Chapter Two - Who needs sleep?

Friendship, Unclear.

Chapter Two - Who needs sleep?

And just like that, Monday, the first day of school had rolled along. 

Mingyu's P.O.V.

I am a good student, I always have been. Because of this I always seem to find myself waking and and being prepared for school extra early. Of course there were times when I felt like I just couldn't be bothered gettin ready and ended up looking like a hot mess, but hey i'm only human. 

My alarm sounded throughout my entire room that morning at around 5:30am. My alarm was actually a recording of Wonwoo laughing. No homo though, it's just that his laugh was really loud at the time and it made the perfect alarm.

I rolled out of my bed and somehow made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, then got changed into my new uniform.

My uniform was a dark blue blazer with white stripes, embroided with the school logo, a pair of black colored dress pants, a plain white dress shirt and a navy blue tie. I wore the tie loosely around my neck and left the top three buttons on my shirt open.

I inspected myself in the mirror as I fixed my dark brown hair into a somewhat decent looking style. I could've done better and I knew that but have slightly messy hair was y these days wasn't it? I ended up shrugging and just going with the style anyway.

Later on I had a small meal, just two pieces of toast a an orange juice, before taking my stuff and making my way to Wonwoo's house to wake him up. 


Waking Wonwoo had been a tradition since the beginning of Junior high. He was always slow and took his time doing everything and since we went to school together at that time, I couldn't afford to be late.His parents don't mind him being late though since that are usually abroad anyway and So that's how it became my job to wake him up.

I punched in the security code for the front gate to his house and entered, then grabbing the spare key to the front door from under one of the nearby pot plants. Yes. Wonwoo hides spare keys in obvious and cliche places. 

The house was really spacious and quite luxurious in my eyes, but seemed just too big for one person to live in alone. I was used to this scene anyway and as of now it really didn't phase me much.

I threw my bag to the side somewhere in the living room then made my way up the stairs to Wonwoo's room.

"Wonwoo-yah, wake up. We gotta get you ready!" I greeted the boy cheerfully after not so quietly bursting into the sleeping boys room.

"Too early Gyu." Wonwoo replied dryly, not forgetting to add a groan at the end of his sentence. He was always all grouchy and lazy in the morning and sometimes acted like a baby, but I don't mind. It's what makes Wonwoo, Wonwoo.

"Well you're so slow in the mornings that you have to wake up this early!" I was tired too but I still somehow managed to wake myself.

"Hyung! Come onnnnn." I whined with a tad bit of aegyo in a sorry attempt to wake him, then plopped myself on top of him. All I could hear next was an unff and a low groan.

I began laughing at Wonwoo hyung because he was probably being squished to death by now. That's what you get when you defy the all mighty Kim Mingyu. Wonwoo hyung's eyes then opened for a second due to the shock most-likely and he began glaring dagger at me, which I of course laughed at.

"Glaring will do nothing to me hyung, wash up and whatever." I gave hyung a goofy- yet still dazzling; because i'm alway dazzling, smile, while pushing the hair out of his face and then getting up off him. Wonwoo hyung always had random strands of hair covering his face and for some reason I had a need to always fix it.

"Where would I be without you Mingyu." Wonwoo hyung groaned and finally got up. 

'SUCCESS! ONE POINT MINGYU! WONWOO ZERO!!!!!' I cheered loudly in my head, at the same time doing my victory dance and poking my tongue out at Wonwoo. 


Wonwoo's P.O.V

I dont think Mingyu has ever heard of a thing called SLEEP. He's a busy body as I like to say, very all over the place and active, while I like to just stare at people and silently judge them or read books. WOW that sounded creepy.

Let's just say I like to chill and relax, there really is no rush even if it is the first day of our new highschool lives.
Heck, time seemed to fly by now that I think about it. 

I had a quick shower; only because that giant kept rushing me to do things and was stressing me out,  then I had got dressed into my uniform which I had to admit wasn't really bad to look at and made me feel somewhat more mature in a way. I liked it.  I liked the feeling of slowly become a proper adult.

"Oh you're done hyung! That's great, let's go! I promise to buy you something to eat at the bakery near the school" Mingyu just randomly pops out of nowhere sometimes and its kind of scary sometimes. He was very ninja like.


"I'm still tired and walk slower." I sighed deeply as I walked almost directly behind Mingyu. I don't purposely walk behind him, it's just he has long legs and he likes to walk at extremely fast paces at times. 

"Be more enthusiastic hyung! We are becoming proper adults!" He beamed and I just gave up on the conversation and leaned my head against the tall boys back, sometimes nuzzling my face against it in a failed attempt to rubs my sleepy eyes.

this chapter is a little longer than the first. okay kill me now. ps there are probably loads of typos and yeah. ill fix that some other time. I ENGLAND SO WELL
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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 2: Wonwoo is such a little baby, I love him
Glendalovesminghao #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg I can't wait for the next update!! ❤️
Canxiubemybaby #3
Chapter 1: Aww this so cute!!! Please update soon❤️