

Heavily based on the legendary andromeda show. it's recommended to check it out first, since this chapter may not make sense if you haven't done so.




Soonyoung didn't quite know when this little skit they had became a routine, or even how it began in the first place.


Okay that's a lie, Soonyoung thinks. Soonyoung remembered all too well how it all began. They were doing their usual pre-debut show to raise public awareness about their existence, and it was only him, Seokmin, and Seungkwan; the usual trio, the idiot trio, the favorite trio.


Soonyoung was sporting a really disgusting look, back then. He would be lying if he said that he loved his bleach-blond, greasy hair. No, he hated it with a passion, a passion rivaling that of his love towards dancing, singing or even Seventeen (or his love towards Seokmin, if he really want to go that way).


It was a small mercy when the agency decided to change it to bluish-gray, and definitely less greasy, but it still wasn't quite to his liking. On the other hand, Soonyoung was anything if not positive, so he chants to himself baby steps, baby steps, and (reluctantly) accepted the poor condition of both his scalp and his hair.


But this is where his positivity runs out, because here Soonyoung is with all his bad hair glory, yet one Lee Seokmin decided to grace his presence to mere mortals with his entirely-too-cute brown, fluffed up hair, and oh my god he's wearing his round glasses, the cute Harry Potter glasses and Soonyoung just couldn't take it and he wanted so much to combust right then and there with mixed emotions of adorations and envy because why can't Soonyoung have a great hair like that too!?


Maybe because good hair only fit good people. And Lee Seokmin has continuously proved to be a good person, both in Soonyoung's book and everyone's book (especially in Soonyoung's book). So maybe he would it up and squash all petty jealousy and let adoration take over his entire being instead. Except when he went full on Seokmin-fanboy mode, his brain tends to conjure up weird(er) things.


Like how Seokmin would fit right in, with his loose unfashionable clothes and pants so wide his thigh got swallowed up, in a household of one mother and one father with one older son and one younger daughter, and he would be sitting in the nice loveseat reserved for him as he read the latest news about politicians being corrupt and the country getting worse day by day on the newspaper in a croaky voice. And then the mother would chide Seokmin for being so negative, and the little sister would scream, "Grandpa! I braided my own hair today!" to Seokmin and okay he never thought he would be imagining Seokmin as a grandfather, of all things.


But then the cynical grandpa Seokmin would suddenly smile at the daughter, the smile Soonyoung knew all too well, all traces of bitterness disappearing to a boyish grin (despite the not-so-boyish age he currently possessed) as he picked his granddaughter up to twirl her in the air, proclaiming about how proud he is of her! That's my granddaughter! as he proceeds to blow raspberry to her stomach with her struggling to get away but laughing all the same because it tickles, grandpa! and, well.


Well, now Soonyoung really needs to see the real-Seokmin acting like a grandfather in the late 60s. Soonyoung just really needs to know.


(Because how unfair is it, for Seokmin to still look so young and dashing even with wrinkles decorating the corners of his face and with his hair almost the same shade as the artificial gray hair Soonyoung is sporting? Seokmin probably saved the world in his previous life or something, if you had to be that good a person to also have permanent good hair.)


So when a high-pitched voice screeches out of his mouth, he thinks fast. This is not the time to curse at your own mouth for its betrayal, Kwon Soonyoung! This is the time for you to use your head and hope that your brain will not commit the same crime as your mouth!


"Aigoo, Grandpa!"


Of course his brain would betray him too, what did Soonyoung expect?


He was screwed. He was so screwed. A hole to bury himself inside sounds about good right now, if the dirty look Seungkwan threw at him was any indication.


"Ah, grandma!" a voice exclaimed.


So that's most definitely not Soonyoung's voice. Was he daydreaming again? Because it sounds suspiciously like the Grandpa-Seokmin that was twirling his grandchild in the air— 


"Grandma, I'm so hungry! Hurry up and give me food!" the voice continued rambling.


—That was definitely Grandpa-Seokmin's voice who was twirling his grandchild in the air. What the heck. And did the real Seokmin just hit his shoulder? Ouch, the blow hurt too much to only be part of his imagination.


"Aigoo!" he screeched out, partly amazed by how similar it sounds to his own grandmother, "I already prepared food, but someone didn't eat it!"


Seokmin didn't even bat an eyelash at the response. "Haa.. I was saving it for later!" he croaked out, his sigh too heavy to be spouted from an 18-year-old.


Seungkwan probably thought he missed out on something (he didn't), so it might not be Soonyoung's imagination when a fleeting look of confusion crossed the boy's face.


Boo Seungkwan recovers quickly though, so when he butted in with an anguish scream of "FATHER! MOTHER! PLEASE STOP THIS!" Soonyoung could hardly be surprised.


Seokmin probably wasn't surprised too, according to how quick he was to shoot a reply. "Ah daughter-in-law, why did you come just now!?" and Soonyoung has always been a little bit jealous of how seemingly synchronized Seokmin and Seungkwan are, if the instantenous banter they went into is anything to go by. Soonyoung was stuck stuttering at the side, too confused and overwhelmed at the sudden turn of events (nevermind the fact that he's the sole instigator of all this chaos) to actually in and make more remarks.


He refused to look stupid though, so he started to ramble, oblivious to the fact that he looked stupid as it was. His savior turned out to be Seokmin (of course), who stopped him when he was the only one left deep in the role. And then they continued the show.


He found out that imitating his grandma's voice was actually pretty tiring on the throat, so he's left a coughing fit in the middle of the show. Seungkwan then croaked out an anguish "Mother!" and he wondered, is this going to be a daily thing now?


(Seungkwan of course, confronted him after the show, a bit miffed that he didn't get to be told about the whole grandparents fiasco. Soonyoung assured him that it was completely accidental, a random skit his genius self conjured on the spot, to which Seungkwan gaped at and continued to exclaim about how thorough the whole thing looked like. Soonyoung agreed.


Soonyoung thinks maybe they should gape at Seokmin together, really.)




And that's it for the 1st chapter! i hope you like it, and feedbacks would be very much appreciated!

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Chapter 2: okay! so you bring the jealousy thingy again! ugh!! why are you so positive anyway? why are they so positive? i feel like i'm such a bad person cause i always have that ugly seeds inside my head! because yes i am jealous!! too much and too often! ughh i hate that!
but thanks for this anyway, i think it gives me another perspective that "they are fine" and i will hold on to that. and i know you will always be there to make my seoksoon's feels fine.

and yes, i love you.
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 2: Waaaaa i find myself agreeing soo much with hosh TT^TT soonseok is just tooo precious huhuhuhuhu and Ohmygaaahd i'm getting curious of seokmin's pov in here tooooo >.<
bubblewooz #3
Chapter 1: Finally some soonseok for mah poor hearteu <3 thank you!
Uchimouchi #4
Chapter 1: Ara! I'm gomen I'll use bahasa Indonesia because my grammar is not too good :"(

Aku lemah sama sudut pandang Soonyoung yang suka ngebayangin kalau dia akan tumbuh dewasa dan tua bersama Seokmin, jadi yah aku suka banget temanya! Domestic couple itu emang ugh chuck chuck chuck!
Chapter 1: cuteeeeeeeeeee. and they did the skit again on one fine day. i guess you'll write about that too??
Chapter 1: Ara! Congrats on your very first seoksoon fic! ^^
I do enjoy the story so much! I love it how you used real life event for the theme. And sure i hope the next chapters will be based on other real sweetness they had ^^ I love the way you describe their feelings because this is like what i've been imagining all this time XD

Lets color this world with seoksoon's love!

Cant wait for the update! Fighting! :))

Its Nadia btw hahaha bye!