
Hopeless Romantic
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His world becomes so slow.


You know how slow the time is when you can see the droplets of water from the rain?


"I'm totally ed up." Wonwoo thought.


He looks at the guy who got his FIRST KISS.


He has this tanned skin, and beautiful eyes. That eyes with black orbs that sparkling. He has this fluffy brown hair that you just can't help but to smell. And lastly, his lips that crushed with his, is sweet as strawberry.


Wait, what?! No! I shouldn't say this. Oh my god Wonwoo! You don't know who this guy is! Stop!


He is now on top of this handsome student. With their lips still touching. He feels his heart skip a beat because of this.


Nothing's entering his mind of thoughts until a camera flashes at their faces which are still intact.


"Oh. my. god." Wonwoo thought.


Wonwoo breaks the kiss quickly and stands up because he just can't feel that he will be alive after this incident.


"What the ?" the taller man said as he stands up looking below to Wonwoo.


"I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh!" Wonwoo feels his legs are trembling and his face is all red, flustered from what happened.


The bell rang and that makes Wonwoo aware that he's going to be late if he skip any other minute or seconds with this man.


He quickly runs towards to their classroom without even looking back at the person.


"Wait- Who are-" the taller shouted.




"Congratulations, Wonwoo. You're already ed up. As in, really really ed up." Wonwoo keeps on thinking about what happened a while ago. Not really listening to his friends talking about their relationships, vacations and etc.


Their class isn't that new from him because of people who've been their classmates since their 1st year. There’s no really a new face in their class.


"Your first kiss is now stolen by someone you didn't even know." He sighed. "At least he’s handsome as ."

No. No. Don't think about it.


It's impossible for someone like him to like you back.

Besides, maybe he is from another class.

Or maybe he's from the other years.


Just. Don't. Think. About. It.

He will later forget that.

Wonwoo shrugged the thought away from his head.



His thoughts were distracted because of their teacher and a person who enters their classroom.


Someone who's really familiar.






"Good morning class. First day of school." The teacher greets his students with a lively expression to lighten up the mood. "I guess most of you already know each other. So there's no need for individual introduction. Right?"


"Oh. And you have a new classmate from United States, please introduce yourself." He said while patting the shoulder of the newcomer.


"Before I introduce myself, You!" He pointed at me.


"Oh my god."


"You kissed me before, right? KISS ME AGAIN.

NOW! Jeon Wonwoo" the newbie said as he walks closer to me.


Why the hell did he know my name? Oh. My. God.


The distance between us keeps decreasing and decreasing as his lips comes closer to mine.




"Won, are you okay?"

Someone patted my right shoulder as I wake from my daydream. It's Junhui.


Wow, great, Wonwoo. You missed the chance hearing his name because of your daydreams. You're dreaming again what's impossible. Right.


"You may take any seat that you want. Kim Mingyu-ssi."


Kim Mingyu. That was his name.


"Thank you, sir."


As he finds his place, I feel like he was going closer to me.


"Is this seat occupied already?" Mingyu said with his deep voice as he points to the chair right next to me. Well, Wonwoo has deeper voice but he can't just ignore the fact that this guy has a voice that is really seductive and will surely turn you on.


"N-no. Y-you can seat t-there." Great. You stuttered Wonwoo. Now you look like an idiot.


"Oh. Thank you." The latter said as he smiles showing his canines which makes Wonwoo flushed in red.

"I'm Kim Mingyu, what's your name?"


Wait. Did he actually ask what my name is? Maybe he'll ask me later if he can be my boyfriend. Please, Lord. Please.


"J-jeon W-wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo." He felt his face heat up as he shakes hands with the taller.


"Wait. Are you okay? Why are you so red?" the taller asked.



"I'm Wen Junhui. Wonwoo's best friend.” Jun shakes hands with Mingyu with smile creeps on h

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Fatimaa #1
Chapter 3: Continuuuuue pleasee
MysteryW #2
Chapter 3: Pls continueee
JeonMaya #3
Chapter 3: PLEASE CONTINUE AUTHOR-NIM!!! (((o(*>ω<*)o)))
Chapter 3: I love your plot and I really love the story, it would be nice if you'd continue this fic ^_^
Chapter 3: you should continue this fic author-nim xD
kanyagita #6
Chapter 3: Please continue this fanfic and yeah I think the plot pretty interesting, fighting author-nim!!
Canxiubemybaby #7
Chapter 3: Please continue the fanfic unless you really don't want to. I personally do love this fic because there isn't a lot of five where Mingyu is really flirty and where Wonwoo is like us asianfanfic readers. I feel like I can connect with Wonwoo because well, here I am reading fanfics just like Wonwoo. I hope that this motivated you a bit❤️❤️
wryhun #8
Chapter 3: <3. If you don't feel like writing a linear narrative, why not make a number of updates with the scenes you have planned?
Also, don't worry about little similarities in fic with other people's fics - after all, the world has only a few set plots, some overlapping is expected. As long as you remain honest in your writing, it will feel new and fresh. *hugs*
Muknip #9
Chapter 2: Omg haha! When I was reading those references, I was like this is so familiar! Omg I love how u made wonwoos character, he's so cute >.< and mingyu being flirty as heck is my favorite! I can't wait for more chapters<3
Canxiubemybaby #10

I approve