Firey Lady-Bits

Of Crying and
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(This is before Seulgi and Irene were dating okay?  Like this is how they first met.)


    It’s a typical day in the life of Bae Joohyun.  She’s seventeen, working a mediocre job in a grocery store that barely grazes minimum wage.  She sighs as she spots her little sister, Yerim, in the corner of her eye, running down the sidewalk with her best friend Sooyoung.  Sirens wail in the distance.

She adjusts her flashy red vest.  Two minutes until they were officially closed.  She shoots her manager a tight lipped smile when she walks by, whistling an annoying tune as she spins the keys in her hand.  She comes to the conclusion that Taeyeon (said manager) cannot whistle to save her life.

Joohyun wishes her life was more exciting.  It was getting so with her sister’s friend in her life; but even then they weren’t too close.  If anything, Sooyoung’s been influencing Yerim in horrible ways.  She thinks they may have started a cult.  For example, Yerim once brought back fried chicken after eating it for a week with Joy.  Joohyun grimaces at the memory.  Yerim slept on the porch that night.

    Suddenly, the door opens with a gust of wind, and the bell chimes obnoxiously.  Though not quite as obnoxious as the customer.

    Joohyun glances at her watch.  One minute until closing.  She curses whatever deity Sooyoung and Yerim are probably worshipping as she warily glances at the inconsiderate customer.

    “Motherer,” the girl mumbles after stubbing her toe against the door.  How this happens, seeing as the door stayed propped open, is beyond Joohyun.

    She forces a smile, “Hi, welcome to Come & Go.  I’m legally obligated to inform you that this is a convenience store, and if you’re looking for the strip club, it’s down the street.”

    The customer looks straight at Joohyun, and a chill instantly runs down her spine.  Was that a ghost?  Maybe she shouldn’t have cursed Sooyoung’s demon.  The girl had a button-nose and single-lidded eyes.  She resembled a bear in the most uncanny of ways.

    “Hey!  You work here, right?” She says after a moment.

    Joohyun’s smile wears away.  “No, I sell drugs around the corner.”

    “Wait, really?  Look I’ve been looking for so--”

    “No, idio--ma’am, I work here.”

    The c

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Chapter 4: I love this ;-;
thecrazyyoungster101 #2
Just re-read everything and I still can’t stop laughing. Update soon if you can!
Chapter 4: Things are crazy in here and I like it
thecrazyyoungster101 #4
Chapter 4: This is, without a doubt, the funniest fic I’ve ever read. If you want any prompts, you should totally try doing Irene introducing Seulgi to her parents or (if they aren’t ready for that which I would totally understand) Seulrene’s first date. Continue doing what you’re doing because honestly I’m dying with laughter :'D
will we ever find out how seulgi and irene fell in love? how did they even- it's the biggest mystery ive ever encountered
BitterPotato #6
Chapter 4: That was really amazing!
I hope you will keep on writing this story (pretty please?).
pinkishyellow #7
Chapter 4: The most romantic fic ever <3
This is the real squad goals. They could be suicide squad themselves but high version XD
imsunhee #8
Chapter 4: I miss this fic so much omg...good job dear haha keep writing it please! I want to know more about their relationship and poor Wendy haha
Chapter 4: ing hilarious. Moreee~