Bitter truths

Let's play pretend

“I love you Lee Jihoon.” Soonyoung declared from his seat on the couch.

Jihoon stared blankly at the Director. Was he being serious now? His heart started racing, whole body heating up as if it was set ablaze.

“What’s with the dumb look babe? As my ‘boyfriend’, you should be able to say those three words back to me.  People at the party will be putting us to the test and we have to be able to pull through.”

“What…? So you were just acting?”

“Jihoon, you really need to improve if we both don’t want to get caught. I’ll leave you to your devices. Remember to work on saying ‘I love you’ kay?” Soonyoung exited Jihoon’s office, waving his hands, back against Jihoon.

Jihoon chuckled cynically. Who was he kidding? He clutched his head and took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. Who was he to think that Kwon Soonyoung actually meant what he said. Kwon Soonyoung was rich, hot and smart, and him? He was just Lee Jihoon.


Soonyoung bit his tongue as he slammed the door to his office. “!” He screamed out. Soonyoung let frustration take over himself, shutting the blinds to his entire office with a click of a button. When darkness enveloped the office, Soonyoung fell to the ground, knees buried under his chin as he ruffled his hair roughly. He could not stop thinking about the fact that he was a bloody coward. .


Jihoon was in his office, files laid out in front of him. But no matter what he tried to do, he could not get his mind to focus on the task at hand. His thoughts all led back to Kwon Soonyoung and his stupid face. He felt conflicted, not knowing why he was so disappointed yet relieved. Perhaps, his heart was broken. Sure he has had past relationships, but very few of them were genuine. Jihoon possibly had more flings than real relationships which required emotions. Was that why he was so ed up? Why was he so afraid when Soonyoung said he loved him (although it was an act)? He reasoned that it was because he had a heart of stone, not knowing how to love anymore. Jihoon sighed, and let ill-thoughts cloud his mind. More importantly, why was he disappointed when Soonyoung revealed that it was part of the act? Jihoon scoffed when he thought back to Soonyoung instructing him to work on his acting. Acting was the easy part, actually meaning them was not.

Refusing to let such thoughts plague him mind any longer, Jihoon headed to Seungcheol’s office, wishing for a getaway. Hopefully Seungcheol would be free enough to entertain him. Without bothering to knock, Jihoon entered the glass room, coming face-to-face with a frowning Seungcheol, stacks of files piled to the side of his desk.

Jihoon paused in his steps, “You busy Seungcheol?”

Slipping off his circle-framed spectacles, he replied calmly. “Not really, what’s up Jihoon?”

“The files on your table begs to differ.”

“It’s fine. You seem bothered.”

Taking a seat opposite Seungcheol, Jihoon lets his best smile light his face. The older groans and rolls his eyes. “Just spit it out.”

“Gosh, fine. It’s nothing much, just feeling very… how do I put it… confused.”

Now that had completely caught Seungcheol by surprise. “Confused? By Kwon Soonyoung?”

Jihoon sighed and hid his face behind his hands, “Yes… no… I don’t know. Do you think I’m emotionless? I don’t think I can love anymore.”

“What rubbish Jihoonie. Hmm if I were to die tomorrow would you be sad?”

“What the ? I would freaking weep, ball my eyes out.”

“See? You still have feelings.”

“That’s stupid."

"Look, I’ve said this before, but feel. Don’t think. Emotions cannot be calculated Jihoon. Stop trying to let the logical you take over.” Seungcheol reaches over the table to pet Jihoon on his head, fingers intertwining with his soft hair. He smiles at the sight in front of him, Jihoon who had his head down on the desk, ears red from embarrassment. He hears him mumble out an ‘okay’, and that was all the reassurance he needed.


The party for businessmen came in a blink of an eye, and Jihoon was currently putting on his tie, in addition to his suit. He glanced at his clock the moment it hit 8pm. Soonyoung would be there anytime soon. Grabbing his phone and wallet, he locked up his apartment and headed to the lobby of his apartment complex. Upon catching sight of Soonyoung’s car, he approached the curb, waving to a beaming Soonyoung.

“Why didn’t you wait for me at home?” Soonyoung questioned as Jihoon hopped into the passenger seat, busy with the seatbelt.

“Figured it would be easier to just meet you down here.”

“Ready for tonight babe?”

“As ready as I would ever get.”

Soonyoung his lips as his hand reached over to hold Jihoons’s which were in his lap. Jihoon looked over with a questioning gaze, but still gripped back. He felt his pulse pick up. Definitely the adrenaline.


Soonyoung stepped out of the driver’s seat, rushing over to the passenger seat to open the door for Jihoon. He held out his hand, which Jihoon took gracefully. Soonyoung handed his car keys to the valet as he linked Jihoon’s arms with his.

“Wait a minute,” Jihoon whispered as he faced Soonyoung, hands fixing his tie, “your tie is a ing mess.”

Soonyoung smoothed out stray strands of hair on Jihoon’s head. “Thanks babe.”

The two men entered the entrance of the hotel, arms linked together, Jihoon’s hands in Soonyoung’s. In the background were flashing lights as reporters and paparazzi’s shouted for the two to face the cameras.


As soon as they entered the ballroom where the party was being held, Jihoon’s vision was swarmed with men in suits and women in fancy evening gowns.  The chandeliers sparkled brilliantly overhead, while a band was playing music on stage. Upon noticing Soonyoung entering the room, many businessmen rushed to converse with the said male. He was one of the richest men in South Korea afterall. The onslaught of people caught Jihoon off guard, not expecting Soonyoung to be that popular. He tightened his grip on Soonyoung, who promptly rubbed circles into the back of his hand, as if telling Jihoon ‘I’m here, don’t worry.’

As the night progressed, Jihoon was bombarded with questions from the people around him. Mostly about how he managed to get Kwon Soonyoung to settle down with him in a stable relationship. He could only chuckle and smile awkwardly as Soonyoung did most of the work.

“Jihoon has this special magic and I was absolutely hooked. I love this man with all of my heart.”

“Stop it Soonyoung, I love you so much too. You have absolutely no idea.”

Jihoon could hear the women coo all around him, but he couldn’t find it in him to smile anymore. His cheeks were tired from beaming all the time and he really just wanted to down that bottle of wine on the food table. Somewhere along the way, Jihoon excused himself from a conversation with one of the males, nudging Soonyoung in the side, “I’m going to get myself a drink.”

“Need me to come with?”

“No no. you keep talking to Mr Im.”

“I’ll look for you in a bit.”

Nodding back, Jihoon disconnected from Soonyoung’s side, making a beeline for that bottle of wine he saw earlier.


After filling his wine glass up to the brim, he downed the contents of the glass in one go.  Just as he was about to grab hold of the wine bottle to refill his glass for the fourth time, another hand seemed to work faster and pulled his empty glass out of his hands. “Hey!” Jihoon yelped, turning his body to the culprit. “Mingyu?”

“Hey hyung! You’re a little thirsty aren’t you?”

“Hand the glass over Mingyu.”

“No way! You’re drinking too fast for your own good.”

“I can hold my alcohol just fine.” Jihoon huffed out.

“Not based on my memory. Three strikes and you’re out.”

Jihoon was about to rebut but Mingyu, grabbed his wrists, pulling him towards the balcony, away from the crowd, away from the thick cloud that was starting to suffocate him.

Mingyu released Jihoon from his iron grip and the wind caressed Jihoon’s body. It was nice. “What are you doing here Kim?”

“Well, what are you doing here?” Mingyu folded his arms, in mock protest.

“I asked first.”

“I’m one of the guests.”

Jihoon rolled his eyes and pointed accusingly. “Don’t bull me Kim Mingyu. Who are you to be one of the guests?”

Knowing that he would no longer be able to avoid this conversation, Mingyu admitted defeat. “I am Kim Mingyu, heir to the Kim Corporations.”

“WHAT? Why didn’t you say anything before?!”

“I didn’t want you to know.” Mingyu simply shrugged.

“Oh my god! All this time I’ve been calling you idiot, bastard, jerk, , asswipe… .” Jihoon was having a mental breakdown.

Mingyu spoke out seriously, “Now that you mention it, you have stepped past the line. I will now screw you over Lee Jihoon. You are dead meat.”

Jihoon snapped his head in Mingyu’s direction, letting out a snarl as threatening as a baby goat. “Lee Jihoon? Screw me over? Dead meat? Where the are the honorifics! I’m your hyung!”

As if unlocking the beast inside him, Jihoon leapt towards Mingyu, fingers arched like claws, arms waving maniacally. Mingyu immediately went on defense mode (just like old times), and held out his arm, catching Jihoon by his head.  With his advantage in his height and freakishly long arms, Jihoon could not touch Mingyu, and he was left fighting with the air, trying to reach the younger as the said male held Jihoon in place. Jihoon pushed with even more force, “Kim Mingyu! Release me so that I can kill yo- oomph!”

Mingyu had suddenly released his hold and momentum had pushed Jihoon into Mingyu’s broad chest. Mingyu pulled Jihoon into a warm hug, arms circling his waist as his face nestled itself in Jihoon’s soft hair. He took a deep breath in, trying to take in as much of Jihoon as he could. Lee Jihoon was his first love after all. Jihoon hugged back, small arms tightening around Mingyu.

“I was afraid hyung. That you would be like the others. Getting close to me, pretending to like me for other reasons.”

Jihoon flinched, Mingyu’s words hitting him right in the heart. “I like you for you. Money and fame doesn’t make any difference.”

Mingyu chuckled, bringing his lips to Jihoon’s ear. “I know now, hyung.”

But before Mingyu could connect his lips to Jihoon’s cheeks, he was forcefully yanked away from the shorter’s warmth and pushed aside by somebody with inhumane strength.

“What the are you doing to my boyfriend Mr Kim?” Soonyoung growled, being anything but courteous. He moved towards Jihoon, eyes searching his body for any part that could have been hurt by the taller.

“Mingyu wasn’t doing anything to me.”

“I would never hurt Jihoon.”

Both males answered at the same time. Soonyoung glared at Mingyu before grabbing Jihoon’s wrist tightly, dragging him back into the ballroom, words of warning directed towards the only one left in the balcony. “Don’t you ing touch him ever again, or I will kill you.”


“Soonyoung, let go.”

Soonyoung pulled Jihoon out of the ballroom and into the hallways, Jihoon was being pulled so fast that he stumbled over his own feet multiple times. “Kwon Soonyoung let go of me now!”

Soonyoung could only see red. He saw Mingyu approach Jihoon and lead the smaller out into the balcony. Cutting short his conversation with one of his family business partners, he pushed past bodies towards the balcony to find Mingyu pulling Jihoon in for a tight embrace. At that very moment, something in Soonyoung exploded and the scene before him irked him to his core. He pulled Mingyu away albeit too forcefully (not to mention that the man was to collaborate with them for a huge project). But he could not find it in him to care, for that man was touching Jihoon, and that crossed the line.

“You’re hurting me Soonyoung!”

As if Jihoon’s pain managed to reach Soonyoung’s brain, he released his grip and Jihoon pulled away instantly. Rubbing his wrists delicately, Jihoon looked like a deer caught in headlights. Soonyoung noticed the red marks on Jihoon’s wrists which were caused by him. He stuttered out, reaching out for the smaller, “Ji-Jihoon. I’m… so-“

Taking a step back, Jihoon held up an arm, effectively stopping Soonyoung in his steps. “Stop. Just stay where you are. I’ll take tonight as if you were intoxicated. I’m going home.”

“I’ll… I’ll take you back.”

“No. Go back to the party. You need to cool down. We both need to clear our heads.” With that being said, Jihoon left the hotel, his back facing Soonyoung. He never turned back.


Soonyoung had returned to the party, but he headed straight for the drinks table, where a variety of wine bottles were lined up. He poured himself a glass and gulped it all in two mouths. He repeated the process till he felt numb. When one bottle was empty, Soonyoung simply moved on to the next bottle. Soonyoung was so wasted that Seokmin had to be called to the hotel to take him home.

Throwing Soonyoung onto his own bed in his private apartment, Seokmin grumbled, “ Soonyoung, what the hell happened tonight!”

Soonyoung slurred, “Seok. What do I do now?”

Seokmin could only look on as he saw tears stream down Soonyoung’s face. His heart wrenched, but Soonyoung was the only one who could help himself. He just had to face his heart and admit that Kwon Soonyoung had long fallen for Lee Jihoon. Seokmin covered Soonyoung’s trembling body with his duvet and excused himself to the guest room, allowing the drunk male some privacy to bawl his eyes out.


Soonyoung did not know when it started. He doesn’t want to think about it. But to be honest he has a slight inkling of what the answer was. When they first met, Soonyoung had been too busy and just dumped most of his files onto the new intern. But when things settled down, and when Soonyoung took a better look at the new kid, he found him to be beautiful. Strong headed but soft hearted, Lee Jihoon was one of a kind. And when Jihoon shouted at him at their first meeting together, Soonyoung found his heart racing. It was not anger, nor was it distaste, but something more like excitement. No one dared to cross him and that annoyed him. He did not want to be labelled as the President’s son. He wanted to be Kwon Soonyoung, the intern. And like all interns, he deserved to be shouted at as well. Thus when Jihoon openly expressed his hatred towards him, Soonyoung found it refreshing. It was like a breath of fresh air to have someone hate you instead of trying to kiss your damn all the time. Jihoon was the only one who felt genuine. And slowly over time, he unknowingly started to keep a look out for him, eyes drawn to Jihoon in an instant.

As they were given more projects together, they grew closer as well and they finally exchanged numbers. The day they exchanged numbers was also the night Soonyoung could not sleep, left staring at his phone screen which displayed a single contact number belonging to a certain Lee Jihoon. Soonyoung often initiated the conversations. The little texts always caused butterflies to erupt in Soonyoung’s tummy and he would giggle like a little girl whenever Jihoon replied. He attributed it to the possibility of him making a new friend. But of course Jihoon made it clear in the workplace that they were anything but friends. But Soonyoung was fine, he could work with this secret bond that they have formed unbeknownst to others, kind of like a dirty little secret. It was exciting.

Soonyoung would usually find something to say to Jihoon before he initiated a conversation. Hence the lack of common projects or topics set him on edge. He hasn’t texted Jihoon in a month. So when it was promotion day, Soonyoung was ecstatic. Not because he, Kwon Soonyoung was promoted to Director. It was because he finally had a reason to text Jihoon.

Congratulations DIRECTOR Lee. I just knew they would call your name, after mine of course.

Soonyoung waited for at least ten minutes before setting his phone down. Jihoon never replied on time. And thus, he went straight for the bathroom, preparing himself for the big party that night in celebration of his promotion. All dressed in black ripped jeans, a loose tank and a leather jacket, Soonyoung was about to exit his apartment when he heard a ‘ding’ resound from his phone. Seeing Jihoon’s reply had stopped him in his tracks.

Congrats to you too Director Kwon. My promotion was totally expected, yours on the other hand caught me by surprise.

Backtracking to his couch, Soonyoung typed in his reply.

Haha… You are aware they called your name after mine, right?

That’s only cos you’re the President’s son.

We both know that’s not it.

Fine. You deserved it too. :)

Thanks! And did you see Minhyuk’s face when his name was not called out?

Just as he hit the send button, he received an incoming call from Lee Seokmin. Accepting the call, he heard his friend bellow from the other end of the line, “Soonyoung! Where the hell are you? You’re way past fashionably late!”

“Not tonight Seok. I’m busy. I’ll be there tomorrow!”

Seokmin’s voice echoed over the receiver, “What?! It’s TGIF party night! You never miss it! Plus tonight is to celebrate your promotion!”

“Well tonight I am. I’m really strung up here.” His phone vibrated against his ear, indicating a reply from Jihoon. “Sorry pal. Gotta go! Drink on my behalf yeah?”

With that said, Soonyoung hung up, opened the chat box and replied, smile never leaving his face.

Classic really. It was a beautiful sight.

I tear up whenever I think about it.

Well, he didn’t really have anything that he could really call his. No surprise he didn’t get the promotion.

Their conversation continued on, and the two males often talked about anything under the sun. This time was no different. Soonyoung felt like he didn’t need to put on any front whenever he talked to Jihoon. He felt at home.

It’s 3 in the morning. My brain is beyond gone.

Your brain is always non-functional.

Shut it Kwon. It’s too early to deal with your bull.

Hahaha goodnight Jihoon.

Goodnight Soonyoung.


Maybe when Soonyoung rashly proposed the fake dating idea to Jihoon, he wasn’t trying to save his job. Instead he was trying for a chance, an opportunity to be with Jihoon. Even though it was not a real relationship, it was enough. Being beside Jihoon was enough.

Authors Note:

Whoop whoop! The confession in the previous came too suddenly didn't it? But that would be no fun for Soonyoung to admit his feeliings so easily. And both Jihoon an Soonyoung are emotionally constipated, so you can expect more pent up emotions. HAHA. If anyone is lost or unsure what just happened, leave it in the comments below and I will try my best to explain it!

I have no idea why but this chapter took soooo long. So hopefully this satisfies you guys. My inspiration seem to come at 1am in the mornings hahah. Hope you like this chapter!

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Chapter 26: Hope Jihoon just end his just friend thing by now X(
Chapter 26: Aww~ Seungcheolie~~
I hope he meets Jeonghan, or Doyoon, or someone else kkk~ He deserves it for being too nice for SoonHoon :')
Nice to know Seungcheol and Soonyoung are getting along~
And thank you for updating, Author nim! ^^
Chapter 26: Woooow
Seungcheol is so wise
finally no more depressed SoonHoon hahahah
svt_jicheol #4
Chapter 26: More jicheol please ㅠ.ㅠ heol hahaha
Chapter 25: but i really want to see cheol confess to jihoon ㅠㅠ but i want jihoon for soonyoung lol i hate myself
minhoflamingcharisma #6
Chapter 26: I was craving for leader-line interaction and then this came to me <(‾︶‾)>
I love leader-line so much ❤❤❤

But i can see thus happening irl and i can totally imagine cheol doing that ㅠ.ㅠ
soolips #7
Chapter 26: Cheol why u so kind?ㅠㅠ You are the best-est friend ever!
iLawlix_ #8
Chapter 26: awww seungcheol :') soonhoon making progress and i hope they get bck tgt D:
redbreeze3 #9
Chapter 26: Seungcheol really has a big heart..please let him happy too, let him meet someone who trully loves him >.<

And soonhoon made some progress..yaayyy