Day 2

Dead Inside, Alive Outside

Jaemin walked into school, lowering his head until he found where Jeno usually sat, helping himself to one of the seats as he waited for Jeno quietly, he knew he had to talk to Jeno about his feelings but wasn't sure how to.


"It's hard having feelings."

Mark muttered, sitting besides Jaemin

"Always getting rejected.. it hurts."


Jaemin shook his head

"I wouldn't call it that."

He said, looking at his hands that were resting on the cold table surface


"It's not hard to see."

Mark sighed, ruffling Jaemin's hair

"By the way, Jeno is ill. I'm his cousin and his Mom told mine he won't be in school today, he got assaulted.. was it you?"


Jaemin's eyes widened, alarmed

"What do you mean was it me? I'd never do something like that, you're stupid."


"You hurt Taeil when he told you to do stuff and he was an idiot.."

Mark mumbled, deep in thought


Jaemin crossed his arms

"Taeil forced me to date him, you all knew I never wanted to but I was young and stupid, violence was my only weapon."


"Well, if you say so. He's not like that now though, neither are you."

Mark said with a faint smile as he stood up; walking away




The day passed slowly, school finally finishing


Donghyuk packed up his stuff from his locker into his bag, sighing and slinging it over his shoulder, walking up to Jaemin and trying to build up the courage to try and talk to him, holding his hand out in confusion


"Yah; what're you doing! Get away from Jaemin-nie!"

The way too familiar voice of Kun beckoned down Donghyuk's ear


Donghyuk stepped backwards, looking up at Kun

"I'm asking Jaemin if.. if he's seen Jeno!"


"You're meant to be Jeno's friend, find out yourself, scram!"

Kun hissed, pushing Donghyuk away




Jeno sat at the lakeside, looking into the sunset, he was waiting for Donghyuk of whom walked down the route he did every day after school, his cheeks still a deep blue from the punch and his eyes hardly opened


"Lee Jeno, you're in a big trouble here."

A high-pitched, young voice said from besides Jeno

"I'm Jisung, you don't need to know anymore about me except from the fact I'm here for your safety and nobody elses, understood?"


Jeno turned, looking at the boy who sat next to him

"Who are you? And where's your Mother?!"

He said, standing up


"I killed my Mother, big deal. I've been watching you closely and I need you to do one thing or it'll be you who's dead next."

Jisung muttered, standing up after Jeno


Jeno blinked, trying to wake himself up incase it was a dream, failing and trying to accept the reality


He asked, his voice cracking from nerves


"Donghyuk, you're waiting for him."

Jisung asked in a serious tone, his 'question' obviously rhetorical


Jeno nodded

"Yes - we need to-"


"I know, he punched you, blah blah blah the story goes on, but you made the wrong choice, he's going to kill you."

Jisung said bluntly and with little to no expression


Jeno stifled a laugh

"You've got to be kidding, he wouldn't."


"Oh, I know all too well that he would infact, you're a strong opponent after all, he's a crazy stalker for Jaemin and friend or not, he's not letting you stop him from having what he desires - which is of course, Na Jaemin."

Jisung drabbled on, walking in small patterns and over to the lake, stepping into the cold water

"All you need to do is eliminate him before he eliminates you."


Jeno opened his mouth, at a loss of words



"Just do what I say."

Jisung said, suddenly vanishing into the cold wind


Jeno walked slowly away from the lake, his pace turning into a sprint, someone stopping his path as he tried to run


"You better not tell anyone I hurt you."

Donghyuk's voice whispered, his arms suddenly wrapping around Jeno


Jeno didn't return the embrace, leaving him stood still and blank, his skin cold and frosty as he felt an object in his palm, he looked down and saw a knife, the point directed into Donghyuk's stomach


He looked at Donghyuk, remembering what he had just been told by Jisung and gripping the handle of the knife with his shaking hands, his mind quickly revised all the memories, switching quickly from good to bad and his eyes looking blankly forth, no expression whatsoever


He his hand forth, a scream was heard and the white path was now stained red.


But it wasn't Donghyuks blood. 

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330nai #1
Chapter 2: then who's blood?
Jaemycutiepie #2
Update please ;;;;;;;;;;
ying9202 #3
Chapter 2: Wtfffffff. This fic is messing me up omg. It's so good!! I like it a lot.
jadajay13 #5
Chapter 2: WTF. JISUNG NOOOO! I like your fic. (:
safiraazi #6
Chapter 2: I actually dreamt about jaemin and\ jisung were on the same plane with me... it's a private one LOL. please update asap authorr><
safiraazi #7
Chapter 2: please update moooooore ;___; love it!
Chapter 2: Waaaait omg update soon
GalaxyHara #9
secretfan_07 #10