. I'm gonna be a bear and hibernate for a bit good night :)

Kura out~


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Wow wow where is the wenrene tag? Sooo seulrene???? When it's seulrene wow yes juhuui
18 streak #2
Chapter 4: im an idiot ladies and gentlemen and the reason why is bc I didnt pay attention at all to my own poll and forgot the various ship names and the ppl involved and now looking back at it feel like an idiot

sry guys ik most of u would like seulrene/wengi aka seuldy (based on vote) and lucky for u guys i've got material for all of that (hence the long update period between the story chapters)
Oh man 15 votes for wenrene? ;( but but but Seulrene?!
18 streak #4
Chapter 3: After the 5th chapter ill be doing some monologues for some of the characters that have been introduced
Vote for who u want to have it down below
u can vote for ppl who havent introduced but know tht their mono will come later
u can also give suggestion as to wht events will help irene regain her memory
mokimoki #5
Chapter 3: Seulrene please!!!!!
18 streak #6 <==vote for your favorite pairing here

only the top two pairings will become official in the end as the pieces are being put back together from this poll

other pairings ill decide on during the process
however this will not be the only poll tht comes your way!! You have been warned :)