Of Rubber Ducks, Flower Pots and Bombs


Seung Kwan just ended his shift in the noon, when a familiar looking brunette plunged in the cafe. "Hi Hansolie!", he yelled, as he ran over the somehow exhausting looking boy. He arrived just right, when the other grabbed his hands to not lose balance and fall over. "Save me..."

"You don't look good"

"Oh, really, Sherlock?"

"We should go to the hospital", Seung Kwan added, wanting to pull the other up, but suddenly the latter gribbed on his hands so thight, that he almost screamed of surprise. "Gosh, chill - "

" - everywhere, but not in the HOSPITAL!"

Seung Kwan raised his eyebrows askingly, but before he could ask, Soon Young and Seok Min stormed into the cafe, yelling something with: "Long live flowerpots!", and as quickly as they appeared, they vanished again.

Seung Kwan got tears in his eyes, as soon as flowerpots were mentioned. 

Oh, how he missed his dear, precious friend. 

Vernon under him gave a scoff and Seung Kwan decided to ignore it. This boy doesn't know the feeling of losing someone precious.

 "Anyways, why do you look half-dead?", Seung Kwan asked, as Vernon slowly stood up and walked wobbly to the next chair he could find, just to fall in it the next second. The older followed him. 

"Firstly, let's make a safety check: where is Ji Hoon?"

"Jeong Han kidnapped him to the hospital"

Vernon letted out an holded back breath. God, now it wasn't that suffocating anymore. 

"So?", Seung Kwan then asked curiously, playing with his fingers. 

"Seung Cheol", Hansol just said, before taking a sip of the water glas in front of him, that magically was there, "Oh my god, I just don't want to listen to him anymore. He talks about depressive Ji Hoon this and Ji Hoon that stuff and everything in my head is just Ji Hoon-d, I can't even think straight, Seung Kwan. Fortunalety, there is Won Woo. He is stuck with Seung Cheol in the same hospital room because he got pushed so hard by Seung Cheol, he fell in some storage room and everything fell on him and he ended up with a broken ankle" 

"Let him. He is in love, such things happen", Seung Kwan said, a smile crept up his lips. 

Vernon knew Seung Kwan long enough, to know what the boy was thinking. He was already making a plan how to get them together; and Vernon had to destroy it: "Such things happen? Like almost squeezing your best friend to death and pushing the other in the depths of a hidden storage room? And you know what, Seung Cheol spit on that scary kid and I tell you, their relationship is not gonna work out after that. At least not well"

"Aww, my Hansolie"

Vernon shuddered. He didn't like the way Seung Kwan used the nickname and made it cuter and how he spoke it out - coming out of Seung Kwans lips was even scarier. "What?"

"You are still young, you lack the fantasy and knowledge. That's exactly how love stories start", Seung Kwan said in a very not trustworthy way, before he then began to laugh. Vernon scoffed.

"Tell me a love story, where the main protagonist crushed his stalker with a guitar and they ended up together"

Seung Kwan just grinned. "That lovestory", he said, "is gonna be made right now"

Vernon felt like his life was seriously threathened.

Right then, when he wanted to flee and just leave the world behind, die in a dirty corner somewhere, the duo appeared; let me interduce you to: dumb and dumber. 
Seung Kwan welcomed them with a hug and Vernon had to add something: dumb and dumber and the real chaos. What a combination. How lucky was he to be stuck between them?

Suddenly there was a suffocating pause between the three. It got serious and Vernon had no idea, why. 

"Let's buy new flowerpots", Soon Young then started and Vernon saw from the corner of his eyes, how Seung Kwan was about to tear up. Gosh, he was so sensitive. "Are you guys saying, we just can replace Brigitte?"

"Wait stop", Vernon suddenly cutted in, "Who the heck is Brigitte?"

Seung Kwan glared at him with his teary eyes. The younger then understood. 

Ah, he thought, the flowerpot was called Brigitte. No, not strange at all, naming a flowerpot is completly normal. 

"Of course not. The importance of Brigitte is known to us and we appreciate it, but we all should move on; i'm sure, someday the new flowerpot will be as important to us like Brigitte was", Seok Min then tearfully said. 

Aaaaand... Vernon was stuck in between three whining, crying and suffering boys. 

"Uhm...", suddenly somebody behind Vernon said. The brunette turned around, just to see the two missing squad members, "did we miss something?"
It were Chan and Jun and they looked as confused as he probably himself looked, but that didn't seemed to matter anymore, because suddenly the three whining boys were fine again and crossing their arms. 

"I know it's gonna be hard moving on", Soon Young began, "but together we can do it", Seok Min continued, as Seung Kwan then nooded steadingly. Vernon turned around, having eye-contact with Jun and Chan. They both looked as determined as the other three were. If somebody would look at only their face expressions, it would look like they would be ready for war  - not for buying some flowerpots. 

And then they walked away - dragging Vernon with them.

Great, he just thought, before he then sighed, at least no Seung Cheol. 

"This flowerpot looks better"

"You serious? It's.. brown"

"Brigitte was also brown"

"This flowerpot is only brown"

Vernon was about to head bang on the nearest wall. Discussing about flowerpots is the least he wanted to do right now. He'd even rather listened to Joshua and Jeong Han's cheesy jokes with each other and this means a lot.

"Okay, because we won't get any results soon, let's decide it fairly - the brown one is it", Jun cutted off and everybody stared at him. There was a short silence, before Chan then scoffed: "And what was the supposingly 'fair' part right now? You just decided it without even hearing our opinions"

Jun then shrugged: "I sent the pictures to Ming Hao, he said he wanted to brown one"

"I still don't get the 'fair' part"

"Well, that's your problem then", Jun just said, before he then said something to the other side of the still connected phone, which nobody understood. Vernon just sighed. He just wanted it to be over soon.

"But what name can we get a boring, brown flowerpot?", Seok Min then interrupted, making everybody think about a possible name. Their concentration level was so high right now, they would have imperessed professors with it - unfortunalety their concentration only appears in such useless situations; like naming flowerpots.

"How about Hildegard?", Soon Young then suggested, and mentally Vernon screamed: Nooooooooooooooooo!, but not very surprisingly, nobody cared and they all cheered and were like 'I've never heard of such a beautiful name before' or 'You are a genius, how could you come up with this?!' 

To answer this questions, Seung Kwan interrupted with: "Hold on, isn't that how your rubber duck is called?" 

Wait, rubber duck? 

Like always, Vernon had to stay clueless. 

Chan suddenly quickly turned his head in Soon Youngs direction, eyeing him with a supsicious and full-of-hatred look: "Did you just really shamelessly tried to give our precious new friend the same name as your rubber duck?!"

Soon Young panicked, his eyes got glasy: "No, you guys have to understand - "

" - he really did. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm about to lose it", Seung Kwan interrupted, fanning himself out of anger. 

"You... let's end our friendship. If our new precious friend means so less to you, if you look down at him, then... ", Seok Min said, his face full of anger, but also a bit of sadness. If this were a sad and serious situation, Vernon would have described all the pain in Seok Mins betrayed face expressions better, but this scene was about freaking flowerpots.

"No, that rubber duck...", a pause, then: "I-I ... have something to confess"

It was silent in their little circle and Vernon gulped. Did he miss something? Why was the mood suddenly so serious? 

Soon Young took a deep breath, before he started: "Honestly... that very rubber duck... died"

Wait, Vernon mentally asked, how can a rubber duck die?

Vernon could hear gasps everywhere. It was like the anger and the disgust vanished and changed to shock and horror, their eyes wide rippen open and their jaw dropping. 

"Oh... I'm so sorry, we shouldn't have - "

" - no, it's okay.... you guys couldn't possibly know", Soon Young said, choking on his own voice. Suddenly he began to cry, sad tears running down his cheeks, as then the others did as he and Vernon was suddenly stuck in an circle of crying boys again, wondering where the hell their growth went wrong. 

"A-and for the honour of my dying rubber duck, I-I just wanted to name our precious, new flowerpot the same as my old friend... When you see it symbolic, it could mean, that it carries a name which is very important to me"

There was a short silence, before Jun then took a deep breath in, stopping his tears from falling. 

"Okay, then", he said, smiling warmly, "it's decided; it's new name is Hildegard and gender is female"

There was once again this short silence, where Vernon had no clue why, but one thing he knew - it was nothing sane. 

But seeing how they warmly smiled at each other, he didn't wanted to destroy the mood. 

So he just stayed silent and judged them on their whole way back home. 

Author Note: 

Nice evening or morning or afternoon or space call my dear readers!

We can all survive an apocalypse of rainbow puking unicorns and flying squirrel meteor together <3

Translator: I mean, I appricate your guys comments, it's really sweet of you!!!

See you next chapter ~


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Nurainina #1
Someone tell me what did I just read....
forgethurt #2
Chapter 9: 1to8 read & i cant stop the laugh.
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 13: Okayy... This a serious plot twist?? And wow, badass Minghao
Chapter 12: Wth is this? XD Seriously, this. Is. So. Hilarious!~ my gosh, I can't stop 'LOL-ing' at every chap. You are crazy authornim and made me gone as well too hahahaha! And that Jicheol thingy there.. *squeals hard; faint* ㅜ-ㅜ But seriously this story made me gone crazy sheeeez~ waiting for another 'crazy update'. pyong~
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 12: There's so much things that happened in one fic.... Bahahaha.. That eas hilarious....
DumaTrz #6
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update 7w7 so.. Minghao is the secret weapon and is there in Korea for imortant and secret reasons, interesting
DumaTrz #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating!*dances weirdly to mingyu's beagle beagle beagle*
Hahaha xD this crack is so funny but at the same time has a nice plot (if we can call it a plot :V )
One of the reasons why ivlove the gagtrio is because they're always high as hell (okno)
But this chapter, i swear XD
i kinda felt bad for sir kimchi, that's too much information to take in only in little time
Haha, i love your story
Chapter 11: This crack fic is so illogical I think my sanity just left ahahahahah ohmygod the gag trio talks like they are high or something XD

Btw thank you author-nim for updating! ♡
DumaTrz #9
Chapter 10: Hahaha what? XD Of course jeonghan wouldn´t have died because of a harmless bomb ♡
reiyohiru #10
Chapter 9: What did I just read??