Chapter 1

Hot and Sweaty Love

a/n: I made some of the dialogue corny, cheesy, and/or greasy on purpose. Have fun cringing your way through this story. ;))


p.s. i know this was suppose to be a kaisoo, but i tried writing it and nothing worked out so now its yoonmin. This is actually someone's Engish creative writing assignment that i was paid to do, so there were certain aspects of it that needed to be inluded (the hatred of sweat, the falling into another world, and the near death experience), but dont worry it's still very gay and very stupid. I feel bad for the guy Im writing this for... His teacher is gonna seriously question him.


Yoongi hated volleyball games. He absolutely detested them, and yet, here he was sitting on a sweat stained bleacher, watching overgrown man babies swat a small, white ball around. He sniffed in disgusted. There was no way those muscles were all natural, either they were injected with steroids since birth or they were crossbred with dinosaurs.

    On both of his sides, his friends Namjoon and Hoseok were absolutely ecstatic about the game and were screaming their tonsils out. He groaned inwardly. He didn’t know why he was here in the first place. He should have known something was up when those two pampered him a lunch. He just figured it was something menial like writing a fictional story for them for their English class, he didn’t dream they would drag him along to volleyball game to score the three person package deal. He even had to pay for his own ticket which made the entire situation even more ridiculous in his eyes.

    He felt his clench with discomfort knowing so many other people have sat here previously, and smeared their sweat all over the bleacher. He sat there for another while, but couldn’t take it anymore, and began to hover over the seat. That didn’t last long either due to the lack of muscle he had in his legs. His thighs were burning by the time twenty seconds had passed.

There weren’t many things he hated in life besides sports, and sweat was one of them. He hated the idea of it. He found it disgusting how humans exude foul-smelling liquids from small holes throughout their skin. It was also disturbing to him how the pores would sometimes expand to exude even more sweat. Plus, sweat and urine are cousins which makes the whole thing hundreds of time grosser.

He tapped Namjoon on his shoulder, “Hey, I’m gonna go out and get some air. It’s too hot here.”

Namjoon nodded his head furiously, not taking his eyes off the game going on below him, “Uh-huh go ahead dude.”

Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes as he turned to squeeze past Hoseok and the entire row of people who shared the same row as him and his idiot friends.

    As he pushed and shoved through people, his skin crawled with disgust. Everyone was sweating from the immense amount of body heat that had gathered in the bleachers. They weren’t even playing, and impossibly, they were sweating just as much as the players on the court.

    He finally pushed and shoved his ways through the spectators, many who glared and pushed him back for blocking their view of the game. He brushed himself off with a grimace and headed for the exit.

Outside, the evening wind swept over his skin, chilling the sweat on his arms. Thankfully, he didn’t sweat much, so his torso and his legs were dry, but his arms, the only part of him that was exposed, was practically drenched in sweat that wasn’t his own. He grumbled bitterly as he wiped his arms on his jeans, quietly thanking the universe that he decided to wear his old faded jeans, rather than his new ones. He didn’t want to taint them with virtually the entire school’s body juices.

He sat down on the grass outside, and enjoyed night sky. After a while, he laid down on his back and gazed up at the stars. Instead of casting their usual soft light, tonight the stars were blazing and glaring down at him. He frowned. Maybe he was in a bad mood. School sport games always irritated him, and that in turn made everything around him seem hostile and angry. After a while, the stars’ angry glare didn’t falter. Thinking nothing of it, he his sides and closed his eyes.


He woke up a while later, and the night was silent. He no longer heard the muffled cheering from the gym. He stood up and stretched, looking around. The field was empty. There wasn’t a single student loitering, indicating the game ended a long time ago.

He frowned, “Why didn’t Hoseok and Namjoon call me,” he said outloud, annoyance lacing his words, “They usually call, plus they promised me chicken after the game. Is this how they repay me? Cheating me out of my chicken after dragging me along to that overhyped game of hacky sack. I don’t even know what time it is.”

He reached towards to his pocket to pull out his phone, only to come up with nothing. He patted the other pocket, his back pocket, his coat pocket. It wasn’t there. He ran his fingers through his hair and cursed.

“Well, at least now I know why I didn’t get a call.”

He looked towards the gym.


    “I cannot believe I’m doing this. I can not believe I’m doing this.” he whispered to himself as he used a bobby pin to pick the lock on the gym. He jiggled it around, but the lock didn’t budge.

He threw the bobby pin on the ground and slumped to the floor in frustration. Usually, a normal person would just wait till the next morning to get it, but he needed his phone. He had just taken a long nap, so he knew he wasn’t going to sleep when he got home. He was going to stay up the rest of the night and watch the anime that Taehyung had recommended in class a week ago, but his wifi and all the episodes were downloaded on his phone. So unless he wanted to lay in bed staring at the ceiling for the next three hours before he left for school, he was going to have to break into the gym and get his phone back.

He scrambled around for the bobby pin, and sprung up. He took a deep breath and tried again. After a while, he heard a small click and the lock popped open. He pushed his weight on the giant doors, and they opened with an echoing moan. He walked into the dark gym and waited for his eyes to adjust.

He stood there for a long time before he can make out the blobs in the dark, and began to make his way across the court to the bleachers. The squeaks of his sneakers echoed throughout the room as he padded across the gym. He tripped over a volleyball and ate the ground with his face. He cursed, and began to pull himself to his feet, but stopped. He lowered his head back to the gym floor to listen. He heard a noise, but he couldn’t make out what it was with his string of cuss words still echoing and bouncing across the walls. He cursed because of that, and when he realized what he did he cursed again.

Maybe I need to stop fricking cursing so I can actually listen to what’s going on down there he thought to himself.

He waited for the various cuss words to subside and lowered his head back to the floor. He heard… panting? He frowned and leaned down closer. Was someone stuck down there? Maybe there was a pair of possums in heat under the gym floor. He thought nothing of and stood up, continuing to the bleachers. He climbed up to where he was sitting and saw his phone glinting in the sliver of moonlight that peeked through the crack in the roof of the gym. He went over and picked it up and checked the time. 2:05, his parents were going to kill him.

He climbed down from the bleachers, and walked back to the exit. Halfway through he felt his foot sink deeper into the floor. He backed up and examined the floor. It was flat across, with no indentation. His face scrunched up with confusion, and tapped his foot on the floor again. This time he saw his foot go through the floor. His first thought was that he broke the gym floor, but looking closer, he saw that his foot went through in sort of a gelatinous way. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was to late night adventurous spirit, or maybe it was just the adrenaline, but he stepped his other foot on the spot. He stood there as the ground fell from beneath him.


He emerged through the other side feet first. By the time his hips went through he can bend down his legs and feel the gravel scratch his knees through his ripped jeans. He pulled himself out of the ground and blinked a few times to adapt to his bright environment.

The world around him was.. his town. It was his town, but it was daytime, midnoon judging by how high the sun was, and it was sweltering. The coat he had on seemed to melt into his skin, and he took it off and laid it on the ground next to him.

He took in his surrounding. He seemed to be by the intersection at his school. He walked down to the stop sign and saw it. The small scratch he made on the back when he was thirteen with his first army knife. He leaned on the pole and tried to wrap his mind around what was going on, and be began to doubt himself.

    His mind was a jumbled mess. Was he in an alternative universe? How did he get here? Was he really here? Was he on drugs? The same thoughts circulated his mind. He closed his eyes and tried to recollect himself.

    Okay. I had a coat on me, so I was somewhere chilly, because drugs or not, no way will I wear a coat in this weather. My legs are sweating in the jeans alone. Okay, okay, so if the cold was real, then I did step through the gym floor. Wow that is a weird thought.. You stepped through the gym floor. PLease explain why you thought that was a good idea Yoongi. Okay back on track. You step through the floor and now you’re in this place that looks like your town except it’s absolutely sweltering and there’s no one here. Okay. Alternative universe? Post-apocalyptic scenario? Pre-apocalyptic scenario? Future? It’s not past seeing how the knick I made is there. So alternative universe, sometimes near some type apocalypse, and I seem to be the only one here.

Then he heard the sounds of multiple doors opening at once, and people poured simultaneously out of their houses, dressing in… running gear?

“Are they going to run in this weather?” Yoongi gapped.

They all walked out onto the street and started stretching and jogging in place to warm up. It looked like a seemingly comfortable environment where everyone was acquainted one another, but Yoongi had a bad premonition.

Then they all stopped talking and lined up on the street. A few second later, the ground started to move. Yoongi fell backwards due to the sudden momentum and he stood up. The houses zipped by past him as he stood there. People ran past him from neighborhoods farther back, sweat dripping down their face, pores enlarged. Everyone was running, the fat, the skinny, the fit, and the struggling.

He squinched his face in disgust. His bad premonition was right. He was surrounded by sweating athletic people, and they were right next to him. He was on the court, the field, not just sitting on the bleachers.

He let the houses trail by, standing in the same spot. People were running like their lives depended on it. After a while, he felt a wet hand on his shoulder. He turned his head, repulsed and outraged one of these health nuts had the nerve to touch him.

He turned and was about to mouth off the owner of the hand, and was greeted with the face of a beautiful boy. He was sweating, yet Yoongi didn’t find him disgusting, which shocked him more than slipping through the floor of his school gym. They stood there staring at each other for an uncomfortable period of time as the runners ahead made their way farther and farther ahead.

The boy was Asian with cute face completed with slanted  eyes that squinted when he smiled, nice plump lips, and skin so smooth it’ll make a baby’s jealous. Despite his cute face, his body was very built. He was running shirtless, and the sunlight glinted off his abs. Yoongi liked girls, but he found himself thanking God for this cute Asian hunk.

He realized his mouth was still open, and he never actually mouthed the stranger off, so it’s just been hanging there for the past five minutes. He closed it quickly and straightened himself.

“Well, do you need something?” he asked, trying to sound strong and confident, but he winced when his voice came out three octaves higher than usual.

The stranger smiled, and said, “I just thought someone should inform you that you need to run before you fall off the face of this world.”


“You have to start running. You’re really close to the end of the world.”

Yoongi laughed with a roll of his eyes. This guy was really trying to convince him to run. He had be forging excuses for PE class since the beginning of first grade. If anyone saw him run, they should run to because something is coming.

“Sorry. I’m not into that.”

The stranger smiled a knowing smile, like he’s explained this a thousand time before, “No. You seriously would fall off the face of the world. That’s how it works around here. Every fifteen minutes, the ground will move like a treadmill for 45 minutes, and it takes you all the way back to a high ledge, where you will fall off and die.”

Yoongi blinked and sputtered, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard. If you’re gonna lie, at least make it believable.” he said turning to walk away coolly, but he realized the ground was still moving and he looked like an idiot walking in place. So he stopped and turned to see the stranger had walked up beside him.

“We get new arrivers a lot,” the stranger continued, “And they usually come in a really unusual fashion. How did you get here?”

Yoongi paused, “I sank through my gym floor.” he admitted.

The stranger smiled widen, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard. If you’re gonna lie, at least make it believable,” he chirped, and Yoongi realized the situation.

He was in an alternative universe. Who was to say he wouldn’t fall off the face of the earth if he didn’t run? He groaned. How can he run? He hadn’t eaten anything today besides a small sandwich during lunch. The boy doesn’t eat a lot, because he’s literally too lazy to get up to feed himself, but he had nice milky legs that were #leggoals for all the girls at school.

The stranger saw Yoongi’s obviously alarmed face and tried to reassure him, “Look, it’s not that bad! You’ll lose weight. Trust me, my jawline was not this fine pre-running.”

Yoongi looked at him and stuck out his legs, “Do you see this?” he cried, “I’m already skinny, if I lose any more weight I’ll become a 2D character.” he struck a pose and continued, “These legs are worshipped by the girls at school” he struck another pose, “They’re nicer than Victoria’s Secret, nicer than Girl’s Generation, nicer than any girl group.” He tilted his head, “And my jawline already exists.”

Jimin laughed, “Here, I’ll run with you.” he said, putting an arm over Yoongi’s shoulders.

Yoongi sighed, “What else can I do?” as he started to run.


    In all honesty, it wasn’t hard when he started. He felt proud of himself if he was being completely honest. Who knew he could run? But that thought slowly faded as time went by and he began to grow increasingly tired. His muscles began to tense up, his breathing hitched.

He looked over to his side to see the stranger running by his side with ease, his hair bouncing along as he ran. A thin sheen of sweat coated his face, but his pores remained small. For the first time, Yoongi found a sweating person attractive. For the first time, he understood the girls at school when they fawned over a guy’s sweat running down his face.

He was looking at the stranger as he ran, and frowned. The corner of his vision was going black, and his head felt light. He turned back forward and shook his head. That made it worse and black and red spots began popping into his vision. It grew harder to breathe, and he began to slow down. He felt his knee buckles, and he crashed to the ground, unable to get up. He slumped there, trying to regain his breath, but only managed to wheeze in and out. He saw the stranger run farther and farther ahead, not noticing he had fallen behind.


They say when a person is about to die, they experience seven minutes of memories from their past life. In Yoongi’s case, he didn’t do much, so he only got about two minutes of memory. There was him eating, him sleeping, and him laying in bed on his laptop. The only thing that changed throughout his trip down memory lane was his clothes, as each day went by.

His thoughts went black again.


He felt his body bouncing up and down in the dark. He vaguely felt someone’s hands on his thighs. His eyes opened with a start, and saw that he was back in the strange version of hell the universe had thrown him in.

    He looked down to see a pile of red hair, and he realized that he was riding the stranger. He was running at a faster pace than he was when he was running with Yoongi. Yoongi felt his mouth drop in awe, how can a person be so athletic? He was rewarded with a mouthful of red hair, and he gagged.

    The stranger felt him stir on his back and turned his head.

    “Are you up?”

    Yoongi nodded.

    “I thought I lost you back there.” He laughed, “You literally ran for ten minutes, and your heart stopped, luckily I knew CPR.”

    Yoongi’s ears turned red, “You did CPR? Mouth to mouth and everything?”

    He laughed, “Yes. Mouth to mouth and everything. I figured you value your life over your lips being touched by another male’s.”

    Yoongi’s face turned red, partly because he realized how immature he sounded, but also because of the thought of the stranger’s lips on his.”

    “Anyways, considering the fact I saved your life twice today, I think I deserve to know your name. And..” he turned his head and smirked, “I make it by business to know the names of the people I kiss.”

    He didn’t know how it was possible, seeing he was the shade of a tomato, but Yoongi turned an even deeper shade of red.

    “We didn’t kiss!” he spluttered, “And what do you mean by twice?”

    “If it weren’t for me, you would have fallen off the face of the universe by now. Name?”

    “Yoongi. Min Yoongi.” he cursed, “Sorry, I meant Yoongi Min. I accidentally said my last name first. It’s a Korean thing, cultural mix up. Like sometimes at school, I would pick up my spoon and my fork like they’re chopsticks and start to eat like that. HAHHAH” he rambled on. He didn’t even know why he said that. Never in his life had he used his spoons and forks the same way as chopsticks.

    The stranger laughed, “No, I know what you mean. I do that all the time. Sometimes I forget I’m in school and let loose a phrase in Korean without catching myself.”

    “You’re Korean?” Yoongi asked.

    He smiled, “Yea. Park Jimin.. Or Jimin Park, whatever you prefer.”

    Yoongi nodded, “Jimin…”

    The road began to slow down to a stop, and Jimin began walking at a slow pace with Yoongi on his back.

    “Hey, I think I’m fine. I can walk at least.” Yoongi said, realizing Jimin had been backpacking like a mule the entire time.

    “Okay... ,” Jimin said as he let Yoongi down, “But I want you back on me before the treadmill road starts up again.”


    Jimin held a hand up to cut off Yoongi, “No, we are not having another near death experience.”

    Yoongi blinked, flustered by Jimin’s charisma, and just simply nodded. The two walked side by side in silence for a while. It wasn’t an awkward silence though. It was a warm and familiar silence, like they’ve known each other forever.

    Yoongi broke the silence asking, So, do we do this for the rest of our lives? Run, rest, run. Does this thing ever turn off?”

    Jimin crossed his arms in front of his chest in thought, “Well, you run until you hit the finish line. I’ve been running for a while, so I would say we’re pretty close to the end. Most of the residents here, from what I’ve gathered from my three days here, are from other worlds too. Some choose to stay because they like to exercise. The treadmills don’t run for ten hours everyday. There’s no particular schedule. If fifteen passes and it doesn’t start up, everyone just goes into a random house to sleep. An alarm will wake them up thirty minutes before the running starts up again.’

    “And they actually enjoy this? They don’t want to leave? What do they eat?”

    “Food is provided. But you lose weight fast when you’re here. Worlds where being thin is prefered, when the visitors come, they stay a little longer before they go back home.”

    Yoongi nodded.

    “Wait, didn’t you say I was close to falling off the face of the world. You’ve been running for three days, and you’re still that close to the end?” Yoongi asked in disbelief.

    Jimin smiled sheepishly, “I just said that to motivate you into running with me. You were cute.”

    And there goes Yoongi’s face again, turning redder than a fire hydrant.

    “You’re turning red.” Jimin noted, a proud smile spreading across his face.

    “It’s because it’s hot,” Yoongi shot back.

    “But you weren’t red a second ago.”

    “Can you like shut up?”

    Jimin laughed, “Hey, get on the treadmill starts soon.”

    “Am I heavy? I feel bad,” Yoongi asked, but despite himself, he was clambering on Jimin’s back.

    Jimin turned back, “You?” he said, as he hoisted and adjusted Yoongi on his back, “You weigh less than a sack of potatoes.”

    Yoongi settled himself, as the road began to move again, and Jimin started running. After a while, his steady pace rocked Yoongi to sleep, and he felt himself resting his head on Jimin’s firm back.


He dreamed a strange dream when he drifted off. In his dream, he was wearing a long dress, and his blonde hair reached halfway down his back. He was confused about his hair. He would never wear his hair long, it increases the sweat build up in the back of his neck. He looked around and saw that he was in a glamourous bedchamber made fit for a princess. He walked over to the window, but stumbled. He lifted up his dress to see heels. He kicked them off and continued over to the window.     

    Below him laid a vast kingdom. He reached up to his head and felt a crown braided neatly into his long tresses. He looked down and saw a dashing boy on a horse in front of his castle. He had familiar red hair and a crown resting neatly on his head.

    “Yoongi!” Prince Jimin called, “Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi!”


    “Yoongi!” Jimin called, “Yoongi”

    Yoongi was stirred from his sleep, and blinked groggily, “What?” he slurred.

    “I think we’re almost there, so stay awake.”

    Yoongi tried to blink the sleep from his eyes and looked around. The houses had disappeared and were replaced with a flat, green terrain dotted with flowers. It looked familiar to the dream he just had.

    He frowned. Dream? Did he have a dream?

    “Yoongi” Jimin called again, breaking his train of thought, “I see something up ahead!”

    Yoongi peered over Jimin’s shoulder to see a bright light in the middle of the road a good distance away.

    “I think that’s the exit!” Yoongi cried in excitement.

    Then his face fell, “Jimin, this portal will take us back to the world we came from right?”

    Jimin nodded, and Yoongi’s face fell. He was never going to see Jimin again. No way a beautiful being like him existed in his world. At this point, Yoongi was ready to blatantly admit that he was interested in Jimin. He wasn’t in love with him or anything, they just met less than three hours ago, but he was interested in going on a date or two or three or four or five to get to know him better.

    “What world are you from?” he hesitantly asked.

    “Dude, we’re both Korean. Do you really think other worlds have Koreans?”

    That was true, and Yoongi smiled to himself.

    “Do you think we’ll end up in the same location when we go out, or we’ll be back to where we left?”

    “Dude, I literally go to your school. BigHit High School right?”

    Yoongi was taken back, “You go to my school?”

    “I play libero for the varsity volleyball team. I see you around a lot with... Hoseok and Namjoon right?”

    He nodded furiously.

    “I saw you at my volleyball game three days ago with them.”

    Yoongi frowned, “I wasn’t at a volleyball game three days ago. I only went to one volleyball game and it was last night.”

    It was Jimin’s turn to frown, “No, it was three days ago. The game against SM High School.”

    “Was there another game against SM? Because the one last night was against SM too.”

    “No...We only play SM once this season.”

    “Because I was with Hoseok and Namjoon last night at the SM game, but I went outside to take a nap and woke up three hours after the game ended. I went back to the gym to get my phone, and then I ended up here.”

    “I ended up here right after the game ended. I had to run back to get my watch and whoosh.”

    “The time must be different. Because I came here three hours later…. So an hour in our world is a day in this world.” he laughed, “HAHAHA you had to run longer loser.” he teased.

    “I will put you down and you can run the last half mile.”

    “I’m sorry.”

    Jimin ran in silence for a while before Yoongi spoke again, “I’ve never seen you around school.”

    Jimin sighed, “You were always sleeping or homework you didn’t do the night before when I saw you, and you didn’t come to our volleyball games. I was actually excited you came to the last one.”

    Yoongi flushed, “You were excited? Why? We barely even know each other.”

    “Well, I thought you were cute. Like in a potential mate sort of way.” Jimin turned his head and waggled his eyebrows, “I swing both ways brother.”

    Yoongi was stunned, his mouth left agape.

    Jimin turned his face to the front, “Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I won’t talk to you after this is over if you want.” he declared.

    Yoongi regained himself and shook his head, “No it’s fine” he said quietly

    They run in silence for another while in silence as Yoongi had a furious debate in his head. To ask him out, or to regret it for the rest of his life. It’s not like his friends cared. Namjoon was dating Jin at the moment.

    When Jimin was a a few yards away from the exit, Yoongi hiked up his figuratively speaking skirt and decided to grow a pair and ask him.

    “Hey Jimin,” he said. He was so glad he wasn’t standing on the ground, because he would literally be twisting and shuffling his feet like a girl in some crappy teen romance movie. “After this is over,” he continued, “Do you want to go see a movie or something. I don’t know.. coffee?? Whatever you want really.”

    He couldn’t see Jimin’s face, but he felt him smile with his entire body. There was more a spring in his step, and he seemed to be running faster. He saw his head do a single nod.

    He breathed a sigh of relief and rested his head on Jimin’s back and together the two charged through the shining white light.

    When he opened his eyes, he was back in the gym. Jimin was sprawled on his back next to him. The gym door was still opened and the digital clock in the gym read 2:20. He was in there for twenty minutes.

    The two of them laid there for a while registering what had happen. The floor squeaked as Jimin began to pick himself up. He reached down for Yoongi and pulled him up.

    “My parents are going to kill me.”

    Yoongi nodded in agreement.

    “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Don’t forget about that coffee date.”

    Yoongi nodded again, “I’ll see you tomorrow Jimin.” This time his voice came out normally, and he silently sent a prayer of thanks to whoever was up there for allowing him to look cool at the end at the very least.. He started to walk out, tripping at the entrance. He heard Jimin snort behind him.

    Are you serious? To the very end?

    He regained himself and walked home. He snuck through the open window of his bedroom, that was, thankfully, on the first floor. He crawled into bed sweaty, but he didn’t care. He was too tired to care. It wasn’t until the next morning that he realized that he left his phone in pocket of his coat, the coat he left behind in the other world.

Epilogue: Yoongi got a new phone, and both him and Jimin were grounded for two months so they had to postpone their date. When the time rolled around, they went and had coffee and started their relationship. Five months into it Jimin tricked Yoongi into going to the gym to buffen up. They were there for ten minutes, and Yoongi never went again.

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Chapter 1: I'm this is life ahahaha
Moonboon #2