
Fake Boyfie?

A/N: this is a special chapter for all of you  ̄ 3 ̄ while I work on the real chapter because I need to reread those 6,000+ words worth of dramas...;; enjoyyy 



Jeonghan rested himself on the bed with his phone in his hand. There wasn't much going on, most were unimportant news. He just recently finished his exams, although he was nervous it was quite a relief once he was done with it since he got more time to rest.

His phone suddenly alerted him about something in the middle of the night which was signalling a new day. The reminder popped up and Jeonghan read through them. It made him blush.

There was only one of it, and it reminded him about Wonwoo and his 3 months anniversary.

It wasn't that special, really but he still made notes about those simple things. He may doesn't seem like it, but he's very attentive.

He heard the door to his room opened with a creak and soon felt another weight on the bed behind him. He doesn't get the chance to turn when an arm slipped around his torso and a warm breath brushing on the side of his face. His eyes fell close and his phone dropped next to the pillow before he snuggled back into the warmth of the other person, his hands made it's way to the hand around his waist and he held onto them gently.

"This feels good...but, could you lend me a hand? I got a slight headache." Wonwoo had been facing his books all day long, reading this and that because his exams are still ongoing, unlike Jeonghan.

He turned around completely and face the latter. He looked pretty stress, Jeonghan really hope he could lightened his burdens. "How many papers left?" He asked the other as his hands moved to give the other's head a small massage using his fingers.

Wonwoo sighed. "Four papers..."

"That's a lot," Jeonghan looked at him in pity. He sighed along with the other and his hands moved downwards to cup the other's cheeks. Jeonghan formed a small smile and bumped their heads together, closing the gap between them with Wonwoo's hands wrapping protective arms around the other's waist. "I wish I could help you." He stated a bit worrily.

"You already have," Jeonghan gave him a confused look. "Being close to you already made me calm and happy."

Jeonghan laughed at his light pick-up line. "You're really shameless, Woo. I'm gonna puke rainbows." Their eyes were stuck on each other's lips since they were just a breath away.

"I'm serious, but there's one thing you could do that could give me strength." Wonwoo give the other a sly smile.

"And what is that supposed to be..?" Jeonghan frowned in confusion.

"This.." Jeonghan was caught off guard that he almost fell off the single bed if not for the hand holding him close and tight. Wonwoo had leaned in and close the gap between their lips before pasting his lips on Jeonghan's in an innocent kiss. It wasn't short, long enough for Jeonghan to collect himself before he closed his eyes and enjoy the feeling of Wonwoo's lips on his without making any other move.

Wonwoo smiled into the kiss once he saw the other closing his eyes and feeling him relaxed in his arms. Few seconds later, they parted from the kiss leaving Jeonghan with his face heating up and Wonwoo very satisfied and content.

"Uh..I... that was..." Jeonghan stuttered, couldn't find the right word because he felt lightheaded after the kiss.

"Great? Awesome?  Amazing?" Wonwoo offered the words he could found in his dictionary.

Jeonghan chuckled a bit shyly, his hands moved to cover his heating face. "Yeah...fantastic." he smiled up at the other.

Wonwoo breath out a sigh of relief before grinning widely. He leaned in to leave another kiss, but was stopped by Jeonghan's finger that pushed his lips away gently. Wonwoo frowned once again, but it softened once Jeonghan lightly ran his thumb on the latter's lips.

"Lets make a deal." He smiled up at him. "If you get better marks than before on these papers, I'll reward you with a kiss." Jeonghan bit his lower lip to tease the other.

"One kiss is not enough. I need thousands of kisses for that." Wonwoo remake the deal.

Jeonghan stopped for a minute to think about it before looking at the other challengingly. "Alright, deal. But no hugs for a week." Wonwoo groaned and started protesting. "What? No! Thats going too far." Wonwoo frowned.

"Just kidding." Jeonghan grinned and watched as the frown gone from his face. "I accept the deal."



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Hannie0410 #1
Chapter 6: Please continue the story pls pls.................
Chapter 6: It's 2020 and i am still waiting for the real chapter !!! I wish you would update this story :( .I just want to say that i love the plot and you are an amazing writer.
Hansika #3
Chapter 6: Sooo cute...Update soon please
Chapter 5: This is soooooo cuteeeeeee

Thanks for writing this
Chapter 6: Please continuuuuue!
Chapter 6: Waaaaah jihoon! Wrong timing!!!! I need more wonhan. They're so cute!