
We Don't Talk Anymore
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You turn your back on me, how could you do that to me?

I thought you promised me that you will be always with me no matter how big our problem is, yet you are turning your back on me.

I see you from afar; I see you biting your nails again. That is your habit whenever you feel nervous.

What are you nervous about, Kang Seulgi?




I clicked my tongue when you—for hundred times— unconsciously biting your nails.

I swatted your hand away from your mouth as I noticed that it took you on surprise.

Your eyes were wide open, “why?”

I groaned.


“You did it again!”


“Did what, baby?”


I almost had my body slide off the couch when you call me with that word.


How that simple word can make me fall for you even more, then I realised, that is because it comes from you. But, that moment, I did not want to give up on my feelings because you really need to stop that habit of yours. So, I scolded you…again.


“You were biting your nails again! It’s not good for you!”


I pulled your hand when you were about to bring it into your mouth.


I remember, you were just chuckling as if what I said was funny. But then, you said something that made my heart exploded.


“I’m sorry, Joohyun.” You said, as you grinned, “It’s my habit whenever I’m nervous.”


You position yourself closer to me; hands reached my face and caressed it.


“And usually…a girl as beautiful as you always makes me nervous.” You said, before capturing my lips.


I pouted when you pulled off from the kiss, still with the stupidest grin on your face that I oddly love.


“But still…” I hit your shoulder gently. “It’s not good.”


You pursed your lips, “if you want me to stop…I will then.”


“Really?” I excitedly asked.


You nodded, but not so long after that, you did another bad habit of yours that I hate the most.


You started to crack your knuckles.


“Kang Seulgi!”


Flashback End


“I start to think that you’re going crazy,”


I give a guy beside me a scary glare as he slowly removes his arm around me.


“Easy there, little cousin.” He said, raising his hands as a sign of surrendering.


I land a hard punch on his arm.


“Seulgi went off like that because of you, jerk! She might thought that you’re my boyfriend!”


He just laughs.


“Lee Sungmin! I will tell Saeun about this!” I said, and it makes him stop laughing straight away.


“Whoa, hey! Don’t be like that! You know that both of you together are scarier than the devil.”


I pout as he pats my head.


“But seriously though. She still loves you.” He spoke, “I can see that on her face. She wants you, and you want her. The big problem is that none of you want to make a move and approach each other,


“Seriously…what’s wrong with kids nowadays. Too much pride and ego.” He shakes his head and leaves me, lost in my own mind.


Dammit he’s right.




I rush myself to my dance class because I think it’s better if I will be the first who arrive; also I want to cleanse my mind. Dancing is one of the things that can soothe me down, forgetting about every problem I have.


I thought as soon as I see the dance room, I will forget about her; about Seulgi.


But, I was complete wrong.


I see Seulgi in the dance room. Alone, with a girl who I know as Im Nayeon.

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turtle88 #1
Chapter 3: Love this author~
Yes they belong to each other
Thanks for writing this story author~
seulrene_daze #2
Chapter 3: UwU
Chapter 3: A beautiful story :")
Chapter 3: This is..... This is beautiful!
You are an awesome writer! I will looking foward for your next story. So dont go anywhere, hm? /smiles/
Chapter 3: It's really hard trying not to cry but yeah I did it! :) maybe there were like one? two? three? maybe four? 5? yeah 5 I guess, 5 drops of tears and I stopped reading just to compose myself, I can't just cry in a public place wtf hahaha but yeah, nice story :D I really though it'd be angst and etc but I'm glad Irene really do love Seulgi. All of it was just a misunderstanding afterall but then again, Seulgi should've let Irene to explain y'know tsk btw, nayeon had a 'cameo appearance' here so am just gonna ask if who do you ship her with? (please ket it be jungyeon....)
and please do heck out dahmo too,they're so gay lol
21Hunchae #6
Chapter 3: Um hello i cried?i seriously thought this was one of the typical one shots yknow, crush, falling in love then get tgt. I was in class and like this shot tugged my heartstrings so much. Imma check out your other stories if u have hehe
Chapter 3: Don't delete your account my friend.
I always love your story you know ?
everyone has a hardtime and I believe that you'll get through this. :)
Chapter 3: Never delete my friend. Hang out with me, zekrom or eden online... but never throw away your hard work. You know how to reach us. :)