
A Mix of Everything


Pairing : Dahyun (TWICE) X ChaeYoung (TWICE)


"You look so troubled for someone who just received chocolate supplies that could last for months." I plop myself in front of her. Today is Valentine's Day so everyone in school is giving or receiving chocolates. Dahyun is definitely the popular ones, even amongst girls. The amount of chocolate boxes on the table is no joke. She's way too popular for her own good, I thought, while checking out all the boxes.

"You can take some, if you want." She says.

I stop midway and look at her. "That's rude. They probably worked hard to make this, for you."

"It's probably store bought." She flatly replies.

"It doesn't matter, the thoughts are count. They made it, or bought it, for you. I can't just take it. And, hey, I might not be the Miss Popular, but I have my own fans too." I scoff at her. She just shrugs at my response.

This is odd. One, Dahyun is not one responding without some sort of witty comeback which I partially hate her for it. Two, Dahyun loves chocolate. Her disinterest towards a mountain of chocolate in front of her baffles me. What's wrong? I wonder as my gaze fall on a lone pack of Choco pie next to her.

Choco pie. Chaeyoung. Oh.

So that's what bothers her. Choco pie is Dahyun's favourite. She never fails to eat it at least one every single day and not to mention the wrath Dahyun has in her if someone took her Choco pie. Momo experienced it once, and we all swore to not touch it ever since. That’s how much Choco pie meant to her. Chaeyoung, on the contrary, is not a sweet tooth. So when one day Dahyun decided to share her Choco pie with Chaeyoung, and the latter girl ate it without any hesitation, we all know they had something special. But that didn't last long, as they broke into a fight last month. None of us, in our circle of friends had idea what was the fighting really about, and they avoiding each other like a plague since then.

I barely see Chaeyoung joining us during lunch anymore. If it wasn’t because of Tzuyu dragging her to cafeteria, we probably won’t see her at all. Dahyun has been less chirpy than ever, too. “Tsk, you two are way too stubborn.”

“What?” Dahyun’s question cut off all my thought in an instance.

“Oops... Did I just say that out loud?” I grin while she just rolled her eyes. “I was right, am I? That Choco pie should be with her by now, and you weren’t a bitter grumpy person on Valentine’s Day if I were wrong.”

She sighs, “I was the one who broke it off. I got mad… a-and…” I listen as she take a deep breath before she continues, “...said things I shouldn’t.” She stares back at the window. I look over to what she’s been staring off and see a lone figure sitting at the bench under the tree.

A light bulb went off my head and I look at Dahyun. Dahyun must had sense my stare and turned her head to me. Her white face blanches instantly, probably seeing my smirk, and before she could react, I quickly grab Choco pie next to her then run as fast as I could.

“JIHYO!!!!! “

I can hear her heavy footsteps running chasing after me. “You’re going to thank me for this!” I scream back. I swear to God, that this has to work. I’m taking up risk dealing with an angry Dahyun, what the hell was I thinking just now? I’m blaming this to damn Valentine’s Day.

Empty hallway. Great. I’m faster than her anyway. I quickly sprint towards that particular bench right outside. “Chaeyoung” I mutter half gasping air, loud enough to startle the shorthaired girl. I shove the Choco pie towards her hands and put both my hands on her shoulder. “Stop. Fighting. You two. Like seriously, is it that bad that you have to avoid each other?” I asked with incoherent sentences as I try to catch my breath.

“We’ve done fighting and we’re not avoiding each other. I’m just ‘nobody’ to her and she probably busy entertaining her fans. Who am I to say otherwise?” Chaeyoung says. Her expression might show nothing but I can hear the hurt in her voice. I mentally noted to smack Dahyun later for her stupid careless remarks.

“Look, she can be stupidly blunt at times, but she never meant it, you know. As childish as this sound, but you’re definitely not ‘nobody’ to her. Trust me, she will never share Choco pie to ‘just nobody’.” I said reassuringly. Chaeyoung stares at the Choco pie which by now probably ruined because I gripped at it too hard while running. She’s about to say something before a voice cut in.

“PARK. JIHYO. Why the hell are you running too fast? I swear I’ll -” Dahyun’s voice stop right away. I’m guessing she already sees Chaeyoung since the latter is staring right over my shoulder towards her. I turn my head to look at Dahyun who seems like she’s frozen. “Don’t mess this up.” I mouth the words to her as I wink. “Well, Chae, that’s my cue to leave. Happy Valentine’s Day” I smile and pat her shoulder before hastily leave them both alone.

I walk inside back to the classroom and sit back at the same place before, staring proudly at the two of them from the window.

“Playing cupid?” I look up at the tall girl who is now stares at me with raised brows.

I simply smile with a nod and turn back my attention to the couple, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Tzuyu.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day.”


A/N: And so, the stories begin! :D I hope you enjoy this, I actually had a plenty of fun writing it. :D

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Wow this place is dusty


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Chapter 3: sana x tzuyu please!
Chapter 3: You wonderful human being, I never knew you wrote Minahyo! And I thought I couldn't like you more but now I do. :D I loved the setting here. I can see Mina there at the dock, sitting by herself and it's sad and beautiful at the same time. The ending is amazing! You surprised me because I thought Jihyo was already dead but you gave it a hopeful ending. I loved that. Well done!
Chapter 3: Can you write a Yooa X Mimi or Jiho X Arin?
jummjumm #4
please can you make 2na, authornim?
Chapter 1: Can I request for Dahyun x Nayeon please?
Chapter 1: That was really cute! I would be happy if you could write a ChaeyoungxTzuyu story. Also fighting for your future stories! <3