Then to Now

A short story of 'Rejection' and 'Persuasion'


Key had learned his lesson after having a long relationship that ended up .. a little too not happy and decided to lock his heart for good. Key is quite faithful to his past. Many people had confessed to him but he turned them all down not hesitating to say his answer, not even saying sorry. Just a pure “I can’t”


 Jonghyun on the other hand, Can’t and probably won’t stop himself from falling for the younger. He already knew what could happen so he planned things out.


He decided that it would be better to tell key about his feelings otherwise he would do something stupid that might ruin their friendship but then again, what would happen if he told key about this? He hoped it would not ruin them. As curiosity killed his thoughts, he’d still stick to plan A.


So he confessed.




“Key, I like you more than a friend”





“..... I’m sorry know I can’t”



He wasn’t even surprised that he got rejected.

He kind of expected this but he didn’t expect key to apologize. Shrugging this important thought for a while.  He decided to declare plan B.


Yes you can, you’re worth it... You’re just new to this.”


‘Well maybe not that new.’


He paused and watched key’s expression. Key only stared blankly like a heartless person. Probably from his past ‘turning down experiences’

He looked deeper. Even though his expression is heartless, Key’s feline eyes tell otherwise.





Then it clicked to him

‘Wait.. is he...?’


“A-are you? ..... Are you perhaps ... scared?”


He saw key flinch. He did hit the spot.


As wrong as it sounds at the moment, Key’s reaction made him happy; butterflies in his stomach became uncontrolled at the moment.

‘Does that mean I have a chance?’


Key is not that kind of person that would fight after a rejection. But unlike key, Jonghyun decided to fight for him, for the future them.


“Look, I like you Key, more than you could ever imagine so please .. just please give us a chance?”


Key was silent, he did not answer back; he just lowered his head and started walking away.

Jonghyun just watched his back as he retreated to their dorm. A smile slowly crawling up to the older’s face.




Few weeks have passed after the incident. They were not that awkward but it’s not what they were like before. Key started to treat his friend a little differently and distances his self. Jonghyun didn’t like that idea so he pursues him. He was stubborn. He would take care of key more than before; he paid more attention to him, his needs, and his moods.


He treated key like his other half.




After a few months full of caring and pursuing key asked him one day.


“Why are you still doing this?”





“.....Because for me silence means yes”


He watched as key remembered what he did back then. For a moment, he became shy. He lowered his head and stayed silent. Again.

Jonghyun continued, telling key his new found secret.


“Back then, I told you that I liked you... Please forget about that”


With this comment, Key’s head shot up and looked at the older w/ a surprised look followed by a hurt and then suddenly settled down to a confused face.


“I just want you to know that I don’t like you anymore..


.... Because I love you ....I can love you right?”


After hearing Jonghyun’s statement, Key’s eyes went wide for a second and a blush formed on his cheeks. He lowered his head and quickly walked away, just like before.


Jonghyun swore he saw Key smiled a little. That thought made him smiling as well.




Key arrived at his destination with a bouquet in his hand. He lowered his knees and placed the bouquet of white flowers beside a name.


“You know, after you left me .... I really was scared opening up to other people. After seeing me or knowing me they would all confess to me. I turned them all down because of course I was still in love with you; I really loved you a lot. I can’t somehow break our promise right?”


He looked up in the sky and watched as little birds flew by.


“I was scared of another relationship. I don’t want it to end like ours, I even became a heartless jerk just for you” He chuckled a little.


“I even tried to stop myself from liking another person.”


He looked down once again and positioned his self comfortably.


 “I once told you that a promise is a promise right?”


A smile crept up to his lips as he continues his story.


“But you know .... I think I’m ready to break our promise AND this time, be a heartless jerk to you.”

He took a deep breath before continuing.


 “This will be the last time that I’ll say this”





“I love you”

A tear fell from his eye.






“....and now I’m letting you go”

'you can now rest in peace'




Jonghyun was watching some sitcom but was not really paying any attention to it until their front door opened with key coming inside.


“Welcome back. What did you do? Where have you been?“


He asked worriedly once he saw key’s somewhat stressed yet peaceful face.


“Missed me already?” Key replied with a smile that struck Jonghyun hard. He noticed how his heart beat went fast and his palms became sweaty.


Was he nervous? Why now though? Nonetheless he still answered key’s question.


“I-I did”


Ignoring his own question, He watched key’s every move. Trying to figure what became different. It was as if Key changed into- something he couldn’t quite put.

‘It’s not like before’


He was pulled out of his thoughts when Key sat beside him comfortably and rested his head on the older’s shoulder. He closed his eyes and smiled, not like Jonghyun could clearly see.


“Me too”


Jonghyun froze and slowly he smiled, unbelieving what had just happened.




Jonghyun prepared their dinner since Key was quite tired. He was going to get him when he heard a strum of guitar followed by unique voice and immediately went to the source.


“You can play guitar?”


Key nodded


“How come I didn’t know?”


Jonghyun watched as Key thought for a while before answering


“Maybe cuz I don’t play anymore” he paused, like reminiscing about something or someone ..who knows?




Slowly Key smiled

“But that was in the past”


As curious as the older was like before, he can’t help but ask.



“Then... What made you play again?”



“Got motivated because of someone”


‘I know I still have a long way and this could be impossible but maybe.....   Just maybe”


“May I know who?”






Key didn’t answer; rather he just smiled at the older and left.


That was when Jonghyun smiled the brightest like never before.

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kwonkitae #1
Chapter 1: Sooooo swweet! Thank u for the story!!
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 1: sad and sweet,and happy for the forever jongkey!!^^
Karmakarma #3
This story is totally.... KYEOPTA!!
SherlocKey #4
Totally sweet (':<br />
chesha_neko #5
@shiieru @xJungSquaredx thank you for dropping by!remember to brush your teeth cuz it's sweet!! <br />
...booo~ hehe
Awwww~!!!!!!!! Super sweet, I'm smiling so stupidly right now but I don't care xD
Ahh!!~ This was soo sweet!!~ <33