Once More

A Mix of Everything

Pairing : Mina x Jihyo  (TWICE)

Mina pleads for one last time.


Mina can’t remember how long she has been sitting there at the dock. It’s probably has been a while. Life has been constricting lately and she felt the need to escape. The dock, with the sight of the deep ocean stretching at the horizon, has becomes the perfect spot for that. It’s also her favorite spot, their favorite spot. The ocean breeze and the rhythmic sound of waves are lulling her into another train of thoughts, so she just closes her eyes. It reminds her to a certain presence that brings her similar reassurance and comfort; Park Jihyo.

The two of them were always together like peas in a pod. No one really knows why or how it works. She doesn’t know why either. Jihyo is loud and boisterous. Mina is the opposite, quiet and calm. However, with Jihyo around, Mina became talkative and other has noted how bright and confident she has become. Mina’s calm demeanor on the other hand influenced Jihyo greatly, as only with Mina others can see how Jihyo sometimes looked so content in the serenity of quiet times. They definitely bring the best out of each other.

Mina’s train of thoughts cuts off when she felt a presence next to her. The very presence she has been missed; the one that she has been craving for all this time. Mina smiles.




“I wanted to say ‘How are you?’ but – tsk, that’s pretty cliché, isn’t it? I do hope you’re fine though. You always do.”  She chuckles a bit amused by her own introduction. “I’m fine too. I think. It wasn’t as bad as usual, in fact, today has been exceptionally well. I woke up before my alarm clock ringing. Can you believe that? Myoui Mina woke up before her alarms. Today has to go down into history.” Beaming her gummy smile, Mina proceeds rambling her days enthusiastically. She glances at the sight of Jihyo who nods at her once in a while.

“It’s a good weather today. You love this kind of weather, remember?” Mina looks up to the sky.

And you liked to waste the good day spending time indoor. You were never got out of the bed though. I have to physically drag you out.

Mina laughs. She can practically felt Jihyo’s internal scoffing. Her laugh sounds fuller. It has been a while hearing her own laugh, it sounds strange to her now. “Well, I do now.” Mina answered. She looks down as her reflection on the water below.

You need to get out more often, Mina. See the world.

Mina lifts her head and meets Jihyo’s gaze. Her eyes are as sparkling as ever. That big round eyes of her. It was irresistibly charming, it still is. Deep as the ocean in front of them, they were full of laughter and love; sadness and sorrow. Mina always found herself longingly stare her reflecting image inside the beautiful dark orbs trying to grasp the depth of her soul. Whenever she looks at Jihyo’s eyes she always felt like everything is going to be okay. Mina loves that. She always does. It also dawns on her, she wants to see those eyes, once more.




“I miss you.”

I know.

“I love you”

I know.

“I’m sorry I never say that a lot to you.” Mina mutters apologetically. A little sense of regret wrapped around her. She has always been comfortable on the way they were so she held back her tongue. It always comes from Jihyo. Jihyo never hesitates of showing her love in words and Mina always been the receiving ends. Mina is not one good with words, and Jihyo never probes her. But right now she wants to say it as much as well. She wonders if Jihyo ever get hurt over that.

It’s okay, I get it.

Jihyo’s voice sound oddly small. It laces with heavy feeling, Mina couldn’t pinpoint. She imagines one of those Jihyo sad smiles, the one that never quite reach the eyes. “I don’t know what I’m doing without you” Mina quivers. Her hands shaking too much that she has to clench her fists. Speaking the truth out loud needed more strength than she thought. “I can’t do this, Jihyo. I’m not strong. You are.”

You are strong, Mina. You need to know that.

“No, I’m not. Come back.” She pleads.

I had to go.

“Please don’t. Jihyo, stay, please. I really can’t – Jihyo – please-,” The tears she has been holding out now blurring her vision of Jihyo fading away. She blinked and blinked the tears away, trying to see Jihyo once more but she is welcomed by the empty sight. She’s alone. She has been alone all this time, she knows. As if on cue, her phone rings. Quickly she swats the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hands then pick up the phone.




“Mina, Where are you? You need to come down here, like, right now. Jihyo s-she -,” Mina heard Sana’s voice cracked on the other side of line. Mina felt gone dry, her stomach knotted up. The worst scenario flashes in her mind and she shivers. Not that, please, not that.

“She woke up.”


Author note: MinaHyo everyone! I have never put too much thought in OTP (who are we kidding, there's no such thing as OTP in Twice) but these two are always my favorite. Although this is not what I imagined first when I thought about these two, it just somehow ended like that. This is my first time trying to write things in a somber tone so I hope it works well. COMMENT! :D

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Wow this place is dusty


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Chapter 3: sana x tzuyu please!
Chapter 3: You wonderful human being, I never knew you wrote Minahyo! And I thought I couldn't like you more but now I do. :D I loved the setting here. I can see Mina there at the dock, sitting by herself and it's sad and beautiful at the same time. The ending is amazing! You surprised me because I thought Jihyo was already dead but you gave it a hopeful ending. I loved that. Well done!
Chapter 3: Can you write a Yooa X Mimi or Jiho X Arin?
jummjumm #4
please can you make 2na, authornim?
Chapter 1: Can I request for Dahyun x Nayeon please?
Chapter 1: That was really cute! I would be happy if you could write a ChaeyoungxTzuyu story. Also fighting for your future stories! <3