
A Different Perspective
Uploaded 1st February 2014
"Annyeonghaseyo Minnies. Today me and Jongdae are going to visit my older brother and babysitting my nephew for the weekend which I'm hoping will be fun. My nephew is five and so he shouldn't be that much of a handful." Minseok shrugged as he walked into the kitchen where Jongdae was making breakfast.
"I can't believe I finally get to meet your brother. I feel like I've met your mum too much."
Minseok laughed. "My mum now calls Jongdae her third son and gets annoyed when he doesn't call her mum."
"Your mum is lovely but I have my own lovely mum. Oh god, I never want our parents to meet, that would be awful."
"Anyway, hurry up. We have to be there in an hour!" Minseok jumped up and down as Jongdae started to eat.
"It's your bloody brother, I'm sure he can wait a while."
"He's got to be at the airport in a few hours and we've got to be there to drop him off. You agreed to do this with me, it's your own fault."
Minseok and Jongdae walked up to the house and the elder knocked on the door.
"Min!" A male opened the door and hugged Minseok.
"Hey Minhyung, how are you?" Minseok hugged him back then followed him into the house, Jongdae following.
"I'm good, excited. Just frustrated that we can't take Jin but we'd have no time to look after a child. I'm glad you said yes."
"I wasn't going to leave you stranded now, was I? Now Minhyung, this is Jongdae." Minseok introduced them.
"It's so nice to meet you." Minhyung pulled Jongdae into a hug and Jongdae grinned before hugging back.
"It's nice to meet you too, Min talks a lot about you and Jin."
"Not surprised, now I better get Jin."
"Where is he? Normally, he runs downstairs." Minseok leaned on the arm of the couch.
"Sulking. He thinks that if he stays upstairs and sulks, we won't leave." Minhyung rolled his eyes before heading upstairs. Minseok motioned for Jongdae to follow him as he walked towards the kitchen.
"Am I not getting a goodbye?" Minseok smiled as they stood behind a women making food boxes. She looked up and ran over.
"Minseok! I didn't hear you come in! My little baby." She cuddled him and swayed.
"Okay Lin, you don't have to shake me." Lin let go and squeezed his cheeks.
"I rarely get to see you, let me have this moment." Minseok laughed and held her hands away from his face.
"Jongdae, this is my old sister-in-law, Lin."
"Keep the old, you little ." She wacked him around the head and hugged Jongdae.
"It's nice to meet you, Jongdae."
"You too."
"I'm glad you have come to help."
"It's no problem, I used to babysit my sister when she was younger."
"You have a younger sister?"
"Yeah, she is a trainee at SM."
"Oh well, tell me when she debuts and we'll be rooting for her, anyway let's go find my son."
They moved to the living room where Jin was clinging to Minhyung tightly, shaking a little with each sob. Lin walked over to her husband and son and Jin's back.
"Jin, Uncle Min is here. You're not going to be alone. You have fun when Uncle Minseok babysits and he's brought a friend."
"I know but you're leaving me." He racked into more heavy sobs.
"We will be gone for three days and Uncle Minseok knows we're only a phone call away and if anything happens, you know we'll drop everything and get the first plane back." Minhyung comforted his son. Jin slowly started to calm down before climbing off his dad.
"Our plane leaves in a few hours and Minseok offered to drive us to the airport. Did you put Jin's booster in your car?"
"Yeah, I did it before we left."
"Well let's get to the airport!" Minhyung grinned. Minseok and Jongdae helped take their suitcases to Minseok's car, Minhyung strapping Jin in. Jongdae sat in the passenger seat as the parents sat with their son in the back as Minseok drove them to the airport.
They grabbed coffee and sat for a while before Minhyung and Lin had to check in.
"You know you'll have a fun weekend and I want to hear all about it when we get back." Minhyung hugged Jin.
"You will, I bet Uncle Minseok will let me stay up late."
"We'll see about that." Minseok ruffled his hair. Jin hugged both of his parents and gave them long goodbyes before they parted. They waited until they couldn't see them anymore before they left back to the car.
"So what shall we do first? Pizza or park?" Minseok strapped Jin in behind Jongdae before getting in the front.
"Oh! Can we do both? There's a pizza stand in our local park, can we go there?"
"I guess we can." Minseok jokingly rolled his eyes as they headed back to his brother's home.
Minseok parked into the drive then walked towards the nearest park. They went straight to the stand.
"Can I have three slices of margarita and three cans of coke." Minseok ordered as he got his wallet out.
"I can buy my own." Jongdae pouted.
"Nah, what's the point." Minseok smiled as he handed his money over. They received their meal and found a bench to rest on. They ate before Jin went off to play. Minseok got his camera out.
"Hey guys again. So we dropped my brother and sister-in-law off at the airport and we've just got pizza and now chilling here in the park. Isn't it a beautiful day?"
"It's glorious." Jongdae grinned from beside him and moving into the frame.
"Shall I cook tonight?" Minseok asked, fixing his fringe in the view-finder.
"I can help, if you'll let me."
"Depends what I'm making."
"Something yummy."
"Okay." Minseok chuckled before turning the camera off and placing it back in his bag. "Come on Jin, we need to go to the supermarket so we can decide what we're having for tea."
Jin nodded as he followed them out of the park and back to the house and got back in the car.
After a quick trip to the supermarket, they settled back into the house. Minseok put the stuff away in the kitchen as Jongdae sat with Jin in the living room.
"So you're best friends with Uncle Minseok?"
"I'd like to say so."
Jin hmm'd. "So you'd say you like-like him?"
"Yeah, I guess." Jin nodded.
"I know I'm a kid and I'm young but daddy says that I'm quite smart and I can pick up on stuff fast."
"I don't doubt it. I bet you are very smart."
"Then I know you like-like-like my Uncle like how my daddy loves mummy." Jongdae's mouth gaped open.
"Dae, it's rude to gape." Minseok entered the room and sat in between Jongdae and Jin. They spent most of the afternoon watching kid cartoon's which neither adult objected to.
"Jin, do you want to go get a bath whilst we cook?." Minseok said as he stood from the couch and turned the TV off.
"Sure Uncle Min! Mummy or daddy normally pick out my pyjamas though."
"That's fine, I'll do it now. Jongdae, can you start chopping?"
"Of course I can." Jongdae moved to the kitchen as Minseok went with his nephew upstairs.
Jongdae was in the middle of chopping onions when Minseok walked back in. He grabbed some other veg and started chopping as well.
"I hope you don't mind but we'll have to share a bed this weekend. I didn't think you'd mind but one of us can sleep on the couch if you are."
"No, no. I don't have a problem. We've shared a bed before, two nights is nothing."
When Jin skipped downstairs, Jongdae was setting the table whilst Minseok finished up cooking. Jin sat down at the table and waited patiently.
Jongdae helped Minseok bring the food to the table and they sat down to eat.
"Thank you Uncle Min, it looks amazing."
"It's no problem, so how's school?"
"It's good, I have two friends and we play together a lot also my teacher is really nice. She's strict but only when she has to and children are misbehaving."
"That's good, I'm glad."
"Jongdae-hyung, do you make videos like Uncle Min?"
"Yeah, that's sort of how we met."
"That's cool, daddy lets me watch Uncle Min's videos. We watch them together. I wonder if he'll let me watch you too."
"Well I always welcome more viewers."
Jin helped them clean up afterwards before settling to watch a movie but it didn't take long for Jin to fall asleep on Minseok's lap. Minseok picked Jin up and carefully carried him to his bedroom before tucking him in and going back downstairs.
"I hope you're not regretting babysitting." Minseok flopped next to Jongdae.
"Nope, I'm quite enjoying myself."
"Well, that's good." They sat in a comfortable, still watching TV.
Jongdae shifted in his seat as one episode of what they were watching finished.
"Minseok, do you think we're close?"
Minseok frowned. "We live together and we spend like every moment with each other so I'd say yes."
"What do you think would mess us up?"
"I don't think it would be that easy, we're pretty easy with each other, I like to believe."
Jongdae nodded. "Why? What's up, Jongdae?"
"Say, hypothetically, a flatmate liked the other but they struggled to confront the other in case they kicked them out and their life they built up vanished. How do you think they should go about taking to them? Asking for a friend."
"Well it depends how close they are. I would talk to them when I felt the time was right, and its in the hands of the other. I think the friendship wasn't strong in the first place if it really affects them. If I was on the other hand, I'd give my friend a chance depending on whether I liked them back or not but I'd be as understanding as possible for my friend's sake because I don't think its worth losing a friend over. Is that good advice for your friend?"
"Yeah, thanks."
They watched another episode of the programme sat in silence.
"Minseok, I think I like you." Jongdae stumbled out in the silence. He waited for his roommates response.
"You only think? Cause I like you for definite but if you're still thinking-"
"No, I do. I do like you. Wait, you like me back? Like, like-like me back?"
"What are we, twelve? Yes, I like-like you."
"Well that's good to know. But you said of you liked someone, you'd talk to them?"
"I never found the right time, I guess I was scared like your 'friend'. You're not just my flatmate or a friend. You're my best friend, up there with Baek. Even if I didn't like you, I wouldn't just kick you out. But I do."
"So where does this put us? What happens now?"
"I mean, I'd like it to be a thing but it's up to you."
Jongdae smiled and moved closer to the other, "I'd definitely like us to be a thing."
"Well that's settled, do you want to go to bed or watch another episode?"
"One more."
Jongdae stretched and yawned as Minseok got up and headed to the ensuite. Jongdae kicked the duvet off him as he got up to get changed.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Minseok exited the bathroom and grabbed his clothes from his weekend bag.
"I'm good with anything, Jin may have a different answer."
"That's true, I'll go wake him up. See you downstairs." Minseok kissed his cheek and headed out, he didn't see Jongdae go red.
"Jin wants pancakes." The elder grinned as he poured batter into the frying pan.
"Ooo, does that mean I get pancakes too?" Jongdae wrapped his arms around Minseok's waist.
"I guess so, if you're good." Minseok laughed. Jongdae pouted as he unwrapped himself and grabbed plates from the cupboard, placing them on the table along with toppings. Jin ran in from the living room and sat himself at the table.
"I hardly eat pancakes, mummy and daddy don't have the time to cook pancakes in the mornings."
"Pancakes are a luxury and a treat, Jin. Plus having them now and again makes you more excited to have them." Jongdae sat himself next to Jin and put his arm around him.
"I know and I am excited!"
"Well then, Uncle Minseok better get them pancakes stacking." Jongdae grinned at the older with the frying pan.
"Oh really now."

I am so sorry for how long I've been away. Uni hasn't given me a break since I last posted so I haven't really had time to write however! I go back home in two days and my deadlines are coming to an end so hopefully over summer, you will have more chapters, or I will at least try. Thank you for sticking around with my terrible updating and I hope you all have a good day/night!

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dirkexotic #1
Chapter 9: omg they finally confessed they like-like each other ankzifkskakigkgnaloz
Chapter 7: Awwww. Soo & Nini in the works!,
Chapter 6: Oh this is too darling!
chomesukesharp #4
Chapter 6: i wish i was already up
baeks honey, no
Chapter 3: Plz update soon
This is so cute!