Chapter One - Sleepovers & Movies

Friendship, Unclear.
Chapter One - Sleepovers & Movies

It was a friday, which for Mingyu and Wonwoo meant movie night. Movie night was something the two had started back when they were in elementary school and it seem to just stick.

Movie night usually consisted of extra buttery popcorn and alot of skimming through movies, for a good 40minutes to be exact, before finally finding a movie that the two can agree on to watch. It was a horribly long processes but was somewhat like a tradition to the two.

"Hyung, the movie is about to start? What are you doing?" Mingyu called out as he lay on the couch in the living room alone, watching as the opening credits began to flash by on the t.v screen.

Soon after Wonwoo came shuffling out of the kitchen holding a large bowl of popcorn, then placed it on the near-by coffee table.

"Oh yeah, the food. Where would I be without you Jeon Wonwoo? Now, sit and watch." Mingyu shifted in a more comfortable position on the couch, before then patting the space infront of himself.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes then took his seat between Mingyu's legs and leaned back comfortably against his chest, to which Mingyu wrapped his arms around the latters waist loosely. Wonwoo then picked up the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table,  fed some of the popcorn to Mingyu, then taking some for himself periodically throughout the night.

Yes, this was just your average movie for the pair of bestfriends.


Sometime during the 3rd movie both Wonwoo and Mingyu had completely crashed out in their spooning position and woke the next morning aching everywhere.

"Ah, Hyung my arms so numb I think it's going to fall off! Look what you did!" Mingyu whined as he stretched out both of his arms repeatedly.

"You insisted that we watch a third movie, don't blame me." Wonwoo spoke stoically the wandered off to Mingyu's bedroom with the owner of the bedroom following closely behind.

"Mingyu, i'm using these." Wonwoo held up a set of Mingyu's clothes and proceeded to the bathroom for a shower. Mingyu gave a small nod in response and watched as his friend left the room just as quickly as he had entered.


At this time while Wonwoo was taking his shower, Mingyu looked over to his computer desk. Atop of the desk sat a small booklet titled "Pledis High". This is the school both the boys had applied for and successfully entered.

The book had a large variety of things showcased within it's pages. 

The school was really impressive and Mingyu was excited for whatever adventures both he and Wonwoo would lead once there. Maybe they might finally met someone they both like?

One thing was for sure though.

Mingyu definitely wanted to enjoy these years with his bestfriend at his side, and nothing was going to ruin this experience for them.


Wonwoo on the other hand was doing alot of thinking at that time as well.

Becoming a highschooler was an exciting time for him, it meant new adventures and more fun! but also hard work and just work in general.

This year Wonwoo vowed he would make at least one new friend to introduce to Mingyu and maybe scope out potential girlfriend material. This would be a life changing year for him.

Stepping out of his shell was something Wonwoo rarely did and it surprises most people when they learn that the cold looking emo hotty is actually friends with the tall, loud and dreamy tree that is Kim Mingyu.

After a few more minutes Wonwoo was clean dressed and dry. 

Since he was wearing Mingyu's clothes everything seem just a tad to big on him and if someone were to see him like this only one word would be able to describe this scene,


Even Mingyu couldn't deny how cute he looked in the oversized clothing. Mingyu loved when Wonwoo wore his clothes the most because it was funny seeing Wonwoo go from cold looking emo to cute looking puppy.

AN: short and snappy? i guess.
sorry for whatever this is. but yeah. otl i have no jams
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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 2: Wonwoo is such a little baby, I love him
Glendalovesminghao #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg I can't wait for the next update!! ❤️
Canxiubemybaby #3
Chapter 1: Aww this so cute!!! Please update soon❤️