Bring a ring to me

My sweet bride

Wonwoo looked through the glass window, several rings as well as bracelets lay there on display. Today would be the day, he would finally be engaged to his Minnie. She and her family had arrived back to Korea from Japan yesterday and were settling into their new apartment. This would be their meeting in 15 years since Mr Kim had been moved to Japan last minute since one of the managers at the Japanese branch had passed away suddenly.

His family had questioned his chosen girl, his father had been particularly upset Wonwoo remembered. He didn’t understand why then, but with age he came to the conclusion that his father thought Minnie was too poor. Wonwoo knew her father was a department manager and her mother a furniture designer. Her background wasn’t bad by any means but on the paper it paled in comparison to the girls he had rejected.

He had his mother to thank for getting father’s approval in the end. She had looked him straight in the eyes and asked him if he was sure about his choice, if this was what he wanted. He had answered that of course he was sure, Minnie was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. His mother then worked her magic and father sat down with him and told him he loved him and whole heartedly supported the engagement.



Wonwoo went into the jewelry store and was quickly attended to by a sales assistant who seemed to recognize who he was.

- Mr Jeon, Is there anything I can help you with? She asked while smiling flirty.

- Yes, I’m looking for engagement rings. Preferably in platina.

He could see that her smile fell slightly and became forced and professional. She wasn’t the first girl to try to charm him. A lot of girls had tried to do that in hopes of marrying him and becoming rich. All of them had ended up disappointed since he rejected them, he already had a girl he had promised himself to. Some of them accepted it silently when he told them about his arranged marriage others got violent and he would end up with a slap on the cheek.

The sales assistant went to one of the displays and came back with several small boxes. She opened each of them and presented them to him.

- These are part of our most exclusive collection. Very popular among young brides to be and fit for a lady of your class. The sales assistant told him excitedly. She had apparently gotten over her failed attempt to flirt and was now back to being a sales women.

Wonwoo carefully looked over each one. Big solitaires, at least 2 carat, halos and fancy eternity bands. They were pretty but he had a feeling that these weren’t for Minnie if she still was the little girl he remembered from 15 years ago. No, these were definitely a style she would dislike. 

- Do you have anything more minimalistic than these? He asked.

The SA went to another display and brought back three small boxes. Once again she opened them and showed him the ring inside.

He fell for the second ring. At first glance it looked like a simple wedding band. But the ring had a secret hidden diamond on the inside. The diamond size was just right, not small but dainty. When he closed his eyes it was that ring he imagined he slipped onto Minnie’s delicate finger. The thought made the deal and he settled for the smaller ring.

The SA looked at him doubtfully as he paid as if it was an impossibility that a girl would be happy with a smaller and hidden diamond.



He then went to the florist to pick up the special bouquet he had ordered for the occasion. Pink roses mixed with branches of Jasmine for the fragrance.

He then went into his car and took a deep breath and drove to the apartment complex Minnie had moved to. He parked outside and took a deep breath, this was it. The day he had been waiting for. He felt his stomach do twists and somersaults. What if it turned out bad and Minnie rejected him? Then he would be so ashamed he would go and jump into the Han River. No, not quite so dramatic but you get it.

Perhaps Jun, his best friends was right. It was ridiculous to be in love with someone you had hardly meet. What if Minnie had changed and would dislike the ring he had bought? The more he taught about it the sweatier his hands got and more bad thoughts with bad outcomes decided to give him a visit.

No, he slammed his fist onto the steering wheel. Why was he a coward? This was right. He was an earnest man and love at first sight did exist. To collect his courage he closed his eyes and thought back at their first encounter, the very reason he sat where he did now.



Mother had told me that Minnie and her family would come over for a quick visit. That she had to move away to Japan. I was a little sad but mother had told me that time passes by quickly. Mother have persuaded me to wear a button down but I don’t like how it feels around my neck!

The doorbell rang and Hyemi noona, my maid opened. In came a man and a women, they were tall, I could only reach up their waist. Mother hugged the woman and father shook the man’s hand. Then I saw her. She was hiding behind her mother’s skirt. She was wearing a striped t-shirt and shorts and had her hair short just like the photo. She was even prettier in real life. She looked shy so I did what father had told me any man would, take care of and make the lady feel comfortable.

I reached out for her and she shyly took my hand.

- Hello, I’m Jeon Wonwoo. I told her trying to sound friendly not to scare her.

Her eyes were brown and huge. In them he could see she was unsure what to do. Finally curved up into a smile.

- Hello Jeon Wonwoo. Kim Mingyu but everyone call med Minnie.



They played outside in the garden. They played football and played tag. Wonwoo was surprised, Mingyu wasn’t afraid of getting dirty like all the other girls in his kindergarten, but it was more fun this way. They laughed and ran around trying to catch each other.

The hours passed away like nothing. Mingyu’s dad called for her, it was time to leave. Wonwoo had one thing on his mind but would he dare? Father did it to mother every day before he left to go to work but was this different? He came to the conclusion that if they were going to be like father and mother, doing the same thing was allowed. He looked Minnie deep in the eyes, leaned in and kissed her cheek. She gasped, surprised by the sudden kiss and carefully touched her cheek where Wonwoo had planted the kiss.

- Minnie, you are very pretty and kind. I want to marry. Will you wait for me? Then we will marry and like mom you will wait for me to be back from work with a dinner and like dad I will kiss your cheek every day I go and come back from work. Think of me as your special oppa. His voiced trembled, this was very embarrassing but he tried to sound as manly as possible.

Mingyu looked unsure and shy once again but her cheeks were stained a pretty color of pink.

- Yes, I will wait but you know I’m a bo…. She didn’t get to finish her sentence as her dad picked her up, tired of waiting

He had wanted to hear her finish her sentence but he had heard the most important word. She had said yes

End of flashback


Wonwoo had reprimanded himself for being a coward and taken the elevator up to the ninth floor. Apartment number 9017. This was the right one. He rang the bell, breathing in and out to calm his nerves. The door opened.

- Hello, I’m Jeon Wonwoo. I’m here to see my Minnie he said while pushing the bouquet into the persons face. His voice was not as strong as he had intended it to be.

He looked up at the person. Looked up because the person was taller than him. The person was a tall boy with a slight tan. Very handsome Wonwoo had to admit. Maybe even more handsome than himself he thought bitterly. But he wasn’t Minnie and as far as he had been told. Minnie didn’t have an older brother. He was so sure it had been the right apartment number but was he mistaken? He probably was and here he was making a fool out of himself in front of a handsome stranger.

-Um, I think I rang on the wrong door. Do you happen to know where Kim Mingyu lives? Wonwoo said very embarrassed while scratching his neck.


- Yeah of course. He lives here, he is me. Do you happen to be that Jeon Wonwoo, the special oppa. I didn’t recognize you at first. Thought you were some crazy stalker or something.

Wonwoo felt the like he wanted to earth to swallow him. What was right and what was wrong, what was the truth, what was a lie. He didn’t know anymore. Hi head spun. His brain worked to try to understand what he had just been informed, it just didn’t make sense. He dropped the bouquet that he so carefully had picked out.

- You’re joking right? You can’t be Kim Mingyu. Wonwoo laughed out loud. This had to be some kind of sick joke. Maybe Jun was behind it all having heard of the meeting and decided to pull a mean prank on him.

- No, you know I’m very sure I know who I am and could you please stop laughing like a maniac, it is scary.  


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dannaching11 #1
Pls update authornim... please??
banacarat #2
Chapter 8: I loved this! Any chance you'll be updating soon?
Arjei14 #3
Chapter 8: O-oh... who could it be?
Chapter 8: e u e oh the triangle has started!!
darksanctuary #5
Chapter 8: Long eyelashes? Must be manly yet such a cutie seungcheola <3 #mincheol bff :"D
Chapter 8: I thought they'll kiss again on this chapter. Wonwoo thinks too much! He should've just kissed Mingyu. Haha. Anyway, is that Seungcheol at the end? Hehe.
Chapter 8: What?! I was so happy and then the last sentence came at me like a arrow through my heart whyyyy
tini1kero #8
Chapter 1: i see top wonwoo so i click the story~
Geoff_ty #9
Chapter 7: T-t-t-thank you for this story author-nim hehehehehe i actually said it after i read the stuttered thank you hahahahahah btw this is an 아주 nice story ^ㅅ^
Chapter 7: So cute!!!! Please update soon ~~ :)