


Kau nak baca fanfic kan? 

Tapi kenapa kau tak nak bagi feedback kat author yang dah tulis fanfic untuk kau? Kenapa kau baca tapi blah macam tu je? 


Well, aku ada kawan yang menulis kat sini and dia stay up until 2-3 pagi semata-mata nak siapkan bab untuk cerita dia. But all she got was nothing!  

Yeah yeah, you should write for yourself not for others. So, tak payahlah kan authors kat sini publish fanfics diorang untuk korang baca kan? Huh?


Views naik tapi feedback takde. Dah dapat baca cerita yang kau suka, tak nak appreciate usaha penulis yang tulis cerita tu?  

People nowadays are too 'cool' for that, I guess. bs

Positive comments are the best thing that authors can get from their readers. Kau tak nak ke buat diorang happy lepas diorang buat kau happy?


Kau tak tahu rasa  down & depress-nya bila update but rasa macam takde orang nak baca. feel like a ----


And subs-only feature. Authors use this thing for reasons. Susah sangat ke nak tekan icon tu? Kena guna duit ke nak subscribe? -,-  Ah, nampak je benda ni, malas nak baca. Mesti tak best. Cliche. yeah you can f off.  Hidup ni memang cliche. Depends on you how to make it interesting.

Lagipun subs-only at least boleh protect story from those lurkers and plagiarizer. Tapi ada yang tetap jugak nak plagiat karya orang lain. Keep strong to authors yang dah kena. 


For me, feature ni bagi rasa exclusive and tertutup. You know, like only the subcribers can read the whole story. Tapi ada yang selfish dan buat2 tak faham. 


Okay saya tak nak membebel lagi and sorry not sorry kalau sentap. duh. 

Harap maklum.


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Chapter 4: well baru perasan this rant— for me, comment adalah benda yang penting sebab nak tahu jugak apa reaction para pembaca, apa kekurangan yang penulis buat. mungkin dorang jenis, “aku subscribe dulu, nanti aku baca.” end up? lupa nak baca. even, komen mcm “update soon, author-nim” pun rse dha bersyukur. rindu zaman aff dedulu.
Chapter 6: tu lah kadang2 jeles dengki dengan indo sebab dorg baca je semua
Chapter 9: Saya rasa author ada nampak jugak cerita ni hmm
Chapter 1: Hah setuju sangat dgn yg dh baca tapi liat nk komen. Sedih tau huhu
Chapter 8: Hehehe... Betullah tu... Tapi saya biadap sikit bila marah jeXD dan ada waktu tertentu... Btw dah lama tak baca rant ni hohoXD
Chapter 5: kengkadang bila sy tgk new comment, sy punya la excited check, then kecewa sbb bkn komen yg sy harapkan...ia lebih kpd pertanyaan sedangkan dh terang2 dlm citer tu perkara yg sy cuba sampaikan, tp masih lg bertanya...hmm
Chapter 4: of course i'm upset T_T
Chapter 1: sebagai author, sy setuju sgt!
Chapter 4: they think comments are nothing when in fact thats what keeps most of the authors going... rasa appreciated bila ada org komen, but when theres none i feel like . cam, i legit spent hours writing this BUT tkde org pun yang bagi respons??? cries
Chapter 3: HEEEOOOL ok i totally agree with this. kekadang rasa cam annoying gila jenis org yg camni. they think their beloved author tu jela yg paling bagus, yg lain dorg pandang sebelah mata je. it pisses me off so much tbh, sometimes ada author yg dont deserve the fame pun but just because their """fanbase""" is large... hm