Epilogue (kind of)

Of Bad Day and Ice Cream Boy








Hansol smiles.


In front of him(although the person is standing at least five steps away from him) is a beautiful person,  no,  the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life. Hansol is lucky he met, oh, perhaps it’s more fitting if we say he saw the person years ago when he was in his sophomore year. Well, his cousin has lots of important roles in his relationship with his boyfriend. Without Seungcheol, he wouldn’t even have the guts to meet Seungkwan in person. Maybe forever he would always be Seungkwan’s secret admirer, observing him through his social medias, asking Seungcheol about him almost everyday, following every updates about Seungkwan, like literally every updates about him. Or ‘stalking’. Yeah, whatever. (Although that one thing about Daehyun has a crush on Seungkwan is just a bull. Apparently, Hansol didn’t know that Daehyun has a boyfriend named Yoo Youngjae, the other singer in B.A.P and  Seungcheol used that as a weapon to ‘moved his instinct to claim Seungkwan as his own’, his ty lovely older cousin said.)

Right now he’s grinning widely, his smile reaching his eyes and practically his eyes smiles with his lips, because Seungkwan is laughing cutely at whatever Seungcheol was saying a few minutes ago. Okay Hansol is a bit jealous because Seungkwan is facing Seungcheol, has been chatting with him for the past ten minutes, completely ignoring his lonely boyfriend without initiating skinship, not even holding hands or standing closely to each other. Seungcheol has his hand on Jeonghan’s waist, at least. Shouldn’t they do the same?

Subtly pouting he scoots closer to where Seungkwan is standing, tugging softly at his boyfriend’s shirt. There’s no response from him and Hansol frowns. From the corner of his eyes he can see Seungcheol smirking, probably laughing at his misery internally. Hansol throws his cousin an unamused face before he steps closer to Seungkwan, his body and Seungkwan’s body so close he almost can feel Seungkwan’s body heat.


“Oh, Hansollie~ What’s wrong?” The fond smile on Seungkwan’s lips and the little pat on his cheeks is enough to make him feel better but Hansol keeps his sulky expression. He shakes his head cutely before he leans on Seungkwan’s shoulder, slightly nuzzling his face on the crook of Seungkwan’s neck. Soon a gagging noise can be heard, followed by a soft slapping noise and an exaggerated whine, indicating ‘domestic violence’ as Seungcheol often says, or ‘Jeonghan properly reminding Seungcheol that they’re just as cheesy and disgusting as their dongsaengs’ just happened.


(Hansol prefers the latter.)


“Hannie what was that for? You hit me so hard!” Seungcheol’s whiny voice comes in his ears and Hansol peeks from his position on Seungkwan’s neck just to give his cousin a mocking smirk. “ssh, Cheol. Don’t disturb them. Just let them be.” Jeonghan replies sternly. Seungkwan lets out a quiet giggle and Hansol gives him a little peck on his neck. He wraps his arm possessively on Seungkwan’s stomach, giving him a backhug and practically wanting to mold their body together into one. He can hear Jeonghan’s fond Awwwwww but he ignores his hyungs just for the sake of nosing Seungkwan’s neck because seriously though, his boyfriend smells so delicious freakin good he wants to keep his head there forever on Seungkwan’s neck. 



Oh, are you curious about how the hell and why the did they managed to survive Seungkwan’s wrath, the next day?



 Well, if you’re that curious let’s find out!






Part 3 : Confessing In An Un-poetry-ish Way




Hansol nervously bites his lips as he ponders between his available options right now.


1.Calls Seungkwan and possibly ruins his flirtatious Casanova image when he accidentally sputters something embarrassing because he can’t handle Seungkwan’s beautiful voice.

2.Don’t call Seungkwan and feeling pressured because Seungkwan clearly said “Call me!” when he gave his number 6 hours ago plus Seungkwan might see him as a coward just because he doesn’t call the pretty boy. (okay maybe Seungkwan didn’t exactly say ‘call me’ but he gave his numbers so he lowkey wanted Hansol to call him right?)

3.Delete Seungkwan’s number from his handphone and pretend all of this didn’t happen and he would go back to admire Seungkwan from behind his computer or mobile phone and maybe he will try persuading his parents to move back to New York because if Seungkwan finds out Hansol is his loyal stalker secret admirer he is sure as the boy won’t let it go easily.


His last option sounds great, to be honest. Seungcheol can pass the news to Seungkwan about his (made up) backstory of why Hansol suddenly leave Korea without telling the boy and even without calling him first. The only problem here is Hansol doesn’t have the heart to leave the boy without saying anything. (And his parents won’t agree even if he begs for an eternity, they’re already comfortable living here and of course Hansol’s little love problem won’t change their mind.) Grunting, he slams his head on the wall in front of him, ignoring the weird stares from his family because he’s been standing here for like ten minutes long trying to gather his courage to call his babyBoo.



“Sol oppa what are you doing there?”


Almost dropping his phone Hansol squeaks, putting a hand on his chest and throwing a pointed stare at his little sister.


“None of your business Sophia. Just watch the movie.” Hansol says. His parents immediately shoots an eyebrow at him though, clearly disliking his sarcastic tone. Sophia, the ever loving sister smiles at him in a way Hansol knows she will say something that is supposed to be a secret between them, and before Hansol can give her a warning or something she opens .


“Mommy, Daddy, do you know that Sol oppa is stalking his crush for the past month? The boy’s username is ‘babyBoo’ on almost every social medias he has and Sol oppa stalks his account everyday to check on the boy o—”

“OOOookayyy there sof i think you’re talking a little bit too much there, why don’t you enjoy the movie? Isn’t it your favorite?”


Hansol glares when his little sister stuck her tongue out playfully, before going back to watch the movie, a satisfied expression on her face. His parents didn’t even react in a ‘flashy’ way, just a short glance between each other with a knowing smile, kind of scaring Hansol because if they think his behavior is normal then.....(Fine, he admits, he is indeed stalking Seungkwan and it’s a little bit creepy but he’s not disturbing the boy!)


“Why aren’t you scolding me?” He asks suspiciously. “Why should we? Hansol-ah, you’re already a big boy now. You know  the consequences of your actions, you know you have to be responsible for them right? Stalking isn’t a really right thing to do but as long as you don’t hurt or disturb him then we won’t call the police.” His father says in a playful way, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning when Hansol groans. “Sure dad. Now excuse me i need to do some—”


“He wants to call babyBoo!” Sophia screams in delight, laughing at Hansol’s distressed expression.


Grumbling, he closed the door behind him, going straight to his bed and flops down like a tired puppy. His inner thoughts are still conflicting  by the way.


To call Seungkwan or not to call Seungkwan. That is the life’s most difficult question for Hansol right now.


Hansol  huffs as he throws his phone away, watching the thing bounces on the mattress briefly. Seriously, his usual self (or his usual self when he pretended he’s straight, as his mature pft what cousin said) would call the boy immediately, confidence oozing from every inch of his body and pretty sure he’s not going to stutter at all. But right now, Hansol is incredibly shy (for whatever reason) just to call Seungkwan, the thoughts of hearing Seungkwan’s sweet sweet voice is enough for him to feel the butterflies flying around in his stomach.






See, he’s that desperate to hear Seungkwan’s voice he’s even imagining things, such as Seungkwan’s lovely hello an—




“Hello? If this is one of your pranks, Hoshi and DK hyung i swear i’m going to come to your houses and beat the out of you.”




Hansol froze.



“Hellooooo? This is getting creepy guys, please talk or do something!”



Scrambling he immediately grabs his phone from across the bed, grimacing when his screen displays his connected call with Seungkwan.



“Okay who is this?! It’s ten p.m and i want to finish my night beauty routine! I have to finish wearing my face mask and i still have to apply moisturizer you dumb human being. Now please excuse me i have lots of task to do so hang up or so help me God i can’t deal with this kind of right


Hansol hastily ends the connection, still gaping at the fact he accidentally called Seungkwan when he threw his phone away. Now what’s he gonna do? That call just prove the fact ‘Hansol can’t talk properly when Seungkwan is talking’ and he’s not sure what to feel about that. He really wants to call soon to be his diva boy but if he mess up....













But he calls anyways. After fifteen minutes of pacing around in his room he sighs as he decided to press Seungkwan’s number.

The fluttering bees in his stomach started to buzz softly when Seungkwan picks up, he opens his mouth to say hi—






“uh, hey Seungkwan. It’s me, Hansol.....”







Grimacing, Hansol picks up the falling noise from the other side of this call, a not-so-silent surprised gasp accompanied with muffled.....screaming? screeches? He doesn’t know but he found Seungkwan’s sudden change of attitude cute. (It’s weird yeah. But c’mon, this is his crush of course he’s cute af!)



“Hansol? Why didn’t you tell me it was you?! I was scared you know because you didn’t say anything when you first called me.”

“Yeah...Sorry about that... That was an accident, sorry. I was going to call you tomorrow because it’s already the time for most of the people to sleep and i don’t  want to disturb you if you’re sleeping so i was startled when i accidentally called your number....”

“Oh...So the first call was an accident? Ugh i was so scared! Anyways, why are you calling me?”

“Uh..I just wanted to? I want to hear your voice before i go to sleep.”

“.............You’re good with your words, you know that right?”

“Thankyou for the compliment, boo.”

“You’re welcome sweet potato.”

“Hey! Are you saying that i look like a potato?”

“Nopeee.Merong~ Hehehe~”




Hansol clutches his phone while he desperately tries to seal his inner fanboy feelings coming out from his mouth because he’s pretty sure he would squeal like a little boy receiving some new toys. Boo Seungkwan had just giggled  and it’s literally the cutest sound Hansol has ever heard in his entire life. He didn’t even know it exist until Seungkwan presented it directly to his ear. Life is good.




“Soo, what are you doing right now?”

“I’m applying my moisturizer right now. What are you doing?”

“Calling the cute guy i met today at my working place~”


“Awwww i’m sure you’re blushing right now!”

“No i’m not!”

“Haha so you were?”

“No i’m not Hansol! Dammit. Okay, instead of talking non-sense about me blushing or not let’s just talk about your family connection with Seungcheol hyung.”

‘Why do you want to talk about that?”

“Just because. Besides, i’m curious about how and why did you ask Seungcheol hyung to introduce you to me. I mean, you could’ve introduce yourself to me! It’s not like i bite or anything.”




Hansol internally panics. He never expected Seungkwan to say something like that, kind of slips from his mind because he’s too busy observing (or stalking, whatever) and monitoring Seungkwan’s daily actions. Silently gulping down the nervous lump in his throat he covers his mini mental breakdown with a little chuckle.




“For practical reasons, Seungkwan. He’s my cousin, he’s your friend too. Besides, if i introduced myself directly i think you would ignore me because you tend to be very cautious when you meet a stranger on social media.”

“Ahhh really? Hmm, are you sure it’s not because of you being my stalker and you don’t have enough amount of courage to approach me?”




The tone is the definition of playful but Hansol almost had a heart attack because Seungkwan dead on touched the sensitive subject without even realizing it. He tries to laugh it off, although it came out a little bit forced Hansol hopes Seungkwan doesn’t pick on his second mini mental breakdown.




“Of course not! Hey, i’m not that shallow okay? Anyways, anything else you want to ask?” Shameless Hansol is shameless but for once in a lifetime he’s kind of grateful for the little amount of shamelessness in him. (not so little though. Medium level, maybe? It takes a lot to say something 180° the difference from the truth.....)

“How do you know about my habit,ignoring strangers on social media? And the cake! It was a triple chocolate one, my favorite. How do you know so much about me?”




Hansol’s breath slightly hitched because of Seungkwan’s third attack but he immediately sighs, in a seriously-are-you-really-asking-about-that kind of manner before he explains his (fake) reasonings.




“Uh, Seungcheol is my cousin? And he’s your hyung too, so he definitely wants our—, i mean my.....advances....to be successful. He gave me a few tips on how to win your heart, including your routine when you’re feeling upset, your unhealthy obsession towards chocolate, your habits of taking pre-cautions whenever someone tries to approach you, and well, just about you in general i guess.”

“......Wow, Seungcheol hyung really did that? Ha, he didn’t even help me when i got into an argument with Hyori back then. Or when i got into a fight with Donghyuck. Talk about favoritism. Anyways, how did you know about me? Did you find me on instagram or...?”

“Do you want an honest answer or not?” Hansol playfully replies as he sits down on his bed. He can practically see Seungkwan’s eyeroll in his head as the other subtly groans.


“Oh come on don’t start this kind of again!” Seungkwan whines cutely and Hansol laughs at the other’s cuteness.

“It’s not fun when you easily get what you want, Seungkwan-ah~” He says in a sing song voice, completely enjoying his conversation with the older boy. They matches really well, he noticed. Aside from their awkward meeting and the first awkward ten minutes in the car everything is fine until now. It’s like the cliché we-clicked-instantly-like-we-know-each-other-from-the-moment-we-were-borned situation.




“And it’s not fun doing this. But fine, whatever. I want an honest answer of course. And don’t give me the poetry kind of an answer or i swear i’m gonna hunt you in your sleep.”

“Awww, after you find me what are you going to do with me? Tie me up? Wow, never know you’re into that kind of stuff, Seungkwan-ah.”

“......wait what the hell? I didn’t even say anything about tying you up you’re the one who said something like that! What has gotten into you Oh My Gosh i can’t believe Seungcheol hyung let a person like you wait, he probably doesn’t know about this huh. Okay so i’m alone?!”

“Chill, Boo. I’m just kidding. Besides, i only get if you want me to get , no worries. I always put consensual se—”


“I’m joking, i’m joking! Geez, loosen up a bit, will you? Where were we? Oh right, an un-poetry-ish honest answer. Hm, the first time i saw you was when Seungcheol hyung showed me a photo of you, him and his boyfriend. And i just wanted to know you better so i asked Seungcheol hyung about you. That’s it.”

“Just that? Aw, i thought i left a deeper first impression to other people but i guess not really huh?”

“You said you wanted an un-poetry-ish answer so i gave you just that! If you want me to be 100% honest with a little of poetry in it, i swear when i saw your photo the whole world around me zoomed in onto your face only. I was stunned, seriously just ask Seungcheol hyung if you don’t believe me! And i think i....fell in love at the first sight, kind of....Because my heart thumped really fast and i was nervous just because i was staring at your photo! I don’t even know why but i did.”




Hansol ended his dramatical heartfelt confession with a huff, waiting for Seungkwan’s respond. The other is silent for a few seconds before Seungkwan clears his throat.


“Okay that was the most heartfelt confession i have ever received and Hansol, i want to have a relationship with you but unfortunately, i need time...We can start with a simple friendly date, how about that? Sounds good?” Seungkwan asks, his voice clearly filled with amusement, for whatever reason Hansol doesn’t know and he doesn’t care because Seungkwan asked him to go out on a date! It kind of hurts a little because Seungkwan lowkey said he doesn’t have the same amount of feelings like Hansol but that’s alright, he can fix that as the time goes.

Eagerly responding with an enthusiastical yes Seungkwan, sure. Hansol said his goodbye when Seungkwan said he needs to sleep (Beautiful people needs to maintain their beauty, okay?) , ending the connection sweetly with a tentative Bye-bye.Sleep well, Boo. Don’t dream of tying me up okay? In fact, i think it should be the other way around. and getting an offended gasp (sort of?) as a reply Hansol throws his handphone beside him, a satisfied -eating grin on his lips and the urge to screech like a dying cat is ridiculously high but he managed to muffled his mouth with a pillow before he wakes up the entire neighborhood.


(Okay maybe bringing up such things like ‘tying someone up’ isn’t the best idea because that night Hansol dreams of Seungkwan in some suggestive positions and he wakes up with something sticky and wet in his pants...... Let’s just end it right here.)



And oh, Seungkwan is too happy he scored a date with someone whose face is the exact copy of young Leonardo DiCaprio he completely forget about his plan to murder his hyungs. In fact, he loves his hyungs too much to kill them both. Especially after knowing the fact that Seungcheol hyung helped Hansol in many ways, Seungkwan kind of doesn’t have the heart to hurt his hyung. And let’s be real, he will never can hurt Jeonghan hyung, his one and only sweet, kind, lovely Jeonghan hyung, so he decided to push the thoughts to the back of his mind. (Afterall he can always use the plot if Seungcheol mess up again, right?)








A/N : the ending is rushed argh im so sorry:') Anyways, guys thankyou for reading this story! Whoa 80 Subscribers ahh thankyou so muchhhhh *hugs all of you the way Hansol hugged Seungkwan in ofd* The last part is so extra im (not even) sorry;;) I fully blamed my verkwan mutuals (yes khaye its u) bcs of her suggestive dm on twitter whew. And ra unnie! I know both of you are thirsty for Verkwan so i hope this can satisfy your thirst for a while:3


And guys, if you want to join a Verkwan group, y'know just to spazz about Verkwan and SVT in general you can dm me your line id! Or you can reach the admin on Instagram, her id is 'verkwanpls', you can search for her! LET'S UNITE ALL VERKWAN SHIPPERS! I need more verkwan mutuals:")


(if you want to search for me then my id is babyminxb)


Thankyou guys and see you on my next story! ;;)  (i alrdy have a new plot goddammit halp im too obsessed with verkwan.)

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Dziamysti #1
Chapter 1: i don't know why but i kept on imagining the winking vernon as someone who have dirt in his eyes lmao. and btw, i love how you tell the story ;---; it's on a third person yet it somehow feels like a first person's pov? anw, it's not as confusing as i made it sound ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

and yes, i still love you seungkwan even when you're on your period /le wild seungkwan appeared to rip ma head/ and you're sassier and ruder than usual.
DarryLu #3
Chapter 3: When you desperately want to sleep cause it's almost midnight and you are thinking 'just one more short short story' and then you start reading something like this and it's so good that your going on and on with reading and suddenly it's like Hal an hour later... Weeeell.... Who needs sleep anyway, school and exams can wait, I'm a fan girl b*tch! B )
ssant0kki21 #5
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE ITTTT. Hashtag, verkwanftw. Hashtag, iluvuauthornim.
Kkaticich #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute omg
I love it
Junie_Jjang11 #7
Chapter 3: This is reaaaaaaally good seriously but i kinda hope u update about their first date it would be amazing!!!!^^
#verkwan4lyfe am i rite
fragrance #9


Its so cute thank you so much for writing this ;A; stop peeding ur pants hansol and just get it with him smh lmao

Now that this chapter has ended. Im looking forward to your next stories!!!!