

"Have you and Seokmin-hyung ever been jealous?" Seungkwan asked one time when they're sitting side by side after a particularly harsh training, their limbs wrung out of their strength and the mirrors fogging with the amount of vaporizing sweat in the air.


Soonyoung was about to question on why was Seungkwan asking about that kind of thing so suddenly? But then he follows the vocalist's line of sight and, well, he can kind of guess, maybe, if the way Hansol and Seokmin's leaning into each other as they talk quietly in the corner is any indication.


"Hey, don't get too worked up, you know Hansol likes you." He said, nudging Seungkwan's shoulder gently in a way to cheer the other up. "You gotta have more faith in him, Kwan. I know you two just got together recently, but being jealous won't help anyone." Especially not in their line of work when intimacy between all members are encouraged. "If it bothers you that much, the way he's so hands-on with others, you should go talk to him about it."


Probably not the answer Seungkwan's looking for, though, cause soon after Soonyoung said his piece, he frowned. "Who said anything about Hansol?" Seungkwan sighs, exasperated. "Am I not allowed to think about someone else? I'm asking you a question about you, why does that automatically make it sound like I'm asking a question about me?" He grimaced, frustrated, and maybe Soonyoung offended him. He probably guessed wrong, then.


"Sorry," he muttered. "I just don't see why else you're suddenly bringing up this kind of topic. I thought something's bothering you." And he should probably fix that, his habit of jumping to conclusions. It never helps anyone.


At Soonyoung's words, Seungkwan's eyes soften. He quirked up a smile as he replied, "Thanks, but everything's going fine with me and Hansol." He chugged down his water bottle, setting it aside as he locked his eyes on Soonyoung. "So? Have you and Seokmin-hyung ever been jealous?"


They don't get jealous, they don't. That's not their thing, he and Seokmin. They're much better than that. They're not grandparents couple for nothing, this much Soonyoung could say.


And besides, having the predisposition of jealousy just dooesn't entail good news or anything of the sort for them, not when they're both in a group with more than a dozen members, and as much as he would hate to admit it, this isn't some slapstick romcom where jealousy actually brings the couple closer together. This is real life, reality, where if a slight bitter feeling went unsorted or unsolved, it would disrupt not only them, but the group dynamics too. And as much as Soonyoung and Seokmin are carefree people, they're responsible people too, and they won't drag the team down with something so meaningless.


And that's not what it's like to like Lee Seokmin, anyway. It's hard to feel bitter when you like someone with the personality of a sunshine, someone that could lift your spirits up and got you smiling with the light speed it took for someone to get to said sun. That's why he likes it, liking Seokmin. Even back when he thought that the feelings he had are one-sided, it was never bitter. Seokmin himself personally made sure of that.


Seokmin played with the other members, he himself played with the other members. When Seokmin playfully flirted with another member in front of the camera, his first instinct was to smile fondly, because whatever Seokmin does will always make him smile. Even if maybe in the back of his mind, it actually hurts a little. Even if maybe his chest feels a bit constricted, and something is clogging up in the pit of his stomach. He would smile, because Seokmin was smiling, and he loves Seokmin too much to not be smiling too.


But it didn't take a tear to fell out of Soonyoung's eyes for this irrational feeling of envy to vanished completely out of thin air, because at the end of the day, always, Seokmin would lay down beside him for awhile (even if he wasn't exactly sleeping alone, even if he was currently nursing the maknae whose eyes are swollen with the pain of homesickness and a burden too heavy on his yet-to-widen shoulders), smile and stare at his eyes as he stared back, if he wasn't asleep yet. And even when he was (pretending to be) asleep, he could feel eyes on him, and it didn't take a genius to know that Seokmin was smiling over at him.


The next morning, Seokmin wouldn't be there beside him, but he at least understands that the luxury of sleeping side-by-side is hard-earned when you have thirteen boys sharing the same air to breathe in the same living space.


(In the off-chance that they managed to snag a sleeping spot together, all he remembers from those days are the endless chocolate of Seokmin's eyes; so soft, and so intense all at once.)


Soonyoung thought, as he blinked his sleep away, that the ray of sun peeking out of the curtains couldn't even begin to compare to the smile Seokmin threw at him everyday as a synonym of good morning, did you sleep well?


"No," he began slowly, carefully, blinking his way back to reality. "I must say we never really have."


They don't get jealous, Soonyoung thinks. Because everytime he planted that ugly seed inside his head, Seokmin went and watered it into a sunflower instead.




First off, i'm very sorry for the late update!! But as i said at the beginning, I wouldn't be updating this regularly, since it's pretty much my drabble dumps when I have inspiration. As you can see, though, i'm not inspired very often lol. But if you've waited for a new chapter, here it is!

And for those who subscribed to this story, thank you so much!! You have no idea how much it means to me.

Last but not least, thank you for reading! Feedback and comments would be much appreciated ^^

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Chapter 2: okay! so you bring the jealousy thingy again! ugh!! why are you so positive anyway? why are they so positive? i feel like i'm such a bad person cause i always have that ugly seeds inside my head! because yes i am jealous!! too much and too often! ughh i hate that!
but thanks for this anyway, i think it gives me another perspective that "they are fine" and i will hold on to that. and i know you will always be there to make my seoksoon's feels fine.

and yes, i love you.
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 2: Waaaaa i find myself agreeing soo much with hosh TT^TT soonseok is just tooo precious huhuhuhuhu and Ohmygaaahd i'm getting curious of seokmin's pov in here tooooo >.<
bubblewooz #3
Chapter 1: Finally some soonseok for mah poor hearteu <3 thank you!
Uchimouchi #4
Chapter 1: Ara! I'm gomen I'll use bahasa Indonesia because my grammar is not too good :"(

Aku lemah sama sudut pandang Soonyoung yang suka ngebayangin kalau dia akan tumbuh dewasa dan tua bersama Seokmin, jadi yah aku suka banget temanya! Domestic couple itu emang ugh chuck chuck chuck!
Chapter 1: cuteeeeeeeeeee. and they did the skit again on one fine day. i guess you'll write about that too??
Chapter 1: Ara! Congrats on your very first seoksoon fic! ^^
I do enjoy the story so much! I love it how you used real life event for the theme. And sure i hope the next chapters will be based on other real sweetness they had ^^ I love the way you describe their feelings because this is like what i've been imagining all this time XD

Lets color this world with seoksoon's love!

Cant wait for the update! Fighting! :))

Its Nadia btw hahaha bye!