Upgraded Relationship~

Fake Boyfie?

A/N _

Huhu..thank you for those who suscribed, upvote and leave comments.. I really appreciate them, thank you ..sorry if i didn't reply the comments, i'll definitely do it later. Anyway, enjoy this chapter~ i'll try my best to update this story. Thank you for patiently waiting for this^^

Thank you again! Muahhh -3-




Jeonghan stood there awkwardly as he faced the two boys that had sent their letters to him. Coincidentally and unfortunately, they had requested to meet him at the same place, that is the rooftop.

He scratched his head, not knowing how to handle this situation. "Umm, hi...?" He greeted uncertainly.

The thing is, he actually know these two person kind of well. Hong Jisoo, his friend a.k.a his classmate. They always talk during class (and Jeonghan finally realized how this boy know his favorite place) and they know each other very well.

And the other person, Choi Seungcheol. The famous soccer player, since he's the ace, and also Wonwoo's not-so-close friend(because Wonwoo is afraid of him and avoid him most of the time and they actually can't be considered as friend). He met him once, but never talk because Jeonghan kind felt that the boy was creepy when he stared at Jeonghan for too long during their first encounter.

They were both smiling at him and Jeonghan wanted to smile back, but his attention was drawn towards the boy reading some thick books, sitting just a few feet away behind Jisoo and Seungcheol. He looks familiar.

Jeonghan turned back his attention towards the two and sent a fake smile to them. 'Ohmygoooddd..! How do I get out of here?!' He screamed mentally.

He thought of many scenarios, but it's all so stupid that he applaud himself for having such an incredibly stupid idea. He wanted to just run for it and never meet this two again, but he know it was impossible because he will definitely be haunted by them or his own guilt.

Then, suddenly he saw the boy earlier stood up taking his books with him and fixed his headphone, but he froze when he turned around and saw Jeonghan with the other two. Jeonghan squealed inwardly when he realised who the other boy is,though it wavered a bit since he got a wide smile on his face but fortunately for him, the two didn't saw him.

Jeonghan wasn't exactly in his right mind when he pushed the other two and went to the confused boy. He got even more confused when Jeonghan excitedly jumped on him, hugging the life out of him that he almost dropped his books. As they were hugging, he felt the other's lips against his ear. "Please help me.." the long-haired boy whispered to him.

"What?" He whispered back.

"Just play along..."

When they pulled away, Jeonghan grinned widely. "Where have you been?! I've been searching for you, idiot!" He could almost see the boys behind him frowning in confusion.

"I've been here all along. We promised to meet here, didn't we?" Jeonghan was surprised by how smooth and well the boy acted. He smirked inwardly. Then, Jeonghan held his arms and hugged them, bringing their body closer. "Hmm,,really? Maybe I forgot..oh, anyway, Wonwoo-yah..can you buy me some coffee? I really need them today, too much assignments." He whined at the end of the sentence.

"Of course, anything for you." Jeonghan giggled and pulled the boy forward.

"Lets go!"

They walked pass the other two who was taken aback by the scene, and made their way to the stairs. Although he felt sorry for them, he couldn't help it since it's the only way out. He didn't know how to reject their confessions since he didn't have the heart to. But it seems like the both of them were more heartbroken this way, Jeonghan almost want to kill himself.




Once they were far enough, Jeonghan turned to Wonwoo and smiled victoriously. "Thank you so much! " he squealed.

Wonwoo sighed and rolled his eyes. "What did you get yourself into, this time?"

Jeonghan pouted and pushed the boy a little. "Why are you always blaming me?"

"Because you always do that. Getting yourself in trouble and dragging me with you."

W-well t-that's kinda true, b-but I swear! It wasn't me this time! And you were there coincidentally, so I ask for your help." He explained himself. "You seemed so willing earlier." He said under his breath.

"Well, care to tell me what exactly happened to you? I'm all ears."

So that's how they both find themselves walking back to their dorm while Jeonghan told Wonwoo about the letters and the two boys.




Jeonghan couldn't concentrate on the papers in front of him as he thought of the incident earlier. He bit his lips, and ruffled his already messy hair.

Yes, he had escaped from the two earlier, but then he didn't thought about it thoroughly when he asked Wonwoo to pretend to be his boyfriend. Jisoo and Seungcheol would definitely be suspicious if he acted like he normally does with Wonwoo after this. And knowing that creepy Seungcheol, he won't let it go that easily. And another thing, he definitely won't act lovey dovey with Wonwoo in front of his friends(if they ever came across the two), they will be suspicious.

"Here." He was pulled out of his train of thoughts when a cup of coffee landed next to his working sheets. He looked up at the intruder and thanked him.

"You need it." Wonwoo stated and pulled on a chair to sit next to him. They were in silence, Jeonghan took the cup of coffee, sipping onto them slowly.

"What are you working on?" Wonwoo asked out of the blue to break the heavy silence.

"Hmm..just some research that the professor ask me to do." Jeonghan answered, and watched as the other took the paper that he was working on. The boy frowned so he nudged him, looking at the other questioningly.

"No, it's just..this kind of research, usually it would be a group research, why are you assigned to do this alone?" Wonwoo asked, his eyes still on the papers.

"Hmm..well I don't know. Maybe he think that I can do this alone, he trust me that much?" Jeonghan shrugged and giggled.

"Yeah, because you're the top student, remember?"

They both laughed and Jeonghan nudged the boy again. "I'm not, okay!" He pouted.

When their laughter died down, Jeonghan suddenly remembered his earlier thoughts. He sighed and leaned back on his chair. "Woo..."

Wonwoo who noticed the boy's sudden change of mood, hummed softly and turned to take a glance at him.

Jeonghan fiddled with his fingers and then bit on the end of the pen that he held in his right hand. He couldn't stay still, feeling anxious and all.

"Do you have an idea, to help me get out of my problem? You know we can't just act like nothing happen after what we did earlier, right?" He asked, looking up slowly at the other.

Wonwoo sighed and shrugged. "I know, but I have no idea."

Jeonghan sighed for the nth time that day. "To be honest, I have an idea...but it's kinda stupid, you probably won't agree with it..."

Wonwoo raised his eyebrow, looking at him questioningly. "What is it?"

Jeonghan bit his lips, which he was sure was bleeding at the moment since he had abused them for too long. Then he closed his eyes before muttering out his crazy idea that he might regret later.






"...be my boyfriend?"


………wait for next chapter………^^

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Hannie0410 #1
Chapter 6: Please continue the story pls pls.................
Chapter 6: It's 2020 and i am still waiting for the real chapter !!! I wish you would update this story :( .I just want to say that i love the plot and you are an amazing writer.
Hansika #3
Chapter 6: Sooo cute...Update soon please
Chapter 5: This is soooooo cuteeeeeee

Thanks for writing this
Chapter 6: Please continuuuuue!
Chapter 6: Waaaaah jihoon! Wrong timing!!!! I need more wonhan. They're so cute!