November//The First Autumn

Seasons of Park Chanyeol

We met in a coffee shop on a crisp autumn evening, when the wind was getting colder and the leaves were starting to thin. It was finals week and staying around the college district was getting super nerve-wracking, because students were running here and there, trying to catch up with assignments, cramming for tomorrow’s exams or anything else that would relate to school. I was already at the tipping point for stress, which was why I decided to go to the city for awhile and lay back until Sunday.  I was walking along Han River, super cheesy right, devouring my chili cheese dog as I enjoy Seoul’s beautiful skyline. I’m a Psychology major which is why I’m a big fan of public spaces, people are everywhere and I guess it has given me an edge on trying to get a bigger understanding on how the human mind works. By now you could safely assume that I’m a big fan of coffee shops especially crowded ones, which was why I walked in the most cramped up coffee shop in Dongdaemun. 


I ordered my usual Vanilla Latte because Americano was too strong but Caramel Macchiato was too sweet. I always carried my little black journal with me it was basically filled with scribbles of my observations of people and that day was the first time I’ve written a name on that book. There was an acoustic band playing live that day apparently they were the usual set that played in this café and most people come to watch them every Saturday evening. There was something about the way he smiled. Amongst all four of them, he was the first one to catch my eye, the way his fingers languidly move on the guitar strings and how his voice was just the perfect tone. Tall… Guitarist… you could say those were the first things that I jotted down on my journal. 


After they finished their set, everybody started clapping and they came down the stage talking to the crowd. I just stayed put on my table, sipping into my vanilla latte while jotting down more things on my journal. 


“I’ve never seen you before. Are you a newbie here?” the thick raspy voice said. I looked up only to see their guitarist, “Oh yeah… I’m not from the city.” I gave a short reply. 


“Well hello, I’m Park Chanyeol, I somehow run this place and if I were to give you a tip. This is surely not the place to be doing your assignments.” He slightly chuckled under his breath after saying that. 


“I’m Saerin, Kim Saerin. These aren’t assignments; I’m merely here just for pleasure.” I replied him. He had these dreamy brown orbs that contrasted with his white skin and ash grey hair that he seemed to pull off. 


“Are you from around here? By here I mean Seoul” he asked as he wiped down the counter. 


“I used to live here but I moved down to the college district and now I only come here every weekend as my family still subsides here.” I calmly stated. 


“That’s nice to know, so how did you think of the performance?” Chanyeol asked, 


“Great song! Is it an original?” I replied. 


“Yes it actually is, I wrote it and composed it as well” He added an excited grin along with his sentence. I was just baffled that he was so openly talking to a stranger. We spent hours that night chatting away until I realised it was nearing 11PM. 


“Hey, it’s getting pretty late and I better go back home.” I said as I cleared my things. 


“Ah well its true what they say ‘time flies when you’re having fun’. How are you getting home?” Chanyeol asked me as I was about to leave. 


“Hmm… probably going to just walk home since my place isn’t that far.” I replied him and he walked with me out the café, “so will I be seeing you again?” he asked me sounding like he was kidding. 


“um..I’ll be staying in Seoul for the whole weekend so maybe I’ll be coming back to the cafe when I’m in dire need for a cup of vanilla latte.” I replied him and chuckled. 


“Well if thats the case would it be too much of a bother to get your number?” he questioned and handed me his phone. 


“ Wow.. This feels like high school all over again.” I said and took his phone to type in my number then called my phone, “there you have my number and I have yours.” I said and I gave his phone back to him. 


“I’m going to head off now bye!” I waved and headed off to the train station.


Once I arrived home, I did the customary night routine; wipe make-up off, face wash, face treatment, brush teeth and then lay in bed while playing my phone till I doze off. I took out my black journal with “confidential” contents and I read my entry from today’s outing. I realised that I barely wrote things other than ‘tall’ ‘guitarist’ and ‘Park Chanyeol’. It was a shame that I didn’t get to write any accounts that could help me in the extensive essay for the semester but I spent the whole night talking with Chanyeol which was a rather nice stress-relief. 


He came off as a solace to this semester of stress and adjustment. He had this uplifting personality that just make you all giddy and his smile.. his smile was super contagious, it was hard to feel a tinge of sadness when I was around him. irrelevant jokes and snarky remarks were the fuel for our whole conversation.


I laid in bed and took a look at my cellphones “Recently Added” and I saw his contact, this feels like high school all over again that giddy feeling of just getting a guys number and that constant adrenaline going in your mind whether they’ll text you or not. I smiled and just shut off my phone, the tiredness is starting to take a toll on me when…




real__pcy: Since you said it feels high school, I shall be that guy who wishes the girl, whose number I just got, goodnight! and we shall meet again.

kxmsaerxn: what is this reassurance that you’ll be seeing me again *smirkfaceemoji* but goodnight to you too stranger :) 


once again, I shut off my phone and started closing my eyes.


I guess it wouldn’t be that bad having a guy like Park Chanyeol around.


A/N: Okay so yes an opening chapter. I was feeling bored and I decided to make a fanfic I dont know the fate of this fanfic as this is even an experiment for me so I hope that maybe this will turn out well maybe not but for now this is it. Im experimenting with new words so that I hope it could make my English A better lol but I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of 'Seasons of Park Chanyeol' I hope that I will be receiving a lot of constructive criticism on the comment section below, so please comment and give me ideas or your inputs on my writing style and all. If you like this so far please do subscribe and I will work my hardest to produce a solid fanfiction! thank you!

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