Two-Connect The Dots

Lacrima // VKOOK

Taehyung walked slowly down the winding halls, that smelt of perfume, cologne and cheap pizza. the area was crowded as per usual. Guys punching each other playfully, probably due to some dumb joke, others exchanged glances, as hot girls walked by, snickering before taking pictures in secret. The girls were either huddled around their lockers, gossiping or flirting with the jocks, sensually leaning closer and undoing the first few buttons of their white school button ups to reveal cleavage.


With his empty lunch box in hand, Taehyung walked calmly to his locker across the hall, ignoring the calls of a few girls. "Taehyung-oppa! Can you come over for a sec?" A girl with long black hair exclaimed in one of those annoying attention tones he hated.

He glanced at her briefly, she was with a group of girls that were sporting such similar try hard make-up and hair styles, you would wonder if they were related or something.

"Don't you mean: for a ?" One of her friends using the same tone snorted in retort, sending them all into fits of girly laughter. That could make his ears ing bleed.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and continued on his way. Not spending more than 30 seconds of his time on them.


He reached his long grey locker and spun the lock to its three designated numbers that would unlock the metal device. He sighed and pulled it down, clicking it open.


Taehyung thought back on what he witnessed just before eating. Was that really Jeon Jungkook? The happy virus little bunny that girls adored? Yeah okay obviously it was him. But why was he there all by himself? The kid had friends, he had a perfect life as far as Taehyung could tell.

Hell, he knows that Jungkook should be living the life, (well in school anyways) he watches him sometimes- er uh.. Maybe not watching but- whatever..the guy's a ing walking cream puff that turns into a god once he takes off his shirt. (If that makes sense at all) how could you not. Practically everyone drools over Jeon Jungkook.


But who one is actually aware of what happens behind closed doors. People fake all the time. It's more of a normal thing these days to be honest. When is anyone actually being their genuine selves, and not trying to be someone they're not, to fit in or impress others.

But this is a different situation- Jungkook looked so damn broken could one person have such different sides, and manage to uphold them so well? Taehyung couldn't comprehend the boy at all..


Eh, he shouldn't care anyways. Sure, the kid may be exactly Taehyung's type- but, that had nothing to do with the elder. On top of it all, Taehyung had absolutely no time for relationships. Despite his "I don't care" image. There was actually a lot more to the boy, and his schedule simply didn't allow it. He had way too many responsibilities to even have a crush.


He shut his locker and was snapped out of his thoughts as a sharp bell sounded, signalling the start of afternoon classes. Taehyung shuffled into his biology class and sat in his seat by the window.


"Have any of you seen Jungkook?" The teacher asked as everyone found their seats, noticing the vacant chair in front of Taehyung, that was usually occupied by Jeon Jungkook.

"He went home during lunch. Said he wasn't feeling good." Jimin explained from across the room. 

The teacher nodded and began talking about last night's homework. Which Taehyung could care less about. He probably got all the answers right anyways.


The boy yawned and rested his head on the textbook in front of him, ignoring all the giggles from lustful girls around him.






Jungkook exhaled deeply, the only sounds came from the cars rushing by and the rhythmic crunch of gravel under his feet, which were beginning to go numb from excessive walking. He would take the city bus home on most days. But he had a lot on his mind, which a little walk always helped to cure.


A lot of happened today, he was way too careless. Normally he would've stayed strong until the end, holding the tears back until late at night, when he was safely in bed, out of earshot. Away from pity.

But with his parents' death anniversary being tomorrow, Jungkook simply couldn't hold back.


Damn, it's been years since their death, most kids wouldn't dwell so much on the deceased as much as Jungkook did. He was probably the only one that cries every night over his parents' death. Not to mention, they were abusive parents.

When he says abusive, it's not just hitting when he isn't doing what he's told. We're talking full on beatings. Belts, whips, slamming him into the wall, knuckles smashing his face in, leaving purple bruises to blossom, he got kicked quite a lot in the sides, as it was his father's favourite form of abuse. but at least those bruises could be hidden under his clothes. He always had to make up stupid excuses when he showed up to school with dark purple marks contrasting harshly against his pale milky skin the next morning.


Jungkook should be somewhat relieved that he and his sister were free.. But deep down, he's the only one that knows the truth...

He's the only one that knows he had a part in the death of his parents.


That's truly what haunts him. It kills him so much, the amount of sleepless nights, ing wallowing in guilt are countless. Jungkook even hallucinates sometimes. He sees them. Accusing him of murder. Of being no less than trash. A worthless excuse of a human being.. But he couldn't agree more..


When the boy finally arrived at his small house, which was actually very well kept, he trudged though the gate and struggled to shove his keys into the cold door knob.



After their parents died, none of their family members wanted to take in Jungkook and his younger sister. They pushed him away with the same amount of persistence Jungkook used to plead each time.

Eventually, the government started sending money and gave them a small house to temporarily support the children, at the request of one of their relatives that got tired of the constant knocks on their door for help.

At that time, Jungkook was 14, old enough to work multiple jobs and barely support both him and his sister, who along their hardships, ended up falling ill with brain cancer. Much to Jungkook's demise, only adding on to his worries that perhaps the only person he actually loved dearly, could leave him.



"Oppa?" A small voice sounded from down the hall.
"Yeah, it's me." He kicked off his shoes and headed straight to his sister's room.


"J-Jungkook-oppa?" She blinked in shock at the sight of her usually loving and worrisome brother, with puffy eyes and dishevelled hair.


The shock was soon replaced with understanding when she remembered that his upbeat personality was all an act. Memories of her brother crying in the next room at 4 am resurfaced, bringing tears to her eyes. She didn't hesitate to jump out of bed and draw her brother into an embrace when he inched closer.

Jungkook closed his eyes and welcomed the warmth, hot tears forming for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

"Oppa...are you okay?" The girl whispered after awhile, tracing circles on his back in attempt to calm him down.


Jungkook sniffed and pulled away.


I'm not. I'm not okay. Help.


"Yeah. Don't worry Yeri." He smiled reassuringly, quickly drying his tears before ruffling her hair. Yeri sighed, fully aware that her brother was lying.


She nodded, playing along with the facade. If she said anything now, Jungkook might completely shatter without the strong fake smile that protected him.


" how are you feeling?" He asked, trying to shift the attention from himself.


After being diagnosed with cancer, Yeri's been strictly confined to their house with the only exception, being checking into the hospital or occasionally going out with her brother.

She hated being isolated. The girl was homeschooled by a tutor Jungkook hired. But, She'd much rather go to school and make friends like regular kids. Although, the part she hated the most was seeing Jungkook suffer alone. He already had so much on his mind from school, plus work to pay for their living expenses and Yeri's medical bills. He managed to get a job which payed way more then the normal teen's wage. Though Yeri had no idea what exactly he did to earn so much money, she didn't question it.


"I'm fine oppa." She reassured with a smile. Jungkook swept back her bangs and sighed.

"Okay, that's good. Are you hungry? Want me to make some food before I go to work?" He asked gently.
"Don't worry. I'm fully capable of making my own food." She shook her head.

Jungkook nodded and stood up. He checked his watch and exhaled, slightly exhausted from the emotionally draining day.

"Alright then. I'll probably be back late so don't wait for me, and go to sleep early. Okay?" Yeri nodded and he kissed her forehead. Before changing out of his uniform, and heading to work.





(The next morning)


Taehyung groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration. This morning's math class was awfully dragging. At this point, he felt like strangling his teacher and his monotone voice.

School wasn't exactly a fun experience for Taehyung. He was always ing bored out of his mind, and though people always admired him and his looks, no one actually approached him as a friend for some reason. Well, aside from his best friend Jimin. But Jimin had his own group of friends, so Taehyung's school days were usually dull and lonely.


As the lesson ended, he quickly shoved his books into his bag and got up to find a place to eat.
"Taetae!!" Jimin stepped in front of him.
"Oh, hey Jimin. What's up?" Taehyung asked, slightly taken aback.

"Wanna eat with me and my friends?" He asked with a bright smile that reached his eyes, causing them to crease.


There it is, Jimin's killer smile that captured many girls' hearts, only to be broken after they find out he has a boyfriend.

"Why?" The latter cocked his head, confused at the sudden request.


Was it out of pity? Taehyung really doesn't mind eating alone. Sure it's lonely but- oh who's he kidding, it's boring as hell-

"Because you always eat alone and I feel like you'd like my friends. Cmon! I don't like seeing you all alone, you always shut people out. That's why no one wants to be your friend! But for some reason, you like this hot guy. Which I don't blame you for" The orange haired boy pointed to himself and winked.

Taehyung sighed in defeat. There was really no reason to refuse-

"Okay. Sure." Jimin's face lit up even more, as if he couldn't look any brighter before- he grabbed Taehyung's wrist and dragged him to the cafeteria before the boy could protest further.



Once they arrived at Jimin's usual table, he sat down and pulled the slightly nervous boy down beside him.

"Guys, this is Taehyung. You all know him right? He's my best friend, a real hot shot, I'd date him if I didn't already have a boyfriend." He added, Taehyung rolled his eyes, used to Jimin's teasing. "Aaanyways, He's gonna hang with us today. Get along well with him. He's a fun guy." Jimin introduced the boy to his hyungs.

"He's a fungi?" Hoseok smirked comedically.

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Seokjin snorted sarcastically.

"Pffffft" Taehyung stifled his laughter.

"Oh? Ohh? See hyung?? someone found my joke funny-" He stuck his tongue out at the elder and briefly high fived Taehyung. Yoongi glared displeasingly at Taehyung. The other guy that his boyfriend gave quite a lot of his attention to.


"Oh! Kookie's here!" Jimin waved the boy over, even though he already knew where he was headed, as they've been eating at the same table since the beginning of high-school. Jungkook gave a small smile and waved back, shuffling slowly towards them.


Upon laying eyes on the raven haired boy, Taehyung swallowed back a lump that had formed in his throat and his lips. Jeon Jungkook. What exactly are you hiding? Taehyung studied the boy thoroughly as he took the seat across from him.


"Jungkook, this is Taehyungie, you know him right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, hey." Jungkook gave a nod, acknowledging the other, before proceeding to unwrap his sandwich, somewhat absentmindedly.

The last thing he wanted to do today, was come to school and pretend everything was normal. But he wouldn't give up his act and worry anyone by skipping school for this certain anniversary.


Taehyung continued to sit there with his food untouched, engaging in their conversations only when it directly involved him. Otherwise, he found staring at Jungkook quite entertaining.


It wasn't really that the boy was clumsy, or funny to watch. But, he just looked so delicate. So gentle..Maybe it was something about the way his supple lips parted to take a bite from his sandwich that probably tasted bland as hell,mor how adorable it looked when his cheeks were stuffed full with food.

Maybe it was the way Jungkook's soft raven hair fell perfectly above his doe eyes that were soft and kind...yet, the more Taehyung examined them, they seemed a bit distant, bloodshot and glassed slightly, as if Jungkook had been crying not too long ago. They gave off a feeling of loneliness and depression.

This was more like the Jungkook he saw on the rooftop yesterday. Taehyung's heart ached. This boy was broken.


He could see right through the latter, as if he was made of glass. Glass that threatened to shatter, at the smallest gust of wind..and he realized, Jungkook, was far from innocent. The adorable bunny in front of him, was a mere act of strength. Instead, there was a shell of a broken helpless child-



"Taehyung?" Jimin tapped his shoulder. Taehyung looked around as everyone stuffed their belongings away and left the table.

"Oh- yeah sorry." He quickly packed his lunch back into his bag and got up from his seat.

"Alright, let's get to our next class. I hope you enjoyed eating with us at least a little bit." Jimin flashed a smile.

"O-oh yeah. They're isn't Jungkook in our next class as well?" Taehyung looked around the bustling cafeteria for the raven haired boy, but he was no where to be found

"Kookie? Oh yeah. He said he wasn't feeling well.. But truthfully, it's his parents' death anniversary today so it must be hard on him..." Jimin sighed. Taehyung processed the information, putting all the pieces together, before concluding that there was more to the story.


More as to why the boy was so depressed.

He's hiding something. Something else is definitely wrong.. - why do I feel so obligated to do something? I barely know the kid-


"Tae? Are you okay? Why are you so spaced out? Hello? Earth to Kim Taehyung?" Jimin waved a hand in front of Taehyung's face.

"Yeah, yeah-" he stopped suddenly when a certain boy came into his line of vision.


Taehyung froze for a second, contemplating whether or not he should go talk to Jungkook or not. He blinked and shook his head, reminding himself that it would be weird to just randomly come up and worry about the boy, when they barely even knew each other.

Jimin cocked his head. He examined Taehyung, who was acting quite out character. He seemed bothered by something. Jimin followed the latter's gaze, landing on a raven haired boy, only a few feet away.


Taehyung's staring at Jungkook? Why? Is it because of what I told him? Or is there something more? No way..



(Later that evening)


Taehyung took in a sharp breath and began softly pressing the keys of his grand piano. His fingers moved familiarly, swiftly pressing down on the smooth keys, bringing a satisfying feeling to his stomach.

A slow tune resonated through the basement. Kiss The Rain, composed by Yiruma. He closed his eyes, finding each note with ease as he's played this song more times than he could count.


What most people don't know about him, aside from his family and Jimin of course, is that Taehyung is actually really good at playing the piano. Well, not that he has much of a choice.


His whole family plays, it's kind of a given that he'd follow in their foot steps. His father is a big shot composer that sells out concert halls and has orchestras lined up to perform with him.

His mother is the owner of a large scale prestigious piano school. Actually, it's the most popular and the most expensive piano school in the country.

Last but not least, his older brother Chanyeol. The most praised young pianist in the city. He was a legend as a child. A true prodigy, he won countless awards and now lives in America for training.


Then there's Taehyung. He enjoys playing but he plays for the wrong reasons. It's not his choice. Perhaps he'd enjoy it much more if it wasn't forced upon him, or connected to pressure. This of course, doesn't stop his parents from making him compete in every single piano competition they can find. Insisting that he earn first place each time and make his parents proud.

In return, they'd give him all that he wanted and more. If he refused to play, he'd get beaten, starved and told to leave the household.


Taehyung stopped suddenly, when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He quickly fetched it out and looked at the caller ID.


He tapped the green answer bubble and held the iPhone to his ear.


"Taehyungie! Are you busy tonight? Wanna go clubbing with me and Yoongi?" Jimin chirped

"Uhm..clubbing? I don't know if I have time.." He still has to practice for an upcoming competition- and there was no way his parents would let him go out with the competition less than a few days away..


well screw it. I could use a break and hey, a little drink wouldn't hurt- the piece I need to play is easy as hell anyways, there's no way I can it up. He nodded finally and spoke.

"Mm actually, sure why not. Sounds good, what time and where?" He questioned

"Yay! I knew you'd come! Oh and we're going to that club downtown close to my place, Bulletproof. We'll pick you up at 9."

"Alright. See ya then." Taehyung nodded

"See ya! Love youu~" Jimin made kissy sounds mockingly.

"Yah! Who are you talking to? It better be your mom or something!! Give me the phone!" Yoongi yelled in the background.

"Hello?! Who the is this?! Jimin's belongs to me so off!!" He threatened.


Taehyung heard Jimin burst into laughter in the back.

"Damn right it is! Woooo!" Jimin whistled out, before laughing hysterically again. Taehyung sighed.

"Chill Yoongi. It's just me.."

"..Taehyung? Oh...-" with that, the phone line beeped, signalling the end of the call.


Taehyung chuckled at how overprotective Yoongi is with Jimin. He wishes he had someone to cherish like that- he's never once had someone to love or that loved him genuinely. Not even his family- Taehyung shook his head and clicked his phone to display the time.

" I have less than an hour to get ready-"




He sprayed some cologne and looked at his appearance in the mirror one last time before leaving.

Taehyung was wearing classy yet casual black clothes and his fluffy brown hair was styled in a way that made him look especially irresistible.

He nodded and creeped downstairs to the front door, holding his breath when he passed his parents' room, as to not get caught. Once outside the rather large house, he hopped into the back seat of Yoongi's car and they sped off to the club.


Jimin turned around to look at Taehyung and smirked

"Damnnn Tae, you look hot as hell. Watch out I might just bang you if I get drunk enough."

"Yah!!" Yoongi yelled from beside his boyfriend. Jimin chuckled and winked before turning back to the front.


Once they arrived at the booming building, Jimin and Yoongi squeezed their way to the dance floor immediately and started grinding on each other, without a moment to spare.


Taehyung on the other hand, walked to the bar, careful not to bump into anyone. Which was more difficult than it sounded, as drunks were occasionally falling in front of him or stumbling over to flirt with him.



When he eventually made it, he slumped onto a stool and leaned on the counter, watching the familiar scene of bright lights, loud music and jumping bodies, intoxicated and energetic.

"Can I get you anything?" A bartender asked.

"Can I get a beer please?" He asked politely.

" 'Course" the bartender uncapped a bottle with a small pop, and handed it to Taehyung, who handed over the payment and immediately took a long swig.

After a couple sips, some men began entering the stage in front of the dance floor.

They wore quite revealing outfits that earned them loud whistles and calls from the lust hungry crowd. They began dancing, moving their bodies slowly and sensually. Knowing exactly how to get the crowd going. Some were wrapped around poles, others simply danced on the open stage.

It really was a beautiful show. Taehyung gawked at their bodies that maneuvered so perfectly. He took another swig of his beer and looked back at the stage with hooded eyes.

He examined them all individually, their bodies were so damn beautiful.

Come to think of it, when was the last time he got laid? He chuckled at the thought and took another sip from his bottle.

He moved on to the next gorgeous dancing body, but something seemed different with this one.

His floppy raven hair and bunny teeth were all too familiar. He narrowed his eyes and willed them to focus, to clear his mind from the alcohol for a second to figure out who the boy was.

Taehyung choked on the drink he was swallowing when he finally connected the dots.





End of chapter 2


A/N: this update took soo long. I'm so sorry. You'll probably have to re-read the first chapter to refresh your memory of what's going on- BUT I made this chapter really long, so I hope you enjoyed this word vomit at least a little? 

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Chapter 2: lol why was Jungkook at a club ?!
milkyway04 #2
Chapter 2: Taehyung likes jungkook, doesn't he? Or he's just curious about jungkook? I need the next chapter to make it clearer ><
I'm so curious what will happen in the next chapter, so update asap please >< fightingg!
Chapter 1: kim taehyung ur my ub and ily and all but youre ing stupid jEON JUNGKOOK IS CRYING YOU DO NOT LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT
Deflowerhoe #4
Chapter 1: why Kim taehyung u left kook why cant believe u dont have the heart to even ask him if his ok :c angst im scared