
Saturday night

You heard a knock on your door. ‘That must be him’ you thought, as you opened the door to see who the person knocking was. You were greeted by your boyfriend smiling widely. “Y/N, I brought ice cream!” You chuckled as you hugged him taking in his scent. “I missed you.” He said as he kissed the tip of your nose. “I missed you too. Come on, let’s go inside.”

The both of you were going to watch a movie inside your apartment. This was the kind of date you two loved. Of course you liked going out but, there’s something about watching a movie on a Saturday night, inside, together, with no one else around, that make dates like this, your all-time favorite.

When watching movies for couples, you would expect that it be any sort of horror type film. But, no, you two were watching a romantic-comedy. You still remember that one time you two tried watching a horror film. Let’s just say it didn’t end well. Instead of you, the one who was scared the most was him, to the point that he couldn’t go to the bathroom alone for one month. Therefore you concluded that it would be best for the two of you to stick to either chick flicks or rom-coms. That’s what he likes most after all.

The movie you were going to watch was recommended by a friend. She gave you a copy then said that it would make both of your heart flutter. Well, you hoped it was good. As much as you love your friend, you kind of have issues regarding what she likes. Heck, you don’t even know why you accepted the copy she gave you but here you are, about to watch it with your boyfriend--who is a fan of genres like this.

You took some snacks and two spoons and headed out to the living room where your boyfriend was waiting. He took the snacks you were holding and laid it on the coffee table then sat down on the couch. You gave him the other spoon, plugged in the flash drive with the movie in it, sat down, curled up beside him, and with a deep breath, you pressed play. ‘I hope this is good’

You were 30 minutes in the movie and thankfully, it was normal. You breathed a sigh of relief. You opened the tub of ice cream he brought. He took one large scoop and fed it to you, which you ate gladly; he kissed your cheek.

“Aww, that’s so sweet.” your boyfriend cooed at the scene before you. In your relationship, most of the time, you were the one being dominant. Meanwhile, he was the one that would do anything you want him to do, that sort of stuff. Well, there were times where he was taking control and being the “man”, in a sweet way and it would make you swoon. When he was like that, you couldn’t help but blush every time and feel all mushy inside. But, of course you adored it when he was being the “girl” in the relationship too.

A part played where the two main characters were getting steamy. He covered your eyes and said teasingly that you weren’t allowed to watch things like this. “I’ll let you watch when they’re done.” You laughed and hit him playfully. “Hobie, let me watch already.” you said as you tried swatting his hand away. This kept going on for 3 minutes until it was finally clear. He let you watch the rest of the movie. “Gee, thanks” you said with sarcasm as you eyed him. He laughed and gave you a peck on the lips.

You were past halfway through the movie, the ice cream halfway empty and the snacks halfway consumed. This was going great so far. You two were enjoying the movie. Laughs here and there, “coos” and “awws” are occasionally said; it was great.

A scene where the two main characters were at a ball was now on. They started to dance like they were the only ones there. It made your heart melt. “How romantic” you cooed. “That must be so pleasant.” He shot you a wide eyed look. “Don’t tell me you haven’t tried dancing like that.” You shyly blushed and said you haven’t. You didn’t think his eyes could  go any wider than that but, apparently, they can. He paused the movie and sat up straight. “Prom?” You shrugged. “I was sick so I didn’t get to go.” The way his face fell made you laughed so hard. He stood up and started to flail his arms around. ‘My, how amusing this boy is’ He kept on mumbling how you never experienced dancing like that and how you didn’t get to experience prom.

“This is utterly unacceptable!” He whipped out his phone and started scrolling aggressively. You eyed him questioningly. He tapped once on his phone and music started to play. He pulled you up. “H-hey! H-hob-bie, what are y-you?” You couldn’t help but stutter. “I am going to show you how amazing it is to dance like that. Don’t resist. You know I’m not going to let you go.” He was dead serious. He took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, he took your other hand and held it tightly. He placed his right hand on your waist and this whole time he was staring at you intently. You could melt, right then and there. The butterflies in your stomach were starting to get worked up. You couldn’t look him in the eye and blushed. He started to go for a different position and placed both of your hands on his nape and his hands were positioned on your waist. He pulled you closer and swayed to the music. The butterflies? Yeah, they were going crazy.

You started to feel comfortable but the butterflies were still going bonkers. ‘This feeling’ You were blushing so much right now, you swear people won’t tell you and a tomato apart. He chuckled. “Close your eyes and just feel the music and me.” So you did. You did as you were told and it helped. Although you still think you’d faint, it kind of helped. He pulled you in much more closer. He started to sing. ‘Gosh, his voice, I can’t’ It made you even mushier inside.

His singing soothed you. Much to your surprise, it helped you calm down. He must have thought that it would and you were grateful. Slowly, you got comfortable. Now, you could look at his eyes and you did. Your foreheads touched. “Thank you, Hoseok.” He smiled. “Ah, you’re lucky that I’m your first dance.” He teased and laughed. “Yes, yes I am.” You hummed. Then, you kissed him.

The song ended, much to your dismay, neither of you wanting it to stop.  “Next song?” He asked with a grin on his face. You smiled. “Yes please.”

Hoseok like this, being dominant and ruling, was your new favorite thing. “You know, I love you being cute and all but, be more like this sometimes.” You said as a new song played. He laughed. “Sure babe.” 

Screw the movie, you were going to dance like this all night.



Author's note

Hey, back with another oneshot!

Hoseok this time.

Encouraging readers to comment.

That is all.

See you

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mickeyup #1
Chapter 1: XD throughout the story, for some reason I couldn't stop smiling and laugh so suddenly. I'm so weirdT.T but nevertheless I like it! I agree with specialleeteuk1004, even though jhope is not my bias this story made me feel that he's my biasXD
Chapter 1: Awww love it!
Chapter 1: I read all of ur oneshots in one sitting (more like, laying? lol) and I must say you have talent for this! it's so cute omg hoseok is not even my bias but yknow in bangtan, u just love them all and ughh this is just too cute and sweet for me Im falling for hoseok <3 lol ;;; anyways thanks for this! Hope to see more of ur fics, they are adorable :)