


So this isn't an actual chapter. I apologize.

Firstly thank you too whoever read my story, seriously it's much appreciated.

I'm interested to know if I should go on though, I know I left Ravi at a sad place so I was wondering if I should let him stay at a sad point or continue and give him a happy ending

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Spanglepants #1
Chapter 2: Honestly I love this as it is, I feel like sometimes there's beauty in sadness. I'm a er for happy endings but it's not like there's no hope in sight. Having said that i guess it depends on what you feel like doing, whether you feel like it needs more or not :)
So so sad. I look forward to reading more Ravi stories, hope he has a happier ending somewhere along the line.
Chapter 1: Hello there! You have me crying right now poor Wonshik :( is a nice story tho :)