A Song For You

SEVENTEEN: The Thirteen Proposals

You walked in the busy streets of Seoul, searching for that perfect coffee shop that you have been wanting to go ever since you heard of it. Your friend told you about it but you were too busy to even visit the said location, so now that you had free time, you decided to go and give it a try.


Your eyes lit up as you finally found a classic yet modern styled coffee shop in front of you. You looked to your side, in nothing in particular, trying to recall the name just to make sure that you didn't get the wrong coffee shop.


Your lips curled into a smile as you confirmed that you are in the right one.


You walked forward and pushed the door to the coffee shop open. The smell of coffee welcomed you and were you informed that there were also cupcakes available? Your eyes were like saucers when you saw those heavenly cupcakes on display. Wow.


After ordering, you now came to a table for two and sat down. You saw a painting of a cat and remembered about your boyfriend. The side of your lips curled up again, forming a smile as the picture of your boyfriend was plastered on your mind. He had those really nice eyes. Eyes of an angel, or more like eyes of your angel. He can draw you near even just by looking at his eyes. Now, his smile which resembled the cat. He does look like a cat when he smiles. You open your phone and there in your wallpaper was your boyfriend. Your boyfriend for 5 years. Hong Jisoo or better yet called, Joshua. You smiled as you continued to stare at it.


"Here is your order, miss." the waiter smiled at you as he set down your order. "Eat well and have a good day."


"Thank you." you smiled back.


Then suddenly, a music that played inside the coffee shop caught your attention. It was very familiar. When the singer was finally singing, you leaned backwards on your chair.


It was Lee Jihoon's song Simple. There. You finally realized it. And you only realized now that he was having an Asian Tour and first up on the list was Seoul. You felt your muscle in your stomach tense up. You badly want to go. Like you are a huge fan of Lee Jihoon. He was a perfect description of a true musician. Judging from his singing skills, down to his skills in composing and writing his own song lyrics, and not to mention...he produces his own songs too. He also plays some instruments.


When you finally arrived in your house, you threw yourself on your bed and stared at the ceiling. How long has it been since you had lied down on your bed like this? Because of work, you never had the chance to relax this much. Thanks to your free time, you finally have time to stretch your body enough for you to feel relaxed. You put on your earphones until you fell asleep, completely forgetting that you still had your business uniform on.






"Baby, wake up!"


You stirred from your sleep and adjusted your eyes to the brightness coming from the sun that was illuminating your room. You saw a familiar figure in front of you, but it was still blurry.


You gently rubbed your eyes, slowly regaining back your clear sight.


Joshua smiled down at you as he caressed your head lovingly. You smiled back at him and yawned.


"Good morning." you mumbled.


"Good morning." Joshua smiled. "Hey babe, I prepared breakfast. Come."


"What time did you arrive here?" you asked as you tilted your head to the side, amused that your boyfriend managed to arrive at his girlfriend's place before she even woke up.


Joshua was busy in his training as the heir of his parents' company. So sometimes he doesn't have time to spend with you due to his training that almost ends beyond the time that it was supposed to end. But as an understanding girlfriend, you really see to it that you will never show Joshua that you were already a bit struggling for the deprived time with him.


Joshua leaned his arm on the wall as he smiled at you again. Your heart made a jump and a turn. Your boyfriend was just so handsome.


"It's a secret." he answered playfully.


You frowned as you got out of bed and approached him. You hugged him tightly. You buried your head on his chest as you inhaled his scent that you know you'll never get enough of.


"I missed you." you said.


"I missed you too." Joshua replied as he kissed your head. He intertwined your fingers with his. "Let's eat breakfast now, okay? We still have some catching up to do."


You smiled at that. He gave you a quick peck as you both made way to the table for breakfast.


"Wooooow!" you exclaimed as Joshua showed his infamous skill on catching the nuts using his mouth.


He laughed as he pinched your cheeks. You both were on a picnic together and good thing that the weather was on your side today. The sun smiled down at you as the soft breeze made the leaves dance. It was a nice day with a complementing weather.


"Hmm. How about I throw it and then you catch it using your mouth?" you suggested as you wiggled your eyebrows at Joshua. "Every catch, you move further. How's that?"


He laughed again. "Game."


So you guys ended up making a mess at your picnic area. Peanuts everywhere, literally. After you both were done laughing, you decided to pick up the peanuts before you both were going to be blamed for littering. It was a very fun time, considering the fact that you arrived there at 9 in the morning and now it was already 2 in the afternoon. You decided to go to another place in Seoul before the sun disappears.


Joshua started the engine of his car and the stereo played a familiar song. You listened to it intently until you snapped your fingers in realization.


"Babe, what?" Joshua asked as he glanced at you before focusing back on the road.


"That song." you pointed nothing in particular. "I love that song."


Joshua chuckled. "Simple? Simple by Lee Jihoon?"


You nodded your head vigorously. "Oh gosh, it's such a sincere song."


"Yeah." Joshua nodded in agreement.


"He's having an asian tour concert starting next week, Josh." you said. "I'm really going. His first concert will be in Seoul..."


Joshua sensed that you were still going to say something so he waited for you.


You grab hold of his arm. "And I want you to come with me."


"What? Why?'' Joshua asked as he glanced at you as he focused again on the road.


"Because I just want you to come with me." you pouted. "Because you're my boyfriend and not because I want someone to accompany me."


Joshua laughed. "Come on, babe. I know there's no need for me to go. I can't relate to this stuff, you know that."


"Why not? I mean, you love music as much as Jihoon does. You are also good in singing just like him. Why can't you relate to this stuff?" you pouted again.


Joshua chuckled. "Babe, as much as you think I can relate, I can't. Though I love singing and music, I am not a fan of Lee Jihoon."


You sighed. "Okay, then. I guess I'll be going by myself."


Joshua looked at you at the corner of his eyes. He smiled as he looked back at the road again. "Babe, come on. You're making me guilty."


You narrowed your eyes at him playfully. "You should. You're making your girlfriend sad."


Joshua laughed. "Is my baby, sad? I don't think so."


Joshua drifted the car to the side of the road and turned off the engine.


"Josh, what're you doing?" you asked.


He turned to you, his arm on the steering wheel. He smirked. "Is my baby really sad?"


You raised an eyebrow before nodding slowly. "Yes. Very sad." you poked his cheeks.


Joshua laughed as he took hold of your finger, giving it light kisses in the process. "No, my baby's not sad. Look."


He let go of your finger as he started to tickle you. And you being extremely ticklish, you tried to stop him from tickling you more. You were wiggling so much and can't stop laughing.


"See, my baby's not sad." you saw Joshua grinning at you.


"J-josh, stooooop!" you exclaimed, still laughing.


"Okaaaaay!" Joshua exclaimed back as he pulled you to him, giving you a nice long kiss on your cheek.


You smiled shyly at him as your cheeks started to heat up.


"Aigoo, so cute." Joshua laughed. "Look, babe. I really can't go with you. But after the concert, I promise you I will be with you wherever you go. Even to your house, really."


You looked at him weirdly before laughing. "Josh, that's too much."


"I'm serious here." he pouted this time.


"Alright, whatever you say." you laughed, thinking that it was really funny.


You already accepted the fact that Joshua can't go with you to the concert but now that it was the D-day, you can't help but feel sad. You really wanted him to go with you so that he can have time to relax but you remembered that he still was on his training for their family's company. You knew that was the reason even though Joshua said that it was because he cannot relate.


You pressed your lips together as you applied lip gloss on it before picking up your bag for today's concert. You were dressed in your comfortable clothes. Sporty shirt, ripped jeans, rubber shoes, and a black cap.


When you were already inside the concert venue, you can't help but get teary eyed because you can't believe that you were actually inside the same building with your one and only idol, Lee Jihoon. And not just that, you will get to hear him sing live. You knew this day will be memorable.


As the lights turned dim, everyone in the venue started shouting. Jihoon's name appeared on the screen in fancy letters. And he appeared in the center of the stage as the light was shining on him. He sang many songs until it was down to one last song. His song 'Simple' started to play. You found yourself wishing again that the person sitting next to you was Joshua.


"Baby, I just want it simple, simple. I want it simple. Ooh ooh~ I want it simple, oh yeah yeah. I want it simple." Jihoon bowed before waving to his fans who were there.


He started talking. "Thank you so much everyone for coming. This day is very special to me since this is the first concert I am having in this Asian Tour Concert. My song 'Simple' is the last performance that I prepared for you today but actually, there's one more performance. This is my gift to a very good friend of mine. That through my hard times as a trainee, he was there to help me. So now, the stage is all yours dear hyung!" Jihoon clapped and bowed. He waved to his fans before exiting the stage.


The light went dim and loud screams can be heard. You wondered who that hyung was. Maybe he was also an idol?


Then a familiar song started to play. It was Seo In Guk and Eunji's song 'All For You'. Then all of a sudden, the light was on you. The girls sitting beside you started squealing because Jihoon was standing on the end of the row where you were sitting. He was gesturing you to stand up and go to him.


Your eyes widened. What on earth is happening?


You pointed yourself while looking at Jihoon with your wide eyes. Jihoon nodded and gestured you again.


You slowly stood up, feeling so shy especially because the light was on you.


Jihoon guided you towards the stage. He smiled at you before leaving you standing there in front of the people. Then, you heard someone singing. The people were cheering again and it was so loud.


You just listened to it while your head was hung low. And then, his English words rang on your ear. You turned your head around and there you saw your boyfriend standing behind you, smiling. He was the one singing the song and you swear your eyes were like saucers.


"Josh?" you whispered to yourself.


Joshua walked towards you as you heard the screams becoming even more louder. He continued singing as he slowly grabbed your hand to intertwine it with his. You were so happy because finally he sang again. How long has it been since the last time you heard him sing? His voice is perfect and it brings so much music to your ears just like how his laugh, and his voice would. He stared at you straight to your eyes as he continued to sing. The crowd's scream was uncontrollable.


Joshua stopped singing but left a smile plastered on his face as he tightened his grip on your hand. The minus-one special continued to play in the background.


"__________." Joshua started. He smiled. "Remember when I told you that I can't come?"


You nodded.


He chuckled. "Actually, I planned this with Jihoon... with the production team and his agency too. I knew that you were a big fan of him, I just didn't show it. I waited for the perfect timing to surprise you and this was it. Jihoon's my bestfriend and he offered to help me in this."


You were shocked. Your boyfriend is the bestfriend of your number one idol? Wow!


"I... I can't believe it, Josh." you murmured, totally surprised.


Joshua brought the mic close to his lips this time and started speaking through it. "This surprise is not just any surprise, _________."


The crowd, upon hearing that, started screaming again.


You bit your lip in embarrassment. You weren't the type to be talked with in front of so many people. But looking at your boyfriend now, you slowly pushed that embarrassment away.


"What are you talking about?" you whispered to Joshua.


"This is the other surprise." Joshua said through the mic. He fished something out of his pants pocket. Your eyes widened as he revealed a bright red box and inside was a shining ring.




The camera on the stage focused on the ring and projected it on the screen and as soon as the crowd saw it, their screams were louder than before.


"____________, I want to start a new life with you. In our own home, with our future kids. I want to wake up in the morning seeing your sleeping face right beside me. I want to look at your face all my life. I want you to be my partner.... forever. I want you to be my wife. My one and only love." Joshua kneeled down as he pushed the tiny box forward.


"Will you marry me?" Joshua spoke through the mic.


"SAY YES!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!"



"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!"


The crowd was responding, but you remained quiet, obviously taken aback by everything that just happened. You were still trying to process everything.


You blinked many times and then you saw Joshua staring at you with hopeful eyes. You bit your lip as you stared at the ring then to Joshua. Then all of a sudden, you felt something wet drop on your cheeks. You sniffed and you realized you were crying.


"Y-yes. Yes, I will marry you Josh!" you nodded vigorously as you tried to steady your breathing.


Joshua sprang up on his feet and embraced you in a tight hug. The crowd was cheering so much. Joshua released you from the hug as he inserted the ring on your finger. He held each side of your cheeks as he wiped away your tears with his thumb. He kissed your forehead gently but prolonged it. You held his hands as you closed your eyes, same with Joshua.


He pulled you into a hug after. His lips close to your ears. "You made me so happy, baby. Thank you."


You tip toed and whispered on his ear, replying "No... you made me happier, Josh. Thank you."


Joshua chuckled as he hugged you even tighter. "I love you, you know that. I'll do anything for you, _____________."


"I love you too, babe." you smiled as you closed your eyes feeling Joshua's breathing on your ear.


This day will really be a memorable one.


I hope you enjoyed reading this guys :) Next up, Jun's oneshot :) See you in the next chapter!


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Simron_Carat #1
Woah writer-nim the way you made up all the scenes, based on the plot of the members is really appreciating, the stories up till now were surely amazing with a bit of suspense. Hope the stories of the other 9 members is also pretty good. Hwaiting !!!
cutehansol #2
Chapter 4: i loved this !!! keep up the good work~
littlebun91 #3
Chapter 2: so loveable
Chapter 1: Aaawahhhhhh! I love this. I love him. This is so sweet. I cry .