Of Rubber Ducks, Flower Pots and Bombs


"No", Ji Hoon began, slamming his palms at the table in front of him, "Just no. Never again", he added later on, glaring right at Jeong Han. Most people would have run away by that sight, but the long haired male just simply pouted and leaned closer to his staff member: "Why? I seriously don't get why you would choose work over visiting somebody in the hospital!"

Ji Hoon now scoffed, before he lifted his arms and pointed somewhere behind him. 

Jeong Han looked over the shorters shoulder - it was Ming Hao, Ji Hoon had pointed at. The older just raised his eyebrows askingly: "Yeah, that's Ming Hao. Nice to see him work hard for the cafe"

"He is playing with his phone"

"In fact, he is calling someone with his phone"

"He is not working"

Jeong Han only shook his head dissaprouvingly. "What does he even has to do with this situation right now? I -"

"- Firstly", Ji Hoon cut off, rolling his eyes, "I don't approve of him being alone here and work his of, secondly -"

"- wait, where is Mingyu?"

"Mingyu went to visit Won Wii or whatever his name is"

"He is not a playstation, Ji Hoon. His name is Won Woo"

"Whatever. And Seung Kwan is busy shopping flowerpots with his other friends, which I'd like to not mention"

Jeong Han frowned, tapping his chin, before he then just simply smiled and called Ming Hao over. The latter tip toed over, like a baby pinguin to it's mother: "Hyung?", he asked, and Ji Hoon should have chosen that moment to run for his life, but he decided against it, because he doesn't wants to get fired. 

"There are not that many costumers right now. Can I leave the cafe to you?", Jeong Han smiled sweetly, petting Ming Hao's head, just before Ji Hoon interrupted with: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you just seriously trust this kid our cafe on? Like, are you nuts? He can hardly communicate!"

"Ji Hoon", Jeong Han began, smiling sweetly at the other, tilting his head to the side, "Do you want to get fired?"

Ji Hoon scoffed. "I won't get deceived this time too -"

"- Or do you want me to demand my guitar back?", suddenly a voice came from behind Jeong Han, which made both ( and the little, lost Ming Hao ) of them turn around, just to face the oh-so-calm Joshua. While the long haired male almost squealled from delight to see the other, Ji Hoon shuddered. 

, he thought, I hate the rightful owner of the guitar. 



That's how Ji Hoon found himself in front of his victims hospital door again, just to helplessly, wanting to turn around and run to the end of the world. He hated apologizing, and even better, it was a stranger.

But before he could decide to run someone over or kick the door open, Joshua did it for him, pushing it lightly and holding the door open. For a moment, the pink haired male was confused, because why the hell was Joshua only standing there, doing nothing but holding the door open, before Jeong Han casually walked in, thanking the taller. 

Gosh, Ji Hoon figured, this guy and his manners

He himself took a deep breath, before going in - just to realize, that his victim was in the exact same position as the last time he got informed about him, which was 1 day ago. 

How does he manage staying in the exact same position for one, whole day? 

Ji Hoon remained clueless, as Jeong Han called him to come over, chosing a spot, directly beside that poor guy. Ji Hoon did like ordered, walking to his assigned spot, as Jeong Han then went to stand beside his boyfriend, who already began to put dangerous things around the black haired male away. Just in case, the victim freaks out. 

Now, that made Ji Hoon feel save. 

Suddenly the liveless victim in front of him, rolled over, so that Ji Hoon managed to see his face. His eyes were still closed, he was probably still sleeping, and that's when Ji Hoon decides, that he should apologize. 

The pink haired boy took a deep breath in. "Uhm... I'm sorry, Mister.... what the heck is this guys name?"

"It's Seung Cheol", Ji Hoon could hear a whisper from the bystanders. 

"... Mister... Seung Choul, I -"

"- Seung Cheol!"

"... Mister Seung Cheol, I - "


"Huh? Seung Cheol, I said his name right!", Ji Hoon freaked, but before he could throw a fit, suddenly a warm hand touched his cheek and he threw a even bigger fit. Hah. The irony.

He was about to jump back and keep at least a 3 meters distance, before suddenly the other warm hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to his orignal place. It was just now, that he realized that the warm hand was from that boy called Seung Cheol, and how unbelievable close he got pulled to him. Ji Hoon just couldn't help but be startled, seeing how he was almost in the embrace of the black haired male. 

Oh my gosh, Ji Hoon mentally screamed, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my GOSH!

But before his very intelligent thoughts became public, Seung Cheols eyes opened slowly, a smile making it's way to the black haired males lips. 

"So it's really you", he began, "I knew, I could regonize you only by hearing your lovely voice"

Ji Hoon froze.

Say what?

"Aww, from up close you're even cuter then from behind the flowerpots~", the other now sung and leaned dangerously closer, as Ji Hoon was about to grab something random and smash it on Seung Cheol; just to realize, that Joshua had known this all along and put all the stuff away. He couldn't even sent a glare to Joshua, because Seung Cheols face was literally only centimeters away and he was scared, that if he would move, their noses would touch. 

Suddenly both of Seung Cheols hands were on Ji Hoons cheeks, touching them softly, like he was handling something breakeable, something precious, before the others smile grew even wider.

"So soft and squishy... I really wanted to plant a kiss on these cheeks"

And that was the moment, where Ji Hoon began to go mad and be emberassed and angry andconfused and frightened at the same time, but he surprsingly didn't had the urge to murder Seung Cheol. 

Instead, he just simply blushed bright red, still being frozen on the spot and not even leaving, after Seung Cheol suddenly let go of his cheeks and grinned proudly, before landing flat on the bed again, snoring loudly. 




Let's all calm down and - 


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Nurainina #1
Someone tell me what did I just read....
forgethurt #2
Chapter 9: 1to8 read & i cant stop the laugh.
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 13: Okayy... This a serious plot twist?? And wow, badass Minghao
Chapter 12: Wth is this? XD Seriously, this. Is. So. Hilarious!~ my gosh, I can't stop 'LOL-ing' at every chap. You are crazy authornim and made me gone as well too hahahaha! And that Jicheol thingy there.. *squeals hard; faint* ㅜ-ㅜ But seriously this story made me gone crazy sheeeez~ waiting for another 'crazy update'. pyong~
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 12: There's so much things that happened in one fic.... Bahahaha.. That eas hilarious....
DumaTrz #6
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update 7w7 so.. Minghao is the secret weapon and is there in Korea for imortant and secret reasons, interesting
DumaTrz #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating!*dances weirdly to mingyu's beagle beagle beagle*
Hahaha xD this crack is so funny but at the same time has a nice plot (if we can call it a plot :V )
One of the reasons why ivlove the gagtrio is because they're always high as hell (okno)
But this chapter, i swear XD
i kinda felt bad for sir kimchi, that's too much information to take in only in little time
Haha, i love your story
Chapter 11: This crack fic is so illogical I think my sanity just left ahahahahah ohmygod the gag trio talks like they are high or something XD

Btw thank you author-nim for updating! ♡
DumaTrz #9
Chapter 10: Hahaha what? XD Of course jeonghan wouldn´t have died because of a harmless bomb ♡
reiyohiru #10
Chapter 9: What did I just read??