Of Rubber Ducks, Flower Pots and Bombs

Nobody cares about Seung Cheol but about the poor flowerpots

Vernon thought about his live. Very, very long. He was 17, which means, he already wasted 17 years on this earth, living with no use. He regretted many things in his life - like how he regretted, that he should have studied some martial arts, when he was younger. He would be more fit. For sure. But look at him right now; he was a living stick. Or how he regretted, that he should have stayed at his parents house longer - he wouldn't have the problems with homework, because he wouldn't have met his roommate  - who was always there to help him. Of course. 

But the worst thing were his friends.

He regretted many things in his life, but meeting them, was like the worst thing, he ever did.  

"Why am I here?", suddenly Won Woo asked, sighing, "In a hospital?"

Because Seung Cheol's crush literally crushed on Seung Cheol, Vernon thought, the last remaining soul in his face expression fading. He couldn't even do the 'I hate you, you and you' face anymore, because he was so tired. 

The raven haired boy beside him began to poke him. "Play with me. It's boring~"

"How old are you again?", Vernon snapped, slapping Won Woos finger off. The other just raised his eyebrow and then turned around and began to poke the waiter beside him. "Then you play with me", he grinned. 

Mingyu started his conter attack, by poking Won Woo's poking fingers. 

Oh, great. They became poking friends.

"And why am I  here? I just wanted an strawberry milk!", suddenly somebody unknown huffed. 
Ah, somehow, this guy seemed familiar....

"Hey, aren't you the guy who always misses classes?!"

Now, that was not the nice way to know him. But he still nooded. That boy was right after all. 

"Woah, it's nice to meet you! We go in the same class, and it's just the second time I see you! Isn't that strange?", the boy smiled and walked to Vernon. The brunette frowned. Everything, but not a green haired kid trying to be friends with me!

"I'm Chan. We have chemistry together!", the green haired male reached out for Vernons hands to shake them. 

"I could have guessed. By your hair"


Vernon shook his head, sighing: "Nothing"

Chan seemed to really think nothing, because he just grinned, and suddenly called his friends and before Vernon could blink, 4 other boys were surrounding him. 

"Hi, I'm Jun. I heard you were Chan's classmate, who always misses his classes?", the brunette started, a strange accent in his voice. He smiled sweetly: "Stay away from Chan. You are bad influence for him"

Vernon hid his evil smirk behind his hands. Suddenly he was so enthuastic with becoming friends with Chan.

 "Yo, I'm Boo. Actually I'm Seung Kwan. So call me Boo Seung Kwan"

"I know you, Seung Kwan", he said low-keyly, "Unfortunelately"

"I know, but I still want to introduce myself to you"

Vernon thought about, how that just made no sense at all. But okay. 

"And I'm working in that cafe where the murder happened", he added, laughing after wards. Ha. Ha. That kid got some serious issues with his head.

"My name's Seok Min", Seok Min popped out of nowhere. 

"And my name's Soon Young", Soon Young also popped out of nowhere, perfectly beside Seok Min. 

"Together, we are: SoonSeok!", they said synchron and then made some weird gestures, which Vernon concluded was supposed to be a perfomance, so he didn't clap for them. They shouldn't receive the praise they wanted. He was so badass.

"Juni hyung?", suddenly a soft voice called. Everybody turned around, trying to see who called the brunette, which threathened Vernon just a bit before. A wide smile appeared on that Vernon-threathening Jun and he literally jumped on the tall foreigner, who had - by the way, a very uninteresting fact - silver hair. 
Looking at his uniform, he was working in the cafe. His nameplate read Ming Hao.

Pink hair and silver hair. Totally normal cafe-staff here. 

"That's just... eww"

Just when he mentioned pink hair, he saw something pink sticking out from behind Ming Hao. Oh, he was there the whole time? Didn't saw him. Vernon almost said it out loud. Thank god, he didn't.

"Ji Hoon!", suddenly the whole strawberry milk squad yelled and jumped on that poor, little guy, forcing him to be in the middle and get everybody's hug at once. What a heartwarming sight, Vernon thought, before Ji Hoon somehow could break free and literally punched everybody in their guts - an exeption was Ming Hao.
Yes, Vernon once again thought, what a heartwarming sight. 

"It's great to see everybody be nice to each other!", Jeong Han suddenly appeared out of nowhere, scaring almost everybody, except the boy who was standing behind him. 

You guys have three guesses who it might be - yes, it was Joshua! That weren't three
How did he ended up being in the hospital anyway?

"So, as you all know, there was a little accident in the cafe", Jeong Han began, where everybody nooded. Vernon looked around. He had a very bad feeling, that the whole crowd here, will become a heart and a soul. 

"And I have good news for you all: firstly the victim is not dead!"

Everybody cheered.

"And the bad news is... drum roll please", he said to Joshua, who just smiled and began to clap, which was Jeong Han's wanted 'drum roll', before the long haired male then added: "... the flowerpots are destroyed!"

Everybody broke down in tears. 

No, really. 

Vernon could only watch the situation with raised eyebrows, as the chaos broke down in front of him. 

Soon Young began with: "No, he was our precious friend"

Seok Min continued with: "I'll miss him. R.I.P, my dearest friend"

which Chan added with: "When I was alone, or when my hyungs bothered me, I could always rely on you..."

and Jun with: "He was my first friend, when I came from China to Korea..."

and Ming Hao with: "...sniff..."

Seung Kwan with: "When I acted like a decoration plant, you were a big support to me... thank you for the wonderful memories"

Mingyu with: "When Ji Hoon picked on me, I always felt a aura of comfort coming out of you. You were a big consolation and played a big role in my life..."

Won Woo with: "Even if we only knew each other within a short time, you were us a big help. I praise your good nature"

and lastly Ji Hoon with: "What the hell guys, it's a flowerpot"

This completly killed the mood. 

But that were exactly Vernons thoughts.

It was a flowerpot. 

A freaking flowerpot. 

But everyone seemed to decline it, because as soon as Ji Hoon said it, complains started to barg in and Jeong Han had to yell for it to stop: "So, I was saying, that Seung Cheol came out okay"

Silence. Then: "B-But the poor flower pots..."

Seung Cheol would be so happy, if he heard how much everybody cared about him right now. 


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Nurainina #1
Someone tell me what did I just read....
forgethurt #2
Chapter 9: 1to8 read & i cant stop the laugh.
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 13: Okayy... This a serious plot twist?? And wow, badass Minghao
Chapter 12: Wth is this? XD Seriously, this. Is. So. Hilarious!~ my gosh, I can't stop 'LOL-ing' at every chap. You are crazy authornim and made me gone as well too hahahaha! And that Jicheol thingy there.. *squeals hard; faint* ㅜ-ㅜ But seriously this story made me gone crazy sheeeez~ waiting for another 'crazy update'. pyong~
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 12: There's so much things that happened in one fic.... Bahahaha.. That eas hilarious....
DumaTrz #6
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update 7w7 so.. Minghao is the secret weapon and is there in Korea for imortant and secret reasons, interesting
DumaTrz #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating!*dances weirdly to mingyu's beagle beagle beagle*
Hahaha xD this crack is so funny but at the same time has a nice plot (if we can call it a plot :V )
One of the reasons why ivlove the gagtrio is because they're always high as hell (okno)
But this chapter, i swear XD
i kinda felt bad for sir kimchi, that's too much information to take in only in little time
Haha, i love your story
Chapter 11: This crack fic is so illogical I think my sanity just left ahahahahah ohmygod the gag trio talks like they are high or something XD

Btw thank you author-nim for updating! ♡
DumaTrz #9
Chapter 10: Hahaha what? XD Of course jeonghan wouldn´t have died because of a harmless bomb ♡
reiyohiru #10
Chapter 9: What did I just read??